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A Butte County pastor who defied public health officials and held an in-person Mother’s Day service that potentially exposed 180 congregants to the coronavirus has spoken out about his decision on social media.

In a Facebook post on Friday, pastor Mike Jacobsen of Palermo Bible Family Church said that an asymptomatic congregant who attended the May 11 service woke up the next morning “needing medical attention” and was tested for the coronavirus that day. The congregant received positive test results for COVID-19 two days later.

Jacobsen, who with his wife has led the pentecostal church since 2008, said in the post that he would “never with knowledge put anyone in harms [sic] way.”

“For 7 weeks we have been kept out of our church and away from our church family,” Jacobsen wrote in the post, which has since been deleted. “I am fully aware that some people may not understand that for our church it is essential to be together in fellowship.”

Reached by phone Sunday night, Jacobsen confirmed that his church was the site of possible contagion, but declined to immediately comment on the situation, saying he needed some time to think about it before making a statement.

Without naming the church, Butte County health officials on Friday issued a warning to residents, asking them to not speed through the reopening process. The officials said it had come to their attention that nearly 200 people could have been exposed to the coronavirus through the Mother’s Day service.

“At this time, organizations that hold in-person services or gatherings are putting the health and safety of their congregations, the general public and our local ability to open up at great risk,” Danette York, county public health director, said in a statement that urged residents to follow stay-at-home orders.

Local health officials are attempting to notify every person who attended the service and instruct them to self-quarantine. They are also are working with healthcare partners to obtain testing for all attendees, the news release said.

Butte County is one of 22 counties that has certified to the state that it meets the conditions for additional businesses to reopen. But gatherings of any size remain prohibited, even in counties that are reopening more quickly than the rest of California.

“Moving too quickly through the reopening process can cause a major setback and could require us to revert back to more restrictive measures,” York said.

On Wednesday, Jacobsen spoke of his decision to open the church on Mother’s Day during a Facebook Live Bible study.

Jacobsen said it’s important for Palermo Bible’s many young, new believers to be supported in their fledgling faith — and part of that is being able to attend church in person. He compared the act of depriving these congregants of in-person worship to taking “an infant out of the arms of its mother.”

“We’ve really tried to raise the bar and do a good job with what we’ve been given,” Jacobsen said of virtual services, “but it’s not the same as being together in fellowship with one another.”

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El presunto hijo de Evo Morales y Gabriela Zapata no habría nacido, dice ahora el periodista que destapó el supuesto escándalo, Carlos Valverde.

“He tenido acceso a información seria que confirma que el supuesto hijo de GZapataM y el presidente Morales no existe”.

Eso fue lo que escribió ayer en su cuenta de Twitter Carlos Valverde, el periodista que hace tres meses provocara un escándalo en Bolivia al mostrar un certificado de nacimiento de un presunto hijo del presidente Evo Morales y de la empresaria Gabriela Zapata.

El certificado Valverde se lo había mostrado a los medios el 3 de febrero, para sustentar su denuncia de que el gobierno adjudicó contratos millonarios a la empresa china CAMC porque su entonces gerente comercial, Zapata, era madre de un hijo del mandatario.

Ante eso, Morales reconoció haber mantenido una relación de dos años con Zapata, entre 2005 y 2007, pero aseguró que ésta le dijo que un hijo de ambos había muerto poco después de nacer.

Y dijo que, en caso de que estuviera vivo, lo quería conocer.

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Gabriela Zapata fue la gerente de la empresa china CAMC.

“Tengo derecho a conocer a mi hijo, a cuidarlo, a protegerlo, es mi obligación. Espero que me lo traigan en las próximas horas”, declaró Morales el 29 de febrero.

Y como Zapata se negó a ello, Morales interpuso una demanda ante un juez para que la mujer presentara al niño en un plazo de cinco días, algo que al final se hizo en una audiencia reservada.

Hijo de una “supuesta tía”

Este miércoles, sin embargo, el periodista que destapó el presunto escándalo aseguró que aquél niño no es el presunto hijo de Morales y Zapata, ya que éste jamás existió.

Tengo la información de que el hijo de Evo Morales con Gabriela Zapata efectivamente no habría nacido. Que existe un niño, existe un niño, de acuerdo a la información seria que tengo; pero ese niño no es hijo de Gabriela Zapata ni de Evo Morales, o peor, de los dos”, explicó en su programa de radio Antes que sea tarde.

Gabriela Zapata estuvo usando ese chico como si fuera su hijo, presentándolo como si fuera su hijo“, añadió.

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Según el periodista, el niño en realidad sería el nieto de una mujer llamada Pilar Guzmán, quien se identificó como la tía de Zapata.

Y ya el pasado 6 de mayo la juez Jacqueline Rada había dictaminado que “se ha evidenciado que no existen otros registros que acrediten y confirmen la existencia física del sujeto de protección”.

Según la juez, Zapata rehusó someterse a una prueba de ADN que pudiera demostrar que el niño presentado es hijo del mandatario.

Demanda por trata

Ahora, coincidiendo con las declaraciones de Valverde, el abogado del presidente Morales, Gastón Velásquez, presentó una denuncia contra Zapata y sus abogados, Eduardo León y William Sánchez, así como contra Pilar Guzmán.

El abogado los acusa de alteración y sustitución de estado civil, trata y tráfico de personas, sustracción de un menor, falsedad material y falsedad ideológica, además del uso de un instrumento falsificado.

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Los partidarios de Morales afirman que el escándalo influyó sobre el resultado del referendo con el que buscaba una nueva reelección.

Ante esto, el fiscal Héctor Arce confirmó que los abogados de Zapata y ella misma deberán ser investigados.

“Hemos escuchado al señor (William) Sánchez Peña, quien dijo que él da fe de la existencia del niño”, dijo.

“Entonces todo eso tendrá que ser drásticamente investigado, porque no se puede jugar con la tranquilidad y la salud emocional de los niños”.

Según los partidarios del presidente, la acusación de tráfico de influencias contra el gobierno de Evo Morales influyó sobre el desastroso resultado del mandatario en la consulta por la reforma constitucional planteada el 21 de febrero.

El resultado le cerró la puerta una nueva reelección de Morales, y fue la primera derrota de electoral del mandatario boliviano en los 10 años que lleva en el cargo.

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No injuries were reported in the attack, which marked a significant escalation between the U.S. and Iran. Hostility between the longtime foes has often played out in Iraq, whose government is allied with both countries.

Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said on its website that it launched the attack against an Israeli “strategic center of conspiracy” in Irbil. It did not elaborate, but in a statement said Israel had itself been on the offensive, citing the recent strike that killed two Revolutionary Guards.

Earlier, a U.S. defense official and Iraqi security officials said the strike was launched from neighboring Iran.

One Iraqi official in Baghdad initially said several missiles had hit the U.S. consulate in Irbil and that it was the target of the attack. Later, Lawk Ghafari, the head of Kurdistan’s foreign media office, said none of the missiles had struck the U.S. facility but that areas around the compound had been hit. A statement issued by the interior ministry of Iraq’s Kurdistan region said the missiles were launched from outside Iraq, from the east, without naming Iran.

The U.S. defense official said it was still uncertain exactly how many missiles were fired and exactly where they landed. A second U.S. official said there was no damage at any U.S. government facility and that there was no indication the target was the consulate building, which is new and currently unoccupied.

Neither the Iraqi official nor the U.S. officials were authorized to discuss the event with the media and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Satellite broadcast channel Kurdistan24, which is located near the U.S. consulate, went on air from their studio shortly after the attack, showing shattered glass and debris on their studio floor.

The attack came several days after Iran said it would retaliate for an Israeli strike near Damascus, Syria, that killed two members of its Revolutionary Guard. On Sunday, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted Iraqi media acknowledging the attacks in Irbil, without saying where they originated.

The missile barrage coincided with regional tensions. Negotiations in Vienna over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal hit a “pause” over Russian demands about sanctions targeting Moscow for its war on Ukraine. Meanwhile, Iran suspended its secret Baghdad-brokered talks aimed at defusing yearslong tensions with regional rival Saudi Arabia, after Saudi Arabia carried out its largest known mass execution in its modern history with over three dozens Shiites killed.

The Iraqi security officials said there were no casualties from the Irbil attack, which they said occurred after midnight and caused material damage in the area. They spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

One of the Iraqi officials said the ballistic missiles were fired from Iran, without elaborating. He said the projectiles were the Iranian-made Fateh-110, likely fired in retaliation for the two Revolutionary Guards killed in Syria.

Another U.S. official said in a statement that the U.S. condemned what it called an “outrageous attack against Iraqi sovereignty and display of violence.”

U.S. forces stationed at Irbil’s airport compound have come under fire from rocket and drone attacks in the past, with U.S. officials blaming Iran-backed groups.

The top U.S. commander for the Middle East has repeatedly warned about the increasing threats of attacks from Iran and Iranian-backed militias on troops and allies in Iraq and Syria.

In an interview with The Associated Press in December, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie said that while U.S. forces in Iraq have shifted to a non-combat role, Iran and its proxies still want all American troops to leave the country. As a result, he said, that may trigger more attacks.’

The Biden administration decided last July to end the U.S. combat mission in Iraq by Dec. 31, and U.S. forces gradually moved to an advisory role last year. The troops will still provide air support and other military aid for Iraq’s fight against the Islamic State.

The U.S. presence in Iraq has long been a flash point for Tehran, but tensions spiked after a January 2020 U.S. drone strike near the Baghdad airport killed a top Iranian general. In retaliation, Iran launched a barrage of missiles at al-Asad airbase, where U.S. troops were stationed. More than 100 service members suffered traumatic brain injuries in the blasts.

More recently, Iranian proxies are believed responsible for an assassination attempt late last year on Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

And officials have said they believe Iran was behind the October drone attack at the military outpost in southern Syria where American troops are based. No U.S. personnel were killed or injured in the attack.

Al-Kadhimi tweeted: “The aggression which targeted the dear city of Irbil and spread fear amongst its inhabitants is an attack on the security of our people.”

Masrour Barzani, prime minister of the semi-autonomous Kurdish-controlled region, condemned the attack. In a Facebook post, he said Irbil “will not bow to the cowards who carried out the terrorist attack.”


Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Matthew Lee in Washington, Zeina Karam in Beirut, Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran and Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report.


This story has been corrected to show U.S. officials did not say the U.S. consulate had been been damaged.

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La caracterización de Carlos Álvarez que motivó la carta del contralor Edgar Alarcón | Fuente: RPP/Twitter @soledadnalvarte

No se amilana. El humorista Carlos Álvarez caracterizó este jueves a su personaje del ‘contralor Alacrón’ en el programa Conexión de RPP Noticias, pese a la carta notarial que le envió hoy el contralor Edgar Alarcón para que deje de imitarlo. 

En una breve entrevista con Milagros Leiva, ‘Alacrón’ advirtió a la periodista que la tenía ‘chuponeada’.  “Yo sé mucho y tengo más llamadas chuponeadas, incluso la suya”, dijo. 

Además reveló que grabó al ministro de Economía, Alfredo Thorne, “porque estaba a punto de venderle unos carritos”.

Carta Notarial. Este jueves, el contralor Alarcón, envió una carta notarial a Álvarez para pedirle que no lo imite con la advertencia de posibles acciones legales. Esto a propósito de una imagen que apareció en Twitter en la que se ve al cómico caracterizado como el funcionario.

En declaraciones a RPP Noticias el comediante lamentó los términos de la carta y pidió que se entienda “el trabajo de un humorista político.  “Es una broma, no podemos asumir que el personaje Alacrón sea el personaje real. Es un personaje inspirado en la actualidad, en la sátira, nada más. No hay ninguna animadversión personal”, afirmó. 

El humorista grabó un programa con la caracterización de su personaje del ‘contralor Alacrón’ para Willax TV. | Fuente: Andina

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Beto Ortiz informó que el próximo domingo, su programa ‘La Noticia Rebelde’ llegará a su fin, y explicó los motivos por los que el dominical será sacado del aire en 2016.

PUEDES LEER: ¿Por qué Karen Schwarz dejó “Espectáculos”?

A través de su columna en Perú 21, el periodista dijo que los auspiciadores del programa jugaron en contra de la continuidad del espacio televisivo que se emitía por la señal de Latina.

“Pasó que, aunque el ráting era bueno, los auspiciadores se morían de miedo de apostar porque no terminaban de entender nuestro exquisito sentido del humor. Y los políticos se morían de miedo de venir y que, de abajo de la mesa, les saliera una estriptisera en tetas o algo así”, escribió.

Ortiz aseguró que su programa “fue divertido mientras duró”. “Cuando uno está metido dentro de esta cajita maravillosa, no puede hacer los programas que quiere, sino los programas que puede, o sea los programas que los jefes, ustedes y los anunciantes quieren. Y ya sabemos cuáles son esos programas que los jefes, ustedes y los anunciantes quieren”, sostuvo.

Beto Ortiz no brindó detalles acerca de su futuro televisivo para el próximo año.

Cabe recordar que ‘La Noticia Rebelde’ estuvo al aire desde el 14 de junio de 2015.

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At SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City, more than half of covid-19 patients were being treated on mattresses on the floor of the ICU, with more than half of them on ventilators, reported KFOR-TV. Amy Petitt, an ICU charge nurse at the hospital, fought through tears during a tour of a hospital pushed to its limits by the highly transmissible delta variant. Ninety percent of the 79 covid patients in St. Anthony’s ICU are unvaccinated, Tammy Powell, president of the hospital, told The Washington Post.

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The state trial of three former Minneapolis police officers charged in the death of George Floyd is being delayed until March 2022, Judge Peter Cahill said Thursday.

The former officers — Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng — have been charged by the state with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter for their alleged roles in Floyd’s May 25 death.

A federal grand jury has also indicted the three officers, as well as former officer Derek Chauvin, with federal civil rights crimes related to the killing. The federal trial for Lane, Thao, Kueng and Chauvin will consider a three-count indictment that accuses all four defendants of “willfully depriving” Floyd of his constitutional rights and failing to give aid to Floyd. The indictment also states that Thao and Kueng “willfully failed to intervene” in Chauvin’s use of force.

Chauvin was convicted last month of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd’s death.

Cahill said he pushed the date back so the federal case can move forward, and the state trial can be distanced from the publicity surrounding Chauvin’s murder conviction.

All three of the former officers waived their right to appear at the pre-trial motions hearing Thursday.

At the hearing, defense attorneys requested that prosecutors be sanctioned for media leaks in February that claimed Chauvin initially planned on pleading guilty to third-degree murder. The potential plea deal discussed in the media reports was reportedly nixed by then-Attorney General William Barr.

The defendants’ attorneys want prosecutors to submit affidavits under oath that proclaim they weren’t responsible for the media leaks. Thao’s attorney Bob Paule claimed the leaks came from the state and that anyone involved should be barred from working on the trial. Kueng’s attorney Tom Plunkett supported the motion.

Assistant Attorney General Matthew Frank called the allegations “bizarre” and “false” in a court filing and said that the prosecution will soon file a complete response to the allegations.

Cahill said in court he believes the leak came from the Department of Justice and not the state prosecution team, but he asked the prosecution to provide affidavits and proof that they were not the source of the leak.

There will be a hearing on that motion in August.

ABC News’ Alex Perez and Andrew Fies contributed to this report.

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U.S. climate envoy John Kerry speaks at the COP26 summit during a joint U.S.-China statement on a declaration enhancing climate action.

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U.S. climate envoy John Kerry speaks at the COP26 summit during a joint U.S.-China statement on a declaration enhancing climate action.

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The United States and China — the world’s top two greenhouse gas-emitting countries, which together account for about 40% of the world’s annual carbon output — announced Wednesday they have agreed to cooperate on limiting emissions to address the global climate crisis.

The agreement, announced at the United Nations COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, aims to accelerate emissions reductions toward the goals set in the 2015 Paris Agreement. That accord held governments worldwide responsible for emissions cuts that would keep the global temperature rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) relative to preindustrial times, with a target of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

“It’s beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole that two major powers in the world, China and the U.S., shoulder special international responsibilities and obligations,” Chinese special climate envoy Xie Zhenhua told reporters at a news conference. “We need to think big and be responsible.”

At a time when China and the U.S. are at odds over other international issues, the agreement declares an intent to take “concrete actions” on emissions reductions and limitations. The two countries would share policy and technology development, announce new national targets for 2035 by the year 2025 and revive a “multilateral” working group on climate change.

“I’m absolutely convinced that that is the fastest, best way to get China to move from where it is today,” said U.S. special climate envoy John Kerry in an interview with NPR’s Ari Shapiro.

China’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, speaks during the joint U.S.-China statement at the COP26 climate summit.

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China’s special climate envoy, Xie Zhenhua, speaks during the joint U.S.-China statement at the COP26 climate summit.

Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images

A joint pledge, but a lack of specificity

Kerry acknowledged that the new agreement in itself is not enough to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement, but he defended its ability to stimulate mutual accountability and action.

“It’s the fastest we can get at this moment here in Glasgow, but it’s the first time China and the United States have stood up — the two biggest emitters in the world — and said, ‘We’re going to work together to accelerate the reduction,’ ” Kerry said.

“Yesterday was bigger than some people think,” he said separately.

Much of the language in the agreement remains unquantified. For instance, China pledges to draw down its coal consumption and to “make best efforts to accelerate this work.”

Kerry said China’s willingness to cooperate, its current state of emissions and its history of “outperforming its own goals” makes this agreement more ambitious than its critics realize. He also pointed out the importance of the agreement to reduce methane emissions. It is the first time the Chinese government has pledged to address the issue, and it’s one the U.S. announced new rules for this month.

“If we’ve reached the goal that we have set for 30% reduction of methane by 2030,” Kerry said, “that is the equivalent of taking all the cars in the world, all of the trucks in the world, all of the airplanes in the world, all ships in the world, down to zero. That’s how big it is. That’s what’s on the table.”

Kerry also expressed confidence that the terms of this agreement and COP26 would translate to action.

“The key to Glasgow is not the words here,” he said. “It’s the promises and goals that have been made and the implementation. And we’re going to become an implementation force in the aftermath of this meeting.”

The U.S. role in the global picture

Kerry also addressed criticism from representatives of nations that are among the most vulnerable to climate change, as well as questions about U.S. leadership on climate issues.

Developing nations have called for wealthy nations to uphold a 2009 pledge made at a U.N. climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, to channel $100 billion per year to less wealthy countries to help them adapt to climate change. Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate says that in 2021, that promise has not yet been delivered.

“And it’s so unfair to countries on the front lines of a climate crisis that this climate finance has been delayed for more years,” she told NPR this week.

“I hope she won’t hold the Biden administration responsible for Donald Trump,” Kerry responded. “The reason there hasn’t been money in the last few years is Donald Trump shut it off — he pulled out of the Paris Agreement. But from the moment President Biden has come into office, he has been fixated on helping provide that money.”

Kerry also said that his talks with the six largest banks in the U.S. and conversations with philanthropists and foundations would result in funding measured in the trillions of dollars.

Kerry also answered questions about the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass Biden’s domestic spending plan, which includes funding to address climate change. He acknowledged that having completed legislation to show off “helps, no question” in international credibility, but expressed confidence that it would not hurt the negotiation process. He also predicted it would pass “in the next two weeks.”

“I think the [climate] issue itself [is] so compelling that people are ready to respond to the actions people say they’re willing to take,” Kerry said. “And the United States, by the way, has pretty good bona fides on that. Because we’ve done what we’ve said we’re going to do in terms of these things.”

As the COP26 summit entered its final day, Kerry said he hoped for reasonable cooperation and consensus. He also spoke on the need to provide funding to address a world already being affected by climate change.

“We need to help countries adapt. There needs to be greater focus on adaptation,” he said. “Yes, it does mean committing money … money and technology and assistance. We’re prepared to do that. We also need strong mitigation, because if you don’t mitigate enough, you’ll never be able to adapt your way out of this problem.”

Kerry acknowledged the moral responsibility of the U.S. to provide solutions to climate change, given its history of contributing to the problem.

“And, yes, we have a fundamental moral obligation to do this,” Kerry said. “Because we are the richest country on the planet. We’re the second-largest emitter, and we’ve been doing this for a long time. And the accumulated results of what we’ve been doing are up in the atmosphere causing damage, and we need to pay attention to that.”

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Miranda Schaup-Werner had just checked into her Grand Bahia Principe hotel, in the Dominican Republic town of San Pedro de Macoris, and was taking pictures from her room balcony on May 25 when she started to feel ill. Less than two hours later, she was dead, local authorities said.

The 41-year-old Pennsylvania woman is the third American known to have died suddenly and under mysterious circumstances at two sister resorts in the Caribbean island nation within a week, according to local authorities and the U.S. State Department.

Cynthia Ann Day, 49 and Nathaniel Edward Holmes, 63, both of Prince George’s County, Md., were found dead inside their room at the Grand Bahia Principe La Romana on May 30. Relatives had become suspicious after they didn’t check out from the resort, located about 60 miles from the tourist-heavy Punta Cana area. The resort, and the Luxury Bahia Principe Bouganville, where Schaup-Werner was staying, are adjacent to one another on the island’s southern coast.

The Dominican Republic’s National Police is investigating all three deaths and awaiting toxicology results, officials said. Initial autopsy results for Day and Holmes showed they died of pulmonary edema and respiratory failure, police said. Investigators said they found blood pressure medication and three prescription pill bottles in the room, one of which contained five-milligram doses of the painkiller oxycodone.

Jay McDonald, a spokesman for the Schaup-Werner family, told The Washington Post that Dominican police indicated that his sister-in-law died of pulmonary edema and respiratory failure. The family declined to comment further. Hotel officials said in a statement Wednesday that the woman died of a heart attack and that her husband, Daniel Frank Werner, confirmed to them that she had a history of heart conditions.

Local authorities initially did not run toxicology tests for Schaup-Werner because there were no signs of violence, said Ramon Brito, a spokesman for the National Police’s special tourism unit. After the Maryland couple was found dead, investigators ordered a set of tests to determine whether anything the three Americans consumed may have led to their deaths, Brito said.

Dominican authorities have not released autopsy results for Schaup-Werner, who was visiting the country with her husband to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. They declined to confirm or clarify any details about the woman’s death until the investigation was complete.

Hotel officials said their medical staff team responded to Schaup-Werner in her room and began treating her immediately. Before they could take her to a hospital, she was pronounced dead.

“During the event and in the days that followed we provided our complete support to Mr. Werner in collaboration with local authorities and the U.S. Embassy,” the statement from Bahia Principe Hotel and Resorts said. “We once again express our condolences to Mr. Werner and his family and friends on the passing of Mrs. Schaup-Werner.”

Holmes, of Temple Hills, and Day, of Upper Marlboro, were found five days later. An autopsy showed that both died when their lungs filled with fluid, leading to respiratory failure, according to a news release from the Dominican Republic’s National Police.

There were no signs of violence, according to Dominican officials.

The couple had posted photos of themselves on Facebook enjoying time on the beach, wading in the turquoise blue waters of the Caribbean, riding all-terrain vehicles and cruising on a boat. On May 26, Holmes posted: “Can somebody please loan me $250,000 bcuz I don’t want to come home!!!!!”

More than 2 million North American tourists flock to the Dominican Republic every year. After an attack on a Delaware woman inside her resort near Punta Cana in mid-April, the U.S. State Department alerted travelers to exercise “increased caution in the Dominican Republic due to crime.”

This report has been updated to reflect new information about the deaths, including that the three victims were staying at two adjacent Bahia Grand Principe resorts. In addition, an earlier version of this report incorrectly stated that oxycodone is used to treat high blood pressure. Oxycodone is a painkiller that was among several medications police say were found in the hotel room of Nathaniel Holmes and Cynthia Ann Day, including blood pressure medication.

Read more:

Toxicology report pending for Maryland couple who died at Caribbean resort

‘He is still out there’: Delaware mother details brutal attack at Dominican Republic resort

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Attorney General Bill Barr will be a no-show at a long-awaited hearing on Thursday before the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee based on current negotiations over his appearance, a source on the committee told Fox News on Sunday.

The emerging spat comes after Barr has endured withering attacks from congressional Democrats, who have outright accused him of sacrificing his integrity to appease President Trump. Barr shepherded the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report in recent weeks, and he has largely become a punching bag for progressives frustrated that Mueller’s probe found no evidence to back up claims that the Trump team colluded with Russians.

Fox News has learned that Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., wants to have Judiciary Committee staff — rather than members of Congress — question Barr on his handling of Mueller’s report. But DOJ officials say members should conduct the inquiry.


“The attorney general agreed to appear before Congress; therefore Congress does the questioning,” a DOJ official told Fox News.

Justice officials also told the committee that they are opposed to the panel’s plan to go into a closed session if members want to discuss redacted portions of Mueller’s report, a Democratic senior committee aide told The Associated Press.

U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., chair of the House Judiciary Committee, speaks during a news conference, Thursday, April 18, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Discussions about Thursday’s hearing are ongoing, and expected to resume again Monday. Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday and the House panel on Thursday. The GOP-led Senate committee is expected to have normal rounds of member questioning.

“Attorney General Barr wasn’t asked to testify before the committee—he offered,” a spokesperson for House Judiciary Committee Republicans told Fox News. “He provided the Mueller report voluntarily. He invited Democrat leaders to view the less redacted report in person. Yet the only thing, apparently, that will satisfy Democrats, who refuse to read the less redacted report, is to have staff pinch hit when a cabinet-level official appears before us.”


The spokesperson added: “What actual precedent is there for our committee making such demands of a sitting attorney general as part of our oversight duties? The attorney general isn’t a fact witness, and this committee’s investigations—as Democrat leadership reminds us daily—don’t constitute impeachment, so Democrats have yet to prove their demands anything but abusive and illogical in light of the transparency and good faith the attorney general has shown our committee.”

It is unusual for committee counsels to question a witness. But committees can generally make their own rules, and other panels have made similar exceptions. In a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh last year, for example, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee hired an outside prosecutor to question a witness who had accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

At a fiery House hearing earlier this month — prior to the release of the complete Mueller report with only limited redactions — Barr faced a grilling from Democrats, who said it was “unacceptable” that he had released a 4-page summary of Mueller’s findings.

FILE – In this Sept. 27, 2018, file photo, White House counsel Don McGahn listens as Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed McGahn for testimony following the release of the report from special counsel Robert Mueller. (Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP, File)

The new dispute comes as tensions have escalated sharply between House Democrats and the Trump administration over full access to Mueller’s report and government witnesses who have defied congressional subpoenas to testify. Democrats have been eagerly anticipating the hearing with Barr as they try to build on Mueller’s findings with their own investigations into the president.


House Democrats have subpoenaed the Justice Department for the unredacted version of the Mueller report and underlying material gathered from the investigation. In response, the Justice Department has said they will make the full report, minus grand jury material (which legally must be withheld), available to a limited group of members — an offer that Democrats have so far refused. The dispute could eventually end up in court.

Democrats have criticized Barr for drawing his own conclusion that Trump did not obstruct justice after Mueller found he couldn’t exonerate the president on that point, and punted to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said Barr is involved in a “staggering public effort” by the Trump administration to put a positive face on Mueller’s findings.

Nadler has also invited Mueller to testify and subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn. McGahn was a vital witness for Mueller in the report, which recounted the president’s outrage over the Mueller investigation and his efforts to curtail it. The White House has asserted it will fight the McGahn subpoena.

Trump, for his part, told Fox News last week that he didn’t assert executive privilege to shield any aspect of the Mueller report — and that now, it’s time to move on.

Even liberal comedian Bill Maher seemed to agree on that point, telling Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that Democrats appear to be “stalking” Trump by fixating on a discredited narrative that his campaign colluded with Russians.

Meanwhile, a former White House staffer who was at risk of being held in contempt of Congress has agreed to testify, potentially averting a separate showdown between Democrats and the White House.

The House Oversight Committee has scheduled an interview for Wednesday with Carl Kline, who worked as the White House’s personnel security director.

The panel subpoenaed Kline after a former subordinate told the panel that dozens of Trump administration officials were granted security clearances despite “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds. Kline defied a subpoena to appear, prompting Democrats to threaten contempt action against him. The White House then said Kline could appear voluntarily on May 1 to discuss “personnel security policies and practices.”

Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings suggested contempt action against Kline is still possible if he refuses to answer questions.

Fox News’ Mike Emanuel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Malas noticias para el presidente Mariano Rajoy desde la celebración de la protesta en modo consulta que tiene lugar hoy en Cataluña. Además de la asistencia masiva, lo que sorprende es que el NO también se ha movilizado y está acudiendo a votar. En este sentido la prohibición del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) parece haber tenido un efecto contraproducente. No hay nada como prohibir algo para que esto sea todavía más tentador.

“La mejor noticia para nosotros sería que el NO también participase”, ha valorado el secretario general de la Generalitat, Jordi Vilajoana, desde el colegio electoral de Sarriá al que ha acudido a votar. “Cien mil noes o más sería lo mejor para nosotros”, señala este alto cargo y persona muy próxima al presidente catalán Artur Mas.

La prueba de lo que explica se encuentra en la misma cola del Polideportivo Lasalle, en el barrio de Sarrià de Barcelona. La cola da la vuelta a la manzana y en ella espera tranquilo, Alfred Pastor. Pastor, economista, profesor del IESE y antiguo secretario de Estado de Economía con los socialistas, sería la última persona que uno esperaría ver en la cola, ya que desde sus artículos en La Vanguardia ha advertido por activa y por pasiva de los problemas económicos que acarrearía la independencia.

Artur Mas, depositando su voto al mediodía en Barcelona. (Reuters)

“Yo siempre he defendido que tenía que hacerse una consulta. Debería haberse hecho hace dos años. Sé que no tiene validez jurídica pero es un acto cívico de protesta”, valora este economista justo antes de votar.

Alex, un joven padre, explica en la misma cola que después de votar irá a comer con sus hijos a casa de su madre, como otro domingo cualquiera. Como en otros barrios de Barcelona, por ejemplo, Les Corts, en este colegio de Sarrià, quizás el barrio menos independentista de Barcelona, las colas están durando una media de 15 minutos.

En directo: Cataluña afronta el 9-N

En este punto electoral con ilustres votantes el que tenían más morbo era Oleguer Pujol, el hijo de Jordi Pujol, que ya era independentista en 1992, cuando participó en algún acto de protesta sonado en las Olimpiadas. Pero Oleger, actualmente investigado por sus operaciones inmobiliarias, a las 11,00 h.. todavía no había acudido a votar.

Las clases populares

Lejos de Sarrià la situación no era muy diferente. Diego vive en Cornellà, habla en castellano y va a ir a votar esta tarde. Explica que “mis padres son andaluces y voy a votar ‘SÍ’ porque cuando hace dos años vi que nos prohibían votar me di cuenta que esto no podía ser. ¿Qué va a ser lo siguiente? Mis padres viven en Tarragona y no quieren ir a votar. Pero yo les he dicho que vayan. Que voten ‘NO’, si quieren, pero que vayan“.

En L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, tradicional feudo socialista metropolitana, las colas para votar eran enormes esta mañana. Más que en Les Corts, donde la media de cola era de cuarto de hora y donde también había votantes de ‘NO’ y del ‘SÍ-NO’ participando.

Carod-Rovira deposita su papeleta en el Instituto Pons d’Icart en Tarragona. (Efe)

El ‘NO’ legitimador

A pesar de la campaña por el ‘SÍ’ y que el resultado en una consulta sin validez legal y nada vinculante es mucho menos importante que la participación, lo que legitima el proceso en que se ha embarcado el soberanismo es más el ‘NO’, que el ‘SÍ’. Paradójicamente, un resultado a la búlgara con más de un 90% de síes favorecería a Rajoy. En cambio, si el resultado está mucho más repartido, es Mas quien se refuerza políticamente.

Está previsto que la vicepresidenta Joana Ortega ofrezca datos definitivos de participación sobre las 22,30 h. de hoy. Los resultados propiamente dichos se sabrán mañana. Pero para entonces la ANC y ERC ya estarán usando la afluencia masiva a las urnas para exigir elecciones anticipadas, según apuntan diversas fuentes políticas. Y el debate ya será otro. Uno de los signos de identidad de lo que los independentistas denominan el “proceso” es que se queman etapas con una gran facilidad.

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Jueves, 25 de Setiembre 2014  |  4:20 am

El Bananero: 10 frases que dej en RPP Noticias

Una novia me puso el seudnimo de el bananern, pero le cambi a El Bananero para darle ms realce. | Fuente: Privada | Facebook: El Bananero

El popular comediante y ´youtuber´ estuvo de visita en RPP Noticias para conversar con nuestros seguidores de las redes sociales.

El irreverente “youtuber” uruguayo Adrián Nario, más conocido como “El bananero“, que alcanzó la popularidad con su serie de hilarantes videos y como creador de personajes como “El Impotente Hulk”, “Iván el Trolazo”, “Harry el Sucio Potter”, “El Hombre que Araña”, y la recordada “Muñeca System”, visitó los estudios de RPP Noticias este jueves por la tarde con su estilo desenfadado generando gra expectativa entre nuestros seguidores de las redes sociales.

Nuestros seguidores en redes sociales pudieron hacerle todo tipo de preguntas utilizando el hashtag #RPPSape.

Con la conducción de Valerie Travezán, “El Bananero” no dudó en presentar algunos de sus más conocidos personajes, además de bromear más de una vez con su peculiar “tino” sobre las preguntas que le enviaban los “tuiteros”.

–> [Las 10 frases que El Bananero dejó en RPP Noticias]

“El Bananero” llega a Lima en exclusiva para el Fan Expo Perú 2014, la Primera Convención de Fans en Perú a realizarse este sábado y domingo en el C.C. Claro de Plaza San Miguel, donde entre otros atractivos habrán concursos, conferencias, tiendas especializadas en artículos de colección para todos los fanáticos y para todas las edades, cosplays, invitados internacionales y nacionales, premios, guerra de bandas, fans clubs, talleres de manga, cómic, anime y más. 

Además de “El Bananero” se contará con la participación del  reconocido “youtuber” peruano BrunoAcme.  el músico Charlie  Parra, la mexicana  Dalin Cosplay, quien es toda una súper estrella en el mundo del cosplay internacional.



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Noticias Telemundo’s “Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” (Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community) Town Hall broadcast on Sunday, February 12 at 7PM/6 C, ranked # 1 in Spanish-language TV in primetime across all key demographics, averaging 1.57 million total viewers, 708,000 adults 18 to 49 and 325,000 adults 18 to 34, according to Nielsen. The news special moderated by Noticias Telemundo News Anchor José Díaz-Balart also positioned Telemundo as the #1 Spanish-language network during the entire primetime on Sunday, across all key demos.

“Noticias Telemundo is empowering millions of Latinos with reliable and TRANSPARENT information at a time of change,” said José Díaz-Balart. “Viewers trust us because they know our only commitment is to present the facts the way they are, with professionalism and a total commitment to our community.”

“Immigration, Trump and the Hispanic Community” also reached 1.6 million viewers on Facebook, generating 23,000 global actions on the social network.

The Town Hall answered viewers’ questions about the impact of President Trump’s immigration policy on the Hispanic community. The news special featured a panel of experts, including immigration lawyer and Telemundo contributor Alma Rosa Nieto; Telemundo conservative political analyst Ana Navarro; the Deputy Vice President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Clarissa Martínez, and CHIRLA’s Executive Director, Angélica Salas. In addition, “El Poder en Ti”, Telemundo’s robust community initiative, launched an Internet site for Hispanics looking for information, tools and resources on immigration in parallel to the Town Hall.

“Inmigración, Trump y los Hispanos” is part of a series of Noticias Telemundo specials, including “Trump en la Casa Blanca,” produced the day after the elections, and “Trump y los Latinos,” which aired on Inauguration Day. All of these programs share an emphasis on allowing audiences to express their views and empower them by giving them access to trustworthy, rigorous and relevant information presented under Noticias Telemundo’s banner “Telling It Like It Is” (“Las Cosas Como Son” in Spanish).

Noticias Telemundo is the information unit of Telemundo Network and a leader provider in news serving the US Hispanics across all broadcast and digital platforms. Its award-winning television news broadcasts include the daily newscast “Noticias Telemundo,” the Sunday current affairs show “Enfoque con José Díaz-Balart” and the daily news and entertainment magazine “Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste.” The rapidly-growing “Noticias Telemundo Digital Team” provides continuous content to US Hispanics wherever they are, whenever they want it. Noticias Telemundo also produces award winning news specials, documentaries and news event such as political debates, forums and town halls.

Source: Nielsen L+SD IMP, 2/12/17. TEL #1 SLTV (vs UNI, UMA, AZA, ETV). Shareablee, 2/6/17-2/12/17.

Image courtesy of Telemundo.

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Emissions rise from three large smokestacks at a coal-fired power plant in Castle Dale, Utah, in 2017. Democratic presidential candidates are releasing plans to reduce U.S. emissions in order to head off the most dangerous consequences of global warming.

George Frey/Getty Images

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George Frey/Getty Images

Emissions rise from three large smokestacks at a coal-fired power plant in Castle Dale, Utah, in 2017. Democratic presidential candidates are releasing plans to reduce U.S. emissions in order to head off the most dangerous consequences of global warming.

George Frey/Getty Images

The past few presidential campaigns, environmental activists have “been left begging for there to be a single question at a campaign debate about climate change,” longtime climate change activist and author Bill McKibben recently told NPR.

“This time around I’m not worried in the least. I think it’s going to be one of the central topics in the primary,” McKibben said, “and then I think whoever wins the Democratic nomination is going to try and ram the issue straight down Trump’s throat.”

Indeed, Democratic voters told a CNN poll this week that aggressively addressing climate change is more important than any other policy position.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee talks about climate change more than any other candidate in the race. It’s essentially the entire focus of his presidential campaign. But until now, Inslee has been a bit vague about how he’d tackle lowering greenhouse gas emissions, arguing the focus itself was what mattered.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced his presidential bid at A&R Solar on March 1 in Seattle. Inslee has made fighting global warming his top policy issue, and he released a major policy proposal on the issue on Friday.

Karen Ducey/Getty Images

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Karen Ducey/Getty Images

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced his presidential bid at A&R Solar on March 1 in Seattle. Inslee has made fighting global warming his top policy issue, and he released a major policy proposal on the issue on Friday.

Karen Ducey/Getty Images

“Defeating climate change has to be the No. 1 priority of the United States,” Inslee told New Hampshire Public Radio. “If it is not job one, it won’t get done. And we need to make it the first and foremost priority of the next president.”

Inslee’s campaign is now filling in the details on how he’d transition the United States to a carbon-free economy. An Inslee administration would set new regulations mandating zero greenhouse gas emissions in new cars, trucks and buses; and push states toward new construction codes to zero out emissions from new buildings.

The centerpiece of the plan: urging Congress to pass a major law steering the United States to “all clean, renewable and zero-emission energy in electricity generation by 2035.” That would require a major overhaul of the current electricity grid. Right now fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas account for about 60 percent of American electricity.

The aggressive approach is modeled on a Washington bill Inslee recently signed into law. It’s as economically, politically and technologically challenging as the proposed Green New Deal that has dominated the climate change debate on the 2020 presidential campaign so far. Most Democratic candidates have backed the broad goals, first put forward by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“The 100 % Clean Energy For America Plan will require a massive, full-scale mobilization of our federal government that will spur major innovation and deployment of clean energy,” the Inslee campaign argues in the policy paper released Friday, noting the proposal would shutter every coal-fired power plant.

Other candidates also weighing in on climate change

Inslee is the second presidential candidate to unveil an ambitious climate change proposal this week. Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke rolled out his plan during a visit to Yosemite National Park.

O’Rourke wants to zero out national net carbon emissions by 2050, and do that by spending $5 trillion on new clean energy technology and other infrastructure investments. He’d also push Congress to pass a law shifting electricity production toward clean and renewable energy – something an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress wasn’t able to accomplish in 2009 and 2010.

It’s not just Inslee and O’Rourke. As part of a recent policy proposal for public lands, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren suggested banning drilling on federally owned lands and then building enough new wind and solar projects on them to produce 10 percent of the country’s electricity. Every Democrat running for president would rejoin the Paris climate accord, the international pledge to lower carbon emissions that President Trump took the United States out of.

A parade of government and United Nations reports have laid out increasingly dire warnings about the coming decades if the world doesn’t begin drastically reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. Increased flooding, fires, droughts and refugee crises are just some of the consequences of rising global temperatures, according to experts.

National polls now show more than 7 in 10 Americans think there’s solid evidence of climate change.

Still, up until now climate change has remained a lower-level concern for voters more worried about immediate economic concerns. “It doesn’t rise to the top tier of issues like health care or the economy,” said Mulhenberg College professor Christopher Borick, who’s been polling on climate change questions for more than a decade.

But those attitudes are slowly beginning to change.

“I think that is in part driven by individual experiences with climate change,” Borick said. “As they see it in their daily lives it’s starting to become a bigger priority, in terms of their voting strategies.”

And as the early months of the 2020 presidential campaign indicate, voters are now hearing much more about it from political candidates – at least on the Democratic side of the aisle.

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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — One person has died and more than a dozen others are hurt after a shootout inside a bar on the 200 block of West Seventh Street in St. Paul.

The shooting started just after midnight early Sunday morning at the Seventh Street Truck Park. Police said multiple 911 callers “frantically begged for help” moments after the attack.

(credit: CBS)

One woman who police said was in her 20s died. Fourteen other people were taken to area hospitals for treatment. All of them are expected to survive. Good Samaritans worked with police to help victims while paramedics made it to the scene.

“I can only describe it as hellish,” St. Paul police spokesperson Steve Linders said. “I think about the young woman who died. One minute she’s having a good time, the next minute she’s lying in her friends’ arms who are trying to save her life, and she didn’t make it. I can’t think of anything worse.”

WATCH: Full Police Press Conference On Shooting At St. Paul Bar

Police said early Sunday that no suspects have been arrested, but preliminary information indicates there were several shooters. A motive has yet to be determined.

“My heart breaks for the woman who was killed, her loved ones and everyone else who was in that bar this morning,” said St. Paul Chief of Police Todd Axtell. “In an instant, they found themselves caught in a hellish situation. I want them to know that we have the best investigators in the country, and we won’t stop until we find the people responsible for this madness. We will do our part to hold them accountable.”

Later, Axtell tweeted that he spoke with the family of the woman who was killed and they are “absolutely devastated.”

“We will bring justice to the victims,” he said.

Mayor Melvin Carter released a statement via Twitter.

“Our community is devastated by the shocking scenes from last night,” Carter said. “As our Saint Paul officers work to bring those responsible for these senseless acts into custody, our work to build more proactive and comprehensive public safety strategies is more urgent than ever. We will never accept violence in our community.”

Investigators have not yet publicly identified the woman who died. The Ramsey County Medical Examiner’s Office will conduct an autopsy and release her name and cause of death.

Police would like anyone who has information about the shooting to call 651-266-5650.

Video from YouTube channel Minnesota News Now showed the aftermath outside of the Seventh Street Truck Park.

WARNING: This video from an eyewitness contains material that some viewers might find disturbing.

This is a developing story.

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