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São Paulo – Last year, the Brazilian photographer Gabriel Chaim saw up close some of the more than four million children that were affected by the internal conflicts in Syria, which started in March 2011. Seeing these children in their own countries and also in the refugee camps, Chaim reveals a bit of the daily lives of those who lost their homes, the right to go to school and have a normal childhood. Part of this work may be seen in the exhibit Zaatari – Children of the War, on show until February 07, in Belem, city in the northeastern Brazilian state of Pará.

Gabriel Chaim

For the photographer, Syrian children have lost their innocence

 Chaim came to Syria with the help of the NGO Syrian Team for Progress and Prosperity, which helps children victims of the war. He had already covered conflicts in Egypt during the fall of president Mohammed Morsi, in July 2013, but says it was the first time he witnessed a war.

“You are in danger 24 hours a day. Every day you think something is going to happen and you are going to die. Fear is your worst enemy,” says Chaim, about his experience in Syria. The photographer stayed in the country from September to November of last year, following the rebels, but since the beginning of 2012 he has worked registering refugees in the Middle East.

“I didn’t go there to photograph the conflict,” he says about the days he spent in Aleppo. “I went there to photograph the hope that arises from the ruins. I wanted to register the story of people who lost everything,” he explains. Chaim says he would spend the day at the NGO headquarters, “a semi-bombed house”, according to him. “I searched for more factual news and the NGO tried to give me a minimum of safety.” To support himself, he sold his pictures to communication vehicles in Brazil and abroad.

Chaim started taking pictures of refugee camps in the Middle East in the beginning of 2012, for his project Kitchen4life. As well as a photographer, he is also a trained chef, and decided to unite his abilities. “I created Kitchen4life to show how the people living on society’s sidelines eat,” he tells. The focus of his project changed during his journey to Iran, where he met some refugees.

As of then, he started taking pictures in camps in other countries in the region, such as Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Turkey. The Zaatari camp, in Jordan, which houses 120,000 Syrians and after which his exhibit was named, was the most striking for Chaim, because of the friends he made there. Although his father is Lebanese, Chaim speaks little Arabic, but he made friends among the employees of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), who worked in the camp.

Press Release

Children in the Al Zaatari camp, in Jordan

 “Children in Syria live the moment. They know they are in danger, and are capable of explaining in details what is death,” states Chaim. “They have lost their innocence and have the responsibilities of adults. They fight for something many people give little thought to, which is freedom,” he says.

Before starting his project with refugees, Chaim, who is 32 years old and was born in the city of Oriximiná, also in the state of Pará, worked for one year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, taking pictures of luxury restaurants.

Chaim is to go back to Syria next month, to finish a documentary he is making about his work in the region. The exhibit currently in Belem has 25 images of Syrian refugees, both in their country as in refugee camps. After Belem, the exhibit will go to São Paulo and then Rio de Janeiro.

Zaatari – Filhos da Guerra (Zaatari – Children of the War)
Until February 07
Venue: Gotazkaen Estudio
Rua Ó de Almeida, 755, Belém, Pará
Mondays to Fridays, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

*Translated by Silvia Lindsey

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Progressives may be getting most of the media attention, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., seems committed to keeping this small yet vocal group within the House Democratic caucus in check.

In a recent New York Times interview, Pelosi indicated she believes that Democrats’ road to success in 2020 will be paved down the middle, and not the far-left lane of political ideology.

I believe Pelosi is right.


Pelosi is a pragmatist, while still holding her firm onto her principles. She is clear in her criticism of President Trump and his administration.

Yet Pelosi stops short of giving in to the calls for impeachment. She knows impeachment is both a futile exercise and bad politics for many Democrats in competitive areas across the country.

The speaker has declined to support both the Green New Deal and “Medicare-for-all.” But she has presented more realistic policy alternatives that also aim to improve the environment and health care.

Yet Pelosi stops short of giving in to the calls for impeachment. She knows impeachment is both a futile exercise and bad politics for many Democrats in competitive areas across the country.

Pelosi’s leadership role was challenged twice by fellow Democrats who voiced concerns that the veteran lawmaker was too old, too out of touch and too much part of the coastal elite to lead House Democrats now.

At one point, I was part of that chorus of Democrats who raised concerns about Pelosi and advocated for a new generation to take over the reins.

But Pelosi has shown by her actions as speaker the second time around that she is one of the few Democrats skilled and savvy enough to take on President Trump. She understands that in order to hold onto the majority, House Democrats cannot be saddled by controversial votes that could alienate the electorate back home.

Pelosi’s approach is the right one to win both the House of Representatives and the White House. Democrats cannot win without bringing Trump supporters back into the fold.

It’s hard to convince a Trump voter to have an open mind if all that Democrats stand for is attacking or impeaching Trump. Independent voters are also key to any campaign’s success. Embracing far-left policies could also alienate this key voter block.

It is hard to tell if enough House members and candidates, or Democratic presidential hopefuls, will heed the sage advice Pelosi is giving. If they don’t, it could spell doom in 2020.

In her New York Times interview, Pelosi did not just say that Democrats need to “own the center-left” and the “mainstream” to win. She also said Democrats need to follow this formula to win big in the next election because she fears that President Trump will not accept the outcome if Democrats do not win decisively.

This is a striking statement, mostly because there are indications it is true. President Trump has a pattern of indicating that he is skeptical about election outcomes, especially if they are close.

In 2016, Trump remarkably said he would accept the results of the presidential election if he won. Over the last several years, Trump has made a variety of statements undermining the integrity of the electoral process and planting seeds about possible voter fraud in the minds of the American people.

For example, Trump tweeted about ballots supposedly being foraged in Florida after the gubernatorial and Senate races were too close to call.  Even before Election Day, the president was tweeting about the possibility of illegal voting occurring in the midterms.

So it’s no wonder that Pelosi was concerned that Trump would have challenged a Democratic House majority if it were achieved by a slim margin.


I am both saddened and angered that our political system is so dysfunctional that the outcome of duly administered elections – the backbone of our representative democracy –  can be so easily undermined or dismissed that winning an election is not enough.

We’re now told you have to win big to prove you deserve to be there. I wonder what George W. Bush and Al Gore would think.


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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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La Policía británica está buscando a “tres hombres armados con cuchillas de 12 pulgadas” que luego de atropellar a varios peatones en el puente de Londres, bajaron del vehículo y caminaron en dirección a Borough High Street -donde se encuentra el Borough Market- apuñalando a algunas personas que encontraban por el camino, informó una testigo a la BBC.

Además se investigaba otro incidente ocurrido en la zona de Vauxhall, a varias cuadras del lugar. La Policía confirmó que se trata de un caso de apuñalamiento pero no está conectado con lo ocurrido en el puente de Londres ni en Borough Market, que es investigado como ataque terrorista.

Si no puede ver la publicación, haga click aquí.

Sobre el ataque en el puente de Londres, un policía en el lugar informó a la BBC que hubo “más de una fatalidad”.

La Policía de la capital británica ha pedido a la gente que esté en las áreas de la ciudad afectadas que busque un lugar seguro. En su cuenta de Twitter, ha pedido a los ciudadanos que, en caso de no saber adónde ir, se esconda y silencie el celular.

Si no puede ver la publicación, haga click aquí.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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The 21-year-old Arvada man arrested in Monday’s mass shooting at a Boulder King Sooper’s was violent, short-tempered and paranoid during high school, his former classmates said Tuesday.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa booking mug provided by Boulder Police Department.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa is suspected of killing 10 people at the grocery store Monday when he walked in around 2:30 p.m. and began shooting, according to law enforcement. He was taken into custody about an hour later with a gunshot wound in his leg.

Alissa was hospitalized for treatment and is expected to be transported to the Boulder County Jail Tuesday to face 10 counts of first-degree murder.

He attended Arvada West High School from 2015 until he graduated in 2018, Jeffco Public Schools spokeswoman Cameron Bell confirmed Tuesday. He was on the wrestling team his junior and senior years.

“He was kind of scary to be around,” said Dayton Marvel, a teammate on the wrestling team. Alissa once had an outburst and threatened to kill people during an intra-team match, Marvel said.

“His senior year, during the wrestle-offs to see who makes varsity, he actually lost his match and quit the team and yelled out in the wrestling room that he was, like, going to kill everybody,” Marvel said. “Nobody believed him. We were just all kind of freaked out by it, but nobody did anything about it.”

He said he did not like spending time with Alissa, and Alissa was not close with anyone on the wrestling team. Another teammate, Angel Hernandez, said Alissa got into a fight in the parking lot after the match.

“(The other wrestler) was just teasing him and goes, ‘Maybe if you were a better wrestler, you would have won.’ (Alissa) just lost it. He started punching him,” Hernandez said.

Hernandez said Alissa frequently appeared to be paranoid about perceived slights against him, and Marvel said Alissa was often concerned about being targeted because of his Muslim faith.

“He would talk about him being Muslim and how if anybody tried anything, he would file a hate crime and say they were making it up,” Marvel said. “It was a crazy deal. I just know he was a pretty cool kid until something made him mad, and then whatever made him mad, he went over the edge — way too far.”

“He was always talking about (how) people were looking at him and there was no one ever where he was pointing people out,” Hernandez said. “We always thought he was messing around with us or something.”

In 2017, Alissa, then 18, attacked a classmate at Arvada West High School, according to an affidavit filed in the case. He punched the classmate in the head without warning, and when the boy fell to the ground, Alissa continued to punch him. The classmate suffered bruises and cuts to his head, according to the affidavit.

Witnesses told police they didn’t see or hear any reason for Alissa to attack the classmate. Alissa told officers that the classmate “had made fun of him and called him racial names weeks earlier,” according to the affidavit.

He was convicted of misdemeanor assault in 2018 and was sentenced to probation and 48 hours of community service, according to court records.

Despite his short temper, Hernandez said Alissa could also be friendly and “joyful.”

“The sad thing about it is that if you really were to get to know him, he was a good guy,” Hernandez said. “Whenever you went up to him, he was always so joyful and so nice. But you could tell there was a dark side in him. If he did get ticked off about something, within a split second, it was like if something takes over, like a demon. He’d just unleash all his anger.”

Another former classmate, Keaton Hyatt, said he took a weightlifting class with Alissa and never knew him to be violent. Hyatt liked Alissa’s quick wit and sharp comebacks during locker room banter.

“He was super cool and super funny,” Hyatt said. “… It was never violent jokes about people or America or anything.”

Arvada Police Detective Dave Snelling confirmed Tuesday the local department had at least two interactions with Alissa over the past several years, including a case of criminal mischief. The details of that case were not immediately available.

Snelling would not say whether local police had received any warnings or complaints about Alissa recently, however, and instead deferred the question to the FBI.

Alissa lived with his family in an Arvada subdivision on West 65th Place, a quiet neighborhood of single-family homes. Neighbors said the household appeared to be multi-generational with a large number of family members living there.

The home is owned by Ali Aliwi Alissa, who also owns a nearby restaurant. The eatery, in a strip mall that shares space with a coffee shop, UPS store, battery store and other restaurants, was closed Tuesday.

Jamie Poeling moved her business, Dream Dinners, a few doors down from the restaurant just over a year ago and said she ate there infrequently. Employees there gave Poeling a discount and she returned the favor.

Poeling said she doesn’t know everyone in the family by name, but that she never had a negative experience at the restaurant. Employees would go out of their way to offer food to a homeless woman living behind the restaurant, she said.

“I’ve been in the shop while they’ve given her food and they’re very kind,” Poeling said.

It was not immediately clear Tuesday whether any of Alissa’s family knew of his plan to attack King Soopers.

A relative told investigators Monday night that she’d seen Alissa “playing” with a gun that looked like a “machine gun” about two days prior, according to the affidavit.

“Alissa had been talking about having a bullet stuck in the gun and was playing with the gun,” the affidavit said. Others in the home became upset that he had the gun inside and took it from him, the relative told police, although she believed it had later been returned to him.

Alissa purchased a Ruger AR-556 pistol six days before the attack, according to a police affidavit released Tuesday.

He bought the gun on March 16. The weapon, which looks similar to a rifle, has a 30-round capacity, according to Ruger’s website. Witnesses to the shooting described the gunman as firing a “patrol rifle,” Boulder police have said.

On a Facebook page that appeared to belong to Alissa and has since been removed, the user posted in 2019 that he believed his former high school was hacking his cell phone. In a comment to someone who asked why the school would do that, he blamed racism.

“I believe part racism for sure,” he replied. “I believe someone spread rumors about me which are false and maybe that set it off.”

In other posts, the user expressed anti-LGBTQ sentiments and warned about perils he perceived from too much government control.

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available. 

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His death was the latest in a series of developments in that scandal. This week, Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, settled a lawsuit brought by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who accused the British royal of raping her when she was a teenager. In December, Ghislaine Maxwell, Mr. Epstein’s former companion, was convicted of conspiring with him to recruit, groom and sexually abuse underage girls.

Mr. Brunel carved out a successful career as a modeling agent in France in the 1970s, before expanding his portfolio to the United States, where he met and befriended Mr. Epstein. The two often traveled together and socialized in the same circles before having a falling out as the sex-trafficking accusations against Mr. Epstein emerged.

At least one of Mr. Epstein’s accusers has said that Mr. Brunel used his position as a modeling scout to procure minors for Mr. Epstein, who owned an apartment in an upscale Parisian neighborhood and traveled regularly to France.

In filings in a federal court in New York, Ms. Giuffre said that Mr. Brunel would offer modeling jobs to girls — some as young as 12 — and take them to the United States to “farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein.”

But Mr. Brunel has faced direct accusations of abuse himself. Ms. Giuffre said that Mr. Epstein sexually trafficked her to Mr. Brunel on “numerous occasions and in numerous places,” including the south of France, according to court records.

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La Gran Época le presenta un resumen de las últimas noticias del mundo. En primer lugar, 12 países latinoamericanos, hicieron pública su preocupación por la crisis política y económica que está atravesando Venezuela e instaron al gobierno y a la oposición a entablar un diálogo. Por otro lado, un voraz incendio se desató en Manhattan y -aunque ya está extinguido- todavía se están tratando de determinar los motivos del mismo. La ONU exige investigar y repudia el atentado en la escuela siria en la que murieron al menos 22 niños y -por último- el 58% de los vertebrados del planeta desapareció en 42 años, según un reciente informe.

Países latinoamericanos expresaron preocupación por Venezuela

Gobiernos de 12 países latinoamericanos expresaron su preocupación por la “aguda polarización” política en Venezuela y exhortaron al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y a la oposición a entablar un diálogo para resolver las diferencias.

Estos países son: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay, en el marco de una reunión de cancilleres de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños y la Unión Europea (UE-Celac).

Los países firmantes observan “con preocupación la aguda polarización por la que atraviesa Venezuela y reiteran su llamado para que las partes tengan voluntad política y establezcan un diálogo constructivo”, señaló el comunicado difundido el mismo día en que miles de manifestantes salieron a protestar la suspensión del proceso revocatorio contra Maduro.


Incendio en Manhattan deja un muerto y varios heridos

Un incendio durante la noche que arrasó un edificio residencial de cinco pisos en Manhattan dejó un muerto y 12 heridos entre vecinos y bomberos, informaron las autoridades este jueves. El siniestro se produjo en un edificio en el barrio Yorkville en Manhattan. Las llamas se propagaron rápidamente y -en determinado momento-  se alzaron sobre el techo para lanzar brasas encendidas a inmuebles vecinos. Residentes del edificio corrieron a la calle en piyamas.

De acuerdo con AP, un vecino murió y cinco sufrieron heridas de diverso grado, dijo el departamento de bomberos de la ciudad. Siete bomberos sufrieron heridas menores.

Para la madrugada las llamas estaban extinguidas. El incendio obligó a cerrar varias calles al tránsito. Aún se desconoce cómo se inició el siniestro.

ONU exige investigar ataque a escuela siria y juzgar a los responsables

La ONU exigió hoy una investigación “inmediata e imparcial” del ataque que este miércoles mató a una veintena de niños en una escuela en la región siria de Idleb y subrayó que los responsables deben rendir cuentas.

“El secretario general (Ban Ki-moon) está indignado”, dijo su portavoz, Stéphane Dujarric, que llamó a investigar este y otros ataques contra civiles en Siria.

“Si estos horribles actos persisten pese a la indignación global es en buena parte porque sus autores, ya sea en los pasillos del poder o en reductos insurgentes, no temen a la Justicia. Hay que demostrarles que se equivocan”, añadió.

Según datos de Unicef, al menos 22 alumnos y 6 maestros fallecieron el miércoles en el ataque a una escuela en la localidad de Has, mientras que hoy el Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos elevó la cifra a un total de 35.

Unicef apuntó a la aviación rusa como responsable de la agresión, algo que Moscú ha negado.

(Foto ilustrativa: Pablo Tosco/AFP/Getty Images)

El 58% de los vertebrados del planeta desapareció en 42 años, según un informe

La cantidad de mamíferos, peces, aves, anfibios y reptiles se redujo un 58% en el mundo entre 1970 y 2012 y el declive seguirá si los humanos no hacen nada para evitarlo, advierte el Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe Planeta Vivo 2016.

“Si sigue la caída de la biodiversidad, el mundo natural que hoy conocemos se desmoronará en su conjunto”, advierte el director general del WWF Internacional, Marco Lambertini, en un balance del estado del planeta.

Según la ONG ambientalista, “el declive que padecen las poblaciones de especies salvajes es cada vez más preocupante”, y agrega: “Llegará en promedio a un 67% de aquí a 2020” si no se hace nada para revertir la tendencia.

“Estamos asistiendo a una regresión de la vida sobre el planeta, de la cual somos en parte responsables”, destaca Pascal Canfin, director general de WWF Francia. “Si desaparece lo vivo, desaparece el capital natural, destruimos nuestra capacidad para vivir en el planeta a largo plazo”, continúa. “La humanidad se está poniendo en peligro ella misma”, explica.


La Gran Época le recomienda el siguiente artículo: Censores estatales suprimen publicaciones en internet sobre mortal explosión mortal

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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Jen Psaki, Joe Biden’s White House press secretary, said on Sunday she had tested positive for Covid-19.

Psaki, 42, did not travel with Biden to Rome, for the G20 summit, from where the president was due to travel on to Glasgow for the Cop26 climate talks.

In a statement, Psaki said she stayed in the US “due to a family emergency, which was members of my household testing positive for Covid-19. Since then, I have quarantined and tested negative via PCR for Covid on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. However, today I tested positive for Covid.

“While I have not had close contact in person with the president or senior members of the White House staff since Wednesday and tested negative for four days after that last contact, I am disclosing today’s positive test out of an abundance of transparency.”

News of a positive test for such a close aide to the president came a little over a year after an outbreak at the White House reached the then president, Donald Trump, who was forced to spend time in hospital.

Psaki said she last saw Biden, 78, on Tuesday, “when we sat outside more than 6ft apart and wore masks”.

She also said that “thanks to the vaccine I have only experienced mild symptoms, which has enabled me to continue working from home.

“I will plan to return to work in person at the conclusion of the 10-day quarantine following a negative rapid test, which is an additional White House requirement beyond [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidance, taken out an abundance of caution.”

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In response, Ben Goldfarb, who managed her 2006 campaign, said, “Running for political office is incredibly hard for the candidate, their family and staff, and our team was proud to help elect her.“

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Autoridades estadounidenses detuvieron en Tucson, Arizona, a Roberto Romero López, ex secretario de Gobierno de Sonora durante la administración de Guillermo Padrés Elías, y a su esposa Mónica Robles Manzanedo.

Ambos se encontraban prófugos de la justicia y eran considerados como la “mano derecha” del ex mandatario estatal, quien está preso por haber incurrido en actos de corrupción.

La pareja de esposos era buscada por el Departamento de Alguaciles de Estados Unidos y por la Interpol desde febrero de 2016, en atención a una orden de aprehensión girada por un juez federal; además, contaban con ficha roja para ser detenidos y extraditados.

Se les acusa por el delito de tráfico de influencias en beneficio de sus empresas y en perjuicio de la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Recursos Humanos, Pesca y Acuacultura. La Fiscalía Anticorrupción de Sonora también los acusa de enriquecimiento ilícito.

Trascendió que la detención de la pareja ocurrió cuando agentes de la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP por sus siglas inglés) revisaron su estatus migratorio y notaron que tenían vencido su permiso para permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos.


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What Trump Said

“In the last administration, President Obama signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty. And in his waning days in office, he sent the treaty to the Senate to begin the ratification process. This treaty threatened your subjugate — you know exactly what’s going on here — your rights, your constitutional and international rules and restrictions and regulations. Under my administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone. We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedom.”

The 2014 Arms Trade Treaty regulates international sales of conventional weapons (like tanks, combat vehicles, warships, missiles and firearms). It does not “surrender American sovereignty” over gun laws to the United Nations or hand enforcement powers over guns to “foreign bureaucrats.”

The United States was a signatory to the treaty, but did not ratify it as 101 other nations have. Mr. Trump withdrew the United States’ signature during his speech.

The treaty aims to establish international norms for regulating arms sales between countries and addressing illegal arms sales. It prohibits selling weapons to nations that are under arms embargoes or will use them to commit genocide, terrorism, war crimes or attacks against civilians.

In the preamble, the treaty explicitly reaffirms “the sovereign right of any state to regulate and control conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional system.” The Congressional Research Service noted that the treaty “does not affect sales or trade in weapons among private citizens within a country” and, even if ratified, “would likely require no significant changes to policy, regulations or law” since “the United States already has strong export laws in place.”

“It has absolutely no effect on U.S. domestic gun laws,” said Daryl G. Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, which supports the treaty.

Adam Winkler, a Second Amendment expert at the University of California, Los Angeles, agreed and noted that withdrawing the United States as a signatory would have very little impact given that the Senate never ratified the treaty. What Mr. Trump is relinquishing, Mr. Kimball said, is a seat at the international table to set global standards and better enforcement in countries most affected by the illegal arms trade.

What Trump Said

“We are supplying police with surplus military equipment supplies and gears that the previous administration refused to give up. This is surplus. This is extra. We don’t need it. Great equipment sitting in warehouses all over the country. Billions of dollars of equipment that the military no longer needs or wants or uses, but they are top of the line. Some of it’s never been used. Brand new. From vehicles to, essentially, supplies of all kind, including bulletproof vests.”

Mr. Trump is referring to the Pentagon’s so-called 1033 program, which has been sending excess military equipment to the police since the 1990s.

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El número total de visitas de videos en el canal de YouTube de la cadena RT ha superado los 4.000 millones. 

El número total de visitas de videos en el canal de YouTube de la cadena RT ha superado los 4.000 millones. De acuerdo con estos indicadores, RT retiene el liderazgo incondicional entre los canales de noticias internacionales, incluyendo a la CNN y la BBC.

Así RT es dos veces más visto que la CNN, casi tres veces más que Euronews y más de siete veces que los canales de noticias de la BBC.

“El futuro de los medios está ligado a Internet. Si llegas tarde a esta zona, no se pondrá al día. Desde el principio nos hemos centrado en el campo de las plataformas digitales, y es esta la clave de nuestro éxito”, dijo la editora en jefe de RT Margarita Simonián.

En el 2007, RT fue uno de los primeros canales de televisión rusos en comenzar a publicar su material en YouTube. En el 2011, los videos de RT han sido reconocidos como los videos de noticias más vistos de YouTube. Al año siguiente, el centro de investigación estadounidense The Pew ResearchCenter admitió que RT es el principal proveedor de contenido de noticias en YouTube. En el 2013 se convirtió en el primer canal de noticias en el mundo en alcanzar el nivel de 1.000 millones de visitas en YouTube.

En septiembre del 2016 RT ganó siete premios digitales europeos LovieAwards. Y en abril ganó el ‘Oscar de Internet’ en la votación internacional de espectadores Webby Awards, superando a la BBC, ABC, NBC y ‘The New York Times’.

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Election officials in Georgia’s Fulton County told a local news outlet Sunday that a newly purchased Dominion Voting Systems mobile server crashed that delayed the state’s third recount of the presidential election and technicians from the company “have been dispatched to resolve the issue.” reported that the Georgia Secretary of State’s office is aware of the efforts to “resolve the problem.”

The report indicated that about 88% of the ballots in the state’s largest county have been counted and the recount will resume again on Monday. The deadline to complete the recount is Dec. 2.  

Joe Biden defeated President Trump by about 13,000 votes in the Peach State, but Trump and his legal team have challenged the results.

Trump has expressed frustration with state leaders over how both the election and vote count were handled and has been vocal in his criticism of top Republicans in the state.

Trump told Fox News on Sunday that Gov. Brian Kemp has done “absolutely nothing” to question the results and has also called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger an “enemy of the people” for allowing what he called a “fraudulent system” to persist in the state.

Raffensperger certified the election result on Nov. 20, and Kemp signed off on it.

WSB-TV pointed to an op-ed that Raffensperger wrote last week where he said the election seemed as though it was “wildly successful” and “smooth.”

“This should be something for Georgians to celebrate, whether their favored presidential candidate won or lost. For those wondering, mine lost — my family voted for him, donated to him, and are now being thrown under the bus by him,” he wrote.


The 11Alive report said the server that crashed was newly purchased but additional details were not immediately clear. Emails from Fox News to Dominion and Raffensperger were not immediately returned.

Trump and his supporters have insisted that he won the election and it is only due to widespread fraud that Biden was declared the winner. Trump’s critics say he clearly lost and has yet to provide evidence to suggest the contrary. 

Trump said in an interview Sunday that his Department of Justice has been “missing in action.” He also questioned the whereabouts of the FBI.

“You would think if you’re in the FBI or Department of Justice, this is the biggest thing you could be looking at. Where are they? I’ve not seen anything,” he said.

Last week, Michael Steel, a spokesman for Dominion denied claims that vote cast through the company’s systems were at risk of being altered. He said it is physically impossible to alter votes in the system.


“Look, when a voter votes on a Dominion machine, they fill out a ballot on a touch screen. They are given a printed copy which they then give to a local election official for safekeeping. If any electronic interference had taken place, the tally reported electronically would not match the printed ballots. and in every case where we’ve looked at — in Georgia, all across the country — the printed ballot, the gold standard in election security, has matched the electronic tally,” he said.

Trump’s campaign launched several lawsuits challenging the voting systems and processes in a number of key battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


Sidney Powell, a high-powered lawyer who is investigating the election results, retweeted an order by Federal Judge Timothy C. Batten that orders the state to “maintain the status quo” of the voting machines in the state and ruled that these machines cannot be wiped or reset until further notice.

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer and the Associated Press contributed to this report

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The Biden administration has halted Border Patrol agents’ use of horses in Del Rio, Texas, amid public outcry over video and photos showing mounted agents grabbing Haitian migrants trying to cross into the U.S. 

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told civil rights leaders Thursday that the administration “would no longer be using horses in Del Rio,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters during a briefing.

The Department of Homeland Security did not respond to a request for comment.

When asked why President Joe Biden has not publicly condemned the images, one of which shows an agent on horseback grabbing a migrant by his shirt, Psaki said the change in policy demonstrates that the president finds the images “horrific.”

“I think people should take away that his actions make clear how horrible and horrific these images are, including an investigation, including a change of policy, including conveying clearly that this is not acceptable, and he’s not going to stand for this in the Biden-Harris administration,” she said.

Mayorkas and Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz on Monday rejected allegations that “whips” were used by agents in a compilation of images and videos that fueled an outcry on social media. They said the agents were wielding reins to control their horses.

However, the images still drew sharp criticism from Democratic lawmakers this week.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., used Twitter to denounce the Border Patrol’s actions.

“It doesn’t matter if a Democrat or Republican is President, our immigration system is designed for cruelty towards and dehumanization of immigrants,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a Twitter post. “Immigration should not be a crime, and its criminalization is a relatively recent invention. This is a stain on our country.”

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., echoed this sentiment in her own Twitter post Monday.

“These are human rights abuses, plain and simple. Cruel, inhumane, and a violation of domestic and international law,” Omar said in the post. “This needs a course correction and the issuance of a clear directive on how to humanely process asylums seekers at our border.”

Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters Tuesday that she was “deeply troubled” by the photos and fully supported a “thorough investigation,” because “human beings should never be treated that way.”

The policy change comes as the Biden administration faces backlash for its handling of the more than 10,000 Haitian migrants who have tried to cross the Rio Grande to enter the U.S. from Mexico since mid-September.

Psaki said 3,206 Haitian nationals have been moved to Customs and Border Protection custody to either be placed in removal proceedings or expelled through Title 42, a Trump-era health law that denies certain migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum.

The Biden administration recently appealed a federal judge’s order to stop the use of Title 42, much to the dismay of immigration advocates and progressive Democrats who had hoped the policy would come to an end.

A total of 1,401 Haitians have also been sent back to Haiti through repatriation flights that began Sunday, Psaki added. Fewer than 5,000 migrants remain under the bridge in Del Rio on Thursday, she said.

The administration’s response to what has become both a border and humanitarian crisis led the U.S. special envoy for Haiti, Daniel Foote, to resign Thursday over what he called “inhumane” treatment of Haitian migrants. 

“Our policy approach to Haiti remains deeply flawed, and my recommendations have been ignored and dismissed,” Foote said in a resignation letter Wednesday obtained by NBC News.

Psaki said Foote had “ample opportunity to raise concerns about migration during his tenure” but “he never did so.” She added that there had been “disagreements” within the Biden administration over its policy response to the surge of Haitian migrants.

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