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David Blanco.- Un total de 16 personas fallecidas y 50 heridos, fue el saldo que dejó este jueves un accidente de tránsito en la carretera que conduce a Güigüe, en Valencia, así lo informó el Director Nacional de Protección Civil y Administración de Desastres, Jorge Galindo.

A través de la red social en Twitter, Galindo mencionó que el hecho se produjo entre un autobús de la línea cooperativa Carlos Arvelo y un vehículo de carga pesada.

Al lugar asistieron efectivos de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) y Protección Civil, quienes ayudaron a trasladar a las personas heridas a los Centros Hospitalarios.

Finalmente, Galindo que toda la red hospitalaria del estado Carabobo, está alerta para brindar la atención inmediata que requieran los afectados.

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Soldiers and police were struggling to restore order in parts of South Africa on Tuesday, as police said the number of people killed in days of protests and looting rose to at least 72 in some of the worst violence the country has seen in years.

Protests erupted last week as former South African President Jacob Zuma, 79, turned himself in to authorities to serve a 15-month jail term for contempt of court. He had refused to appear at an anti-corruption commission to face several allegations, including bribery and fraud, which he has repeatedly denied.

Among those killed in the violence were 10 who died in a stampede in the township of Soweto, Police Ministry spokesperson Lirandzu Themba told CNN. More than 1,200 others have been arrested in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal – where Zuma is from – and Gauteng.

For almost a week now, protesters and looters have set malls ablaze and clashed with police, who have fired back with rubber bullets and are now so overwhelmed that the military has been brought in to back them up.

CNN on Tuesday visited Soweto, where shop owner Rahman, who did not provide his last name, said he is afraid he’s lost everything.

“Even right now where I’m going to stay, what I’m going to eat, what I’m going to do – we don’t know nothing. Really, we lose everything,” he told CNN.

“It’s very painful, and I don’t know what I can say about that. This is not our fault. I don’t know what happened with the government. We don’t know but this is not our fault. We didn’t do nothing. We just lose like that.”

Soldiers patrolled the streets of Johannesburg in armored personnel carriers Tuesday, holding rifles with live ammunition as the military worked to gain some sense of order following the violence.

South African Police Minister Bheki Cele vowed to curb the continuing violence that erupted over the weekend.

“We cannot allow anyone to make a mockery of our democratic state and we have instructed the law enforcement agencies to double their efforts to stop the violence and to increase deployment on the ground,” he said, pleading for those demonstrating to do so peacefully.

“No amount of unhappiness or personal circumstances from our people gives the right to anyone to loot, vandalize and do as they please and break the law.”

The government in neighboring Botswana on Tuesday issued an advisory for its citizens to avoid unnecessary travel to parts of South Africa.

On Monday evening, President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation to call for calm and announced the military would be deployed in the impacted provinces. He acknowledged the protests and looting may have started with political grievances, but said “opportunistic” criminal elements had taken over.

He also warned continued protests and looting could further undermine the nation’s Covid-19 response and vaccination rollout, with several vaccine sites forced to stop administering doses over the violence.

The country’s Covid-19 death toll has been surging since June and doctors describe a system beyond its breaking point – with insufficient hospital beds and barely enough oxygen.

Zuma handed himself over to police last week after days of speculation over whether he would comply with the court’s orders to imprison him. Zuma’s lawyers Monday argued for a sentence reduction.

Zuma served as president from 2009 to 2018 and was once widely celebrated as a key figure in the country’s liberation movement. He spent 10 years in prison with anti-apartheid hero and former President Nelson Mandela.

But his nine years in power were marred with allegations of high-level corruption.

Zuma is accused of corruption involving three businessmen close to him – brothers Atul, Ajay and Rajesh Gupta – and allowing them to influence government policy, including the hiring and firing of ministers to align with the family’s business interests. The Guptas deny wrongdoing but left South Africa after Zuma was ousted from the presidency.

CNN’s Amy Cassidy contributed to this report.

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MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto faced fresh questions on Wednesday about his dealings with a company at the center of a conflict-of-interest scandal, after it emerged that he enjoyed rent-free use of a house belonging to the firm as a campaign office.

Already under pressure over the government’s handling of the presumed massacre of 43 students abducted by corrupt police in southwestern Mexico in September, Pena Nieto is facing his most difficult period since taking office two years ago.

On Nov. 3, the government announced a Chinese-led consortium had won a no bid contract to build a $3.75 billion high-speed rail link in central Mexico.

Three days later, the government abruptly canceled the deal, just before a report by news site Aristegui Noticias showed that a subsidiary of Grupo Higa, a company that formed part of the consortium and had won various previous contracts, owned the luxury house of first lady Angelica Rivera.

Under public pressure, Rivera said she would give up the house. But neither she nor Pena Nieto have addressed the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the government’s business with Grupo Higa.

On Wednesday, Aristegui Noticias published a new story that said Pena Nieto used a different property belonging to another Grupo Higa subsidiary as an office when he was president-elect in 2012.

Eduardo Sanchez, the president’s spokesman, said Pena Nieto unwittingly used the property. Sanchez said it was leased from the Grupo Higa firm by Humberto Castillejos, the president’s legal adviser, who lent it rent-free to Pena Nieto’s team.

“If I invite you to my house, do you come to my house and ask me under whose name it is? Neither does the president,” Sanchez said, denying there were conflicts of interest.

The spokesman also said there were no more properties Pena Nieto or his team had used belonging to Grupo Higa.

“No, there is no other house that was used in a professional capacity,” Sanchez said.

Castillejos could not immediately be reached for comment.

Jorge Luis Lavalle, a senator with the opposition conservative National Action Party, said the public saw a clear conflict of interest in the dealings of Pena Nieto and his government with Grupo Higa.

“It needs to be investigated. All these doubts need to be dispelled fully and clearly,” he said. “We now have another case with no explanation.”

(Additional reporting by Ana Isabel Martinez; Editing by Simon Gardner and Tom Brown)

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President Biden raised concerns about global warming during remarks on what could have potentially contributed to the Surfside Condo collapse near Miami last week. 

The president said he doesn’t have any “firm proof” on what caused the collapse that left 18 dead and 145 still missing, but that there was all kinds of “rational speculation,” including “whether or not rising sea levels had impact.” 

Biden spent three hours with the families of the victims, after touring the scene of the 12-story collapse, and said he was surprised how many of them talked about the impact of global warming. “I didn’t raise it. But many of the survivors and many families talked about the impact of global warming,” the president said. 

“They didn’t know exactly but they talked about sea levels rising, a combination of that and concern about incoming tropical storms.” 


Biden said the victims’ loved ones are “going through hell” right now. “It’s hard enough to lose somebody but the hard part, the really hard part, is to just not know whether they’re surviving or not,” he added in a nod to the so many who are missing. He said the families were “very realistic” about the slimming chances of survival with each passing day. 

“They had basic, heart-wrenching questions, ‘Will I be able to recover the body? How can I have closure without getting to bury them?” Biden said of the families he spoke with. He said speaking with the victims called to mind his own experience with personal tragedy, having lost his daughter and wife in a car crash and his son Beau to cancer. 

Search and rescue efforts were paused in the middle of the night due to concerns about building stability after a large column hanging from a structure had shifted. 

An engineering firm in 2018 had identified key structural deficiencies requiring major costly repairs in 2018, but a former municipal official assured the condo’s board members that the building was in “very good shape.” 


Biden also thanked Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida Republican Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio and Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, as well as all first responders on the scene. There’s been “no disagreement, no bickering everybody’s on the same page. That’s what America is all about.” The president met with the GOP governor during his trip to Florida and other local officials. 

He told Florida officials the federal government stood ready to assist however it was needed. “This is your show – we just want to make sure whatever you need,” he said. 


Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) said it will conduct a “full technical investigation” into what caused the Champlain Towers South condo building collapse. 

Fox News’ Greg Norman contributed to this report. 

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NCDN termina primera temporada del primer concurso de noticias

Santo Domingo RD.-  El ganador del concurso fue Jonathan Cornelio, quien se llevó como premio un carro Kia Picanto 2016; el segundo lugar le correspondió a Samuel Lantigua, quien se irá de crucero por el Caribe con un acompañante, y el tercer lugar le tocó a Joan Kennedy Vargas, agraciado con un Motor de última generación.

NCDN Canal 37 finalizó la primera temporada del primer concurso de noticias realizado en el país, QUE SABES DE NOTICIAS, con la conducción de Milton Cordero “Lechuga” y la producción de Paloma Colombo.

Durante 40 semanas,  miércoles y viernes a las 7.30 de la noche,  120 jóvenes de distintas partes del país pusieron a prueba su destreza informativa, respondiendo a preguntas relacionadas con noticias económicas, políticas, sociales, deportivas y del entretenimiento, tanto actual como histórica.

Más de mil jóvenes universitarios y profesionales, que fueron contactados en visitas realizadas por los departamentos de producción y mercadeo de NCDN  en las universidades Pontificia Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) y Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA) y a través distintas redes sociales, se motivaron a participar en QUÉ SABES DE NOTICIAS.

Nuria Piera, directora de NCDN, expresó que “es el primer concurso de noticias en el país, una propuesta amena que busca mediante preguntas de temas actuales, desafiar el saber noticioso de los participantes y estamos muy contento por la gran acogida que la audiencia ha dado a esta primera temporada de Qué Sabes de Noticias”.

Cada semana tres participantes ponían a prueba su capacidad informativa, de ellos cada cuatro semanas era seleccionado el ganador del mes, que era la persona que iba acumulando más punto semanalmente. A esos 40 ganadores se les entregó un colchón ortopédico y de alta calidad de la marca Seally.

Los tres finalistas del concurso fueron Joan Kennedy Vargas, periodista; Samuel Lantigua, Ingeniero; Jonathan Cornelio, médico, quienes durante varias semanas se enfrentaron con otros participantes hasta llegar a la final.

El ganador de esta primera temporada del concurso fue Jonathan Cornelio, quien se llevó como premio un carro Kia Picanto 2016; el segundo lugar le correspondió a Samuel Lantigua, quien se irá de crucero por el Caribe con un acompañante, y el tercer lugar le correspondió a Joan Kennedy Vargas, ganador de un motor Gato de última generación.

Nuria Piera agradeció a los patrocinadores que desde el principio han apoyado esta innovadora propuesta televisiva, Grupo Viamar, Seaborne Airline, Importadora Doble AA y Fábrica de Colchones Rex y a TravelNet y alentó a la audiencia a estar atentos a las innovaciones de NCDN.





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El 2015 que está por terminar fue un año de grandes innovaciones digitales en EL HERALDO. Una muestra de ello fue la implementación del servicio de reportería Wasapea,  a través de la línea 310 438 3838.

Por medio de esta herramienta, nuestro equipo de redactores logró identificar y seguir de cerca hechos noticiosos, denuncias sociales, historias peculiares y acontecimientos locales que hasta la fecha siguen en el top de informes con mayor repercusión periodística registrados por esta casa editorial. 

El reconocido periodista Juan Gossaín, en diálogo con EL HERALDO, aseguró que la iniciativa de utilizar Whatsapp como puente de comunicación “es lo ideal entre el ejercicio del periodismo, del medio y de los periodistas con la opinión pública”.

“El periodismo siempre es el mismo. Lo que varía con estas tecnologías nuevas es la forma como se comunica el medio con los ciudadanos y en el caso de EL HERALDO con los lectores. Las tecnologías sirven para mejorar la conexión entre el lector y el periódico, y cuando usted logra que el ciudadano se sienta vinculado con el diario a través de Whatsapp como es el caso de Wasapea y  que lo utilice positivamente, en sentido útil,  para contar historias y hechos que están pasando, se logran tres cosas”, indicó.

Según Gossaín, lo primero que se consigue es “tener una conexión con el periódico”; lo segundo es “hacer que los periodistas sean más cuidadosos a la hora de verificar, porque es obvio que el periodista no puede recibir un mensaje y salir corriendo a publicar. Lo que hace es ponerse a investigar, a averiguar y a profundizar y eso da como resultado un periodismo cada vez mejor, más seguro, más preciso”. Y el tercer punto, reafirmó el escritor, es que se consigue un ejercicio “vinculado con la opinión pública”.

“En conclusión, la utilización de las tecnologías modernas como el Whatsapp es idónea para hacer que el periódico tenga una mejor información, una mejor conexión y una mejor investigación de las noticias”, puntualizó Gossaín.

A continuación recogemos (en orden aleatorio) las diez noticias que se constituyen como las más importantes reportadas mediante este servicio, al cierre del 2015.

1. Caso Angie Mendoza

La muerte de Angie Mendoza, una joven que fue abandonada en un hospital luego de un procedimiento en un centro clandestino, tocó todas las esferas sociales y llamó la atención por la forma como muchas jóvenes se someten a este tipo de intervenciones para modificar su apariencia física.

En este caso en específico, varias imágenes de personas involucradas en la muerte de la mujer fueron reportadas por varios usuarios a través de Wasapea y fueron pilar para la investigación periodística realizada por nuestro diario alrededor del caso.

2. Salvaje golpiza a empleado de bar en la 8

En video publicado en redes sociales y que fue enviado a la línea Wasapea de EL HERALDO, quedó registrado un caso de intolerancia en Barranquilla. En las imágenes se observa como el administrador general de un bar de strippers, ubicado en la carrera 8 entre calles 43 y 44, agredió a uno de sus empleados, luego de que este discutió con él.

El agresor junto a su abogado.

La noticia fue abordada por nuestro equipo de judiciales y el último hecho registrado acerca de este caso fue la captura del responsable, quien dejó en graves condiciones de salud a la víctima.

3. Conglomerado de denuncias sobre las elecciones de autoridades locales

Las elecciones de autoridades locales el pasado 25 de octubre estuvo antecedida de una serie de denuncias sobre irregularidades en los procedimientos electorales. A través de este servicio se recibieron cientos de casos en que ciudadanos alzaban su voz de protesta por situaciones que consideraban atípicas para el correcto ejercicio de la democracia. Uno de los casos registrados fue “Lavadoras, mensualidades de colegio y cámaras de vigilancia a cambio de votos”, que denunciaba el tráfico electoral visto desde un colegio en Soledad.

4. Vecinos de El Parque lanzan SOS por puente

Un usuario del barrio El Parque reportó que el puente peatonal que la comunidad levantó con recursos propios y con el apoyo de una empresa privada se vino abajo. En el reporte el ciudadano dio a conocer la preocupación de los vecinos del barrio porque el puente era utilizado por niños y niñas para asistir a sus colegios. Tras la noticia, el alcalde de Soledad se puso en frente del diagnóstico en aras a la reconstrucción de la obra.

5. El ‘ángel’ motorizado de los perros callejeros

Esta es una de las historias más admirables que EL HERALDO conoció por medio de Wasapea. Se trata de José Martínez, un guarda de seguridad que todos los meses gasta de su propio sueldo $150 mil en concentrado para ayudar a perros callejeros. A la camada de Sabanilla no la deja de alimentar ni en sus días de descanso.

6. Médicos de Soledad salvan vida de paciente

Pese a la crisis hospitalaria que se vive en la Región Caribe, médicos de la ESE Juan Domínguez de Soledad, lograron salvarle la vida a una paciente con una miomatosis uterina.

El médico coordinador de ginecología, Álvaro Fábregas, indicó a través de Wasapea que el tumor extraído a la mujer pesó cinco kilos y que “a pesar de la crisis de los hospitales nuestras instituciones siguen contribuyendo  a la salud de los atlanticenses”.

7. Bebé murió en barrio Simón Bolívar al ser atacado por un pitbull

Los trágicos hechos en los que perdió la vida Santiago, el bebé de 19 días de nacido atacado por un perro pitbull, ocurrieron a las 9:30 de la mañana del pasado 8 de diciembre. El reporte fue conocido por el equipo de judiciales de EL HERALDO y al tiempo fue reportado por la línea 310 438 3838.

El caso atrajo la atención de cientos de ciudadanos por la dolorosa manera en que el menor falleció, pero también fue catapulta para abordar la forma como esta raza de perros es cuidada y educada por sus propietarios.

8. Daño a las raíces de 49 árboles

Un ciudadano reportó por medio de este servicio el  daño causado a unos 49 árboles en la calle 100 con carrera 53, área posterior de la Liga de Tenis del Atlántico.

Ante reporte de EL HERALDO, Damab inició una investigación para aclarar lo sucedido, mientras que la Liga de Tenis aseguró que las raíces de los árboles afectaban las canchas.

9. Cobran 120 mil pesos a una mujer que dio a luz en un taxi

Sandra Guerrero, de 24 años, tuvo que parir en un taxi porque su bebé se adelantó un mes y por el nacimiento atípico el conductor del vehículo le exigió la suma de 120 mil pesos asegurando que la cifra era para lavar el carro.  Así lo informó a EL HERALDO un testigo del hecho que envió la información por medio de nuestro Whatsapp.

10. Hieren a hijo de Beto Zabaleta

Dos delincuentes hirieron en la noche del pasado 26 de noviembre a Alberto Luis Zabaleta Polo, hijo del cantante vallenato Beto Zabaleta, en medio de un intento de atraco para quitarle su celular.

La información que obtuvo este diario por medio de Wasapea señaló que testigos escucharon varios disparos a las siete de la noche, en la carrera 26C 7 con calle 76, barrio El Silencio. Zabaleta se rehusó a entregar el dispositivo e intentó desarmar al delincuente, quien lo baleó.

La Policía informó que los asaltantes fueron identificados como alias Tico y alias Arnold y se ofreció una recompensa que permitiera dar con el paradero de ambos.

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended Vice President Kamala Harris‘ position in the Biden administration on Sunday amid her sinking poll numbers.

“For anyone who needs to hear it. @VP is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country—from voting rights to addressing root causes of migration to expanding broadband,” Psaki tweeted.

Psaki’s tweet comes after Harris’ office appeared to respond to a CNN article on Sunday that suggested “dysfunction” within the vice president’s team.

Symone Sanders, who serves as senior advisor and chief spokesperson for Harris, wrote, “It is unfortunate that after a productive trip to France in which we reaffirmed our relationship with America’s oldest ally and demonstrated U.S. leadership on the world stage, and following passage of a historic, bipartisan infrastructure bill that will create jobs and strengthen our communities, some in the media are focused on gossip — not on the results that the President and Vice President have delivered.”

Shortly afterwards, Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh tweeted, “Honored to work for @VP every day. She’s focused on the #BuildBackBetter agenda and delivering results for the American people.”

“Proud to be on team @VP every single day,” Assistant Press Secretary Rachel Palermo wrote.

CNN reporters Edward-Isaac Dovere and Jasmine Wright published an article titled “Exasperation and dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris’ frustrating start as vice president.” The article highlights repeated conflicts between Harris, her staff, and the White House.


“But, with many sources speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the situation more frankly, they all tell roughly the same story: Harris’ staff has repeatedly failed her and left her exposed, and family members have often had an informal say within her office. Even some who have been asked for advice lament Harris’ overly cautious tendencies and staff problems, which have been a feature of every office she’s held, from San Francisco district attorney to U.S. Senate,” the reporters wrote.

Harris was recently panned for her overseas trip to France after visiting a COVID-19 lab in Paris where she apparently used a French accent. A recent poll showed Harris’ approval rating below Biden’s with a 28% approval rating among Americans.

Fox News’ Lindsay Kornick contributed to this report.

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While Democratic candidates scurry for attention in a crowded field, making bold proposals in hopes of capturing the imagination of the large anti-Trump electorate, one seems to have found the fastest trajectory from obscurity to the top tier.

Enter South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg; he is everything that President Trump is not.

While Trump has spent his entire adult life in Manhattan penthouses, Mayor Pete is from a post-industrial city in America’s heartland. Trump is capricious, Buttigieg is even-tempered and intellectual. As a veteran, he knows the cost of war firsthand, and his husband Chasten has charmed the public like a young Michelle Obama.


He remains a longshot to win, but being a popular Midwestern mayor — a region Democrats desperately need to reclaim — he could very well end up on this Democratic ticket as a running mate.

Buttigieg isn’t the perfect candidate, but the entire field can learn important lessons from his ascent.

Many Democratic candidates have been paying attention to the rise of 29-year-old Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The media has been obsessed with her, and her legions of fans defend her from even the slightest critique to the most scathing criticism.

Any politician would long for that kind of loyal support, and important right-wing media personalities troll her, which only adds to her legend. Her toughness and devotion to her values are attractive to Democrats who think the party has not held firmly enough when dealing with right-wing bullies in government and the media.

However, these candidates need to recognize that there can only be one AOC. She skillfully exposes what amounts to AOCDS (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Derangement Syndrome) and swats away criticism with the social media dexterity solely possessed by someone born after cassette tapes were obsolete. Her snarky clapbacks make all of us on the left want to post a field goal emoji. She has bulldogged her way through Congress and the media while simultaneously managing a celebrity profile.

No one in this field has that kind of loyal following, except for Sen. Bernie Sanders, and he has an equal amount of haters within the party.

Mayor Pete, on the other hand, uses the lost art of charm and optimism. Voters want a bold candidate with an uncompromising devotion to justice and equity, but they want her or him to come across as optimistic and positive. Candidates don’t have the luxury of telling people the world is going to end in 12 years. They must tell them how we are going to better our society by making it cleaner, healthier, and safer.  

Mayor Pete successfully evades questions about what our marginal tax rate should be, instead focusing on the larger principle of everyone paying their fair share.

Buttigieg has had a minor and rather tamed public spat with Vice President Mike Pence, a fellow Hoosier. Besides that, Buttigieg has not focused on Trump specifically. He’s yet to earn a nickname from the president. Instead, the country is focusing on how to pronounce his surname (boot-edge-edge).

Thus far, Buttigieg’s mild-mannered approach has worked, as only frontrunners Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Beto O’Rourke have raised more money.

Buttigieg is not squeaky clean. He made errors in an effort to redevelop the predominantly black and Latino north and west sides of South Bend — mistakes that he admits and tried to fix.

However, if he can convince people that he is a problem-solver and bring back the optimism that Barack Obama tapped into in 2008, he will be formidable. He doesn’t have a morsel of Obama’s once-in-a-generation charisma or movie star good looks, but he has the energy, intellect, and listening skills of the former senator from neighboring Illinois.

The entire Democratic field needs to recognize that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez does not need a twin; she needs a counterpart, a yin to her yang.  

While she and her fellow freshman women in Congress bluntly remind us of the intersection between the moral, ethical, and policy failings of the current administration, whomever the nominee is needs to remind us that there is a brighter future ahead, complete with a fair immigration system, living wages, a clean environment, and an improved health care system.


The nominee doesn’t need to call out President Trump or dumpster dive into his world of petulant Twitter barbs. Her or his compassion, intellect, and thick skin will do it for him.

Buttigieg, thus far, has taken that road less traveled, without becoming a feckless centrist (yet). Mayor Pete is measured and intentional and that is currently beating audacious attempts to claim headlines. He’s skipped several spaces to near the front of the line. The other candidates should take notice of his apparent strategy.

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Iglesias rechaza vías alternativas y dice que quien pierda “se echará a un lado”

“El cielo no se toma por consenso. Se toma por asalto”, enfatiza el líder de la formación, que expone su programa en Vistalegre, en Madrid, entre cuestionamientos a la pluralidad interna

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Brasília – The number of asylum applicants in Brazil in 2013 more than doubled from 2012. Last year, 5,256 people applied. In 2012, slightly over 2,000 people applied, as per figures released this Wednesday (14th) in the report Asylum in Brazil: a Statistical Review (2010-2013), issued by the National Committee for Refugees (Conare) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Unhcr). Over the last four years, the number of applications increased by 800%.

Year-to-date through May, 1938 applications were made and 684 were accepted. The Unhcr estimates that applications may amount to 12,000 by the end of 2014.

The Conare chairman Paulo Abrão said the increase is mostly due to the worsening of international conflicts and to migratory flows toward countries regarded as “lands of opportunity” – especially on the South-South axis, which currently accounts for 40% of global migratory flows.

“Brazil boasts outstanding humanitarian practices, a tradition of observance of human right, and the Unhcr has acknowledged this widely,” said the UN agency’s representative in Brazil, Andrés Ramirez.

According to him, asylum applications are on an upward trend. “The trend has been clear since 2010, it did not begin last year. It is an exponential increase.”

There are 5,208 refugees in Brazil today. They are from 80 different nationalities, 90% are aged 18 to 30 and 66% are men.

Most refugees in the country are from Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia and Pakistan. The Brazilian states that received the most applications are São Paulo (23%), Paraná (20.7%) and the Federal District (14%).

Most of the asylum applicants last year were from Bangladesh, Senegal, Lebanon, Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to the Unhcr. The rate of applications accepted was 45%, the highest of the last few years. All applications from Syrians were accepted, according to the Unhcr.

According to the report, there is a tendency for change in the next few years – towards increased diversity of nationalities, due to Brazil’s growing openness and to global humanitarian crises.
Brazilian law provides that asylum may be granted to people experiencing persecution due to political reasons, race, religion, or for being a part certain social groups (like countries with homophobic policies, for instance) or else due to serious, widespread human rights violations.

According to the report, the number of asylum requests approved in Brazil increased from 2010 to 2013 as a consequence of specific laws, and of Brazil’s becoming established as the leading donor of funds to the Unhcr among emerging countries: over R$ 11 million (US$ 4.9 million) were donation in these four years.

A resolution from the Conare, issued last Tuesday (13th) on the Federal Official Gazette, sets forth new rules for reducing asylum-related paperwork. The new measures enter into effect this Wednesday. The new rules are expected to enable swifter, more efficient proceedings.

Thus far, asylum applicants were required to undergo four stages, including interviews and filling in Federal Police forms, plus interviews with social and human rights organizations such as Cáritas. This process has been made simpler, a single form has been created, and the proof of asylum application is now issued upon the first contact with the applicant, following which the foreigner attains legal status in the country.

Formerly, the application form had to be renewed after 180 days; from now on, it will remain valid for a year.

*With information from the ANBA Newsroom. Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum

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White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday refused to say that President Donald Trump will accept the election results if he loses in November.

At a White House briefing, McEnany was asked about Trump’s recent remarks claiming that the only way he can lose the election is if it is “rigged.”

“Does the president believe there is any circumstance under which he could lose the election fairly?” one reporter asked the press secretary.

“The president believes that he’s done a great job for the American people and he believes that will show in November,” McEnany insisted. “He believes that voter fraud is real, in line with what we see all across the country, particularly with mail-in ballots, which are prone to fraud.”

“Is the president saying that if he doesn’t win this election that he will not accept the results?” a second reporter wondered.

“The president has always said he’ll see what happens,” McEnany admitted, “and make a determination in the aftermath. It’s the same thing he said last November. He wants a free election, a fair election and he wants confidence in the results of the election, particularly when you have states like Nevada doing mass mail-out voting to their voting rolls.”

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A team of FBI agents and park rangers have carried out a major search of a wild campsite believed to have been used by missing YouTuber Gabby Petito.

Several dozen officers from the FBI, the US Forest Service, Teton County Sheriff’s office and other agencies, spent hours on Saturday searching for clues at the site at Spread Creek Road, about 20 miles north of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Rangers from the National Park Service blocked the public and the media from entering the site, while campers who had been using it were told to be gone by the time the search started.

“The #FBIDenver Field Office and its Wyoming Resident Agencies, in coordination with the National Park Service, US Forest Service, Teton County Sheriff’s Office & Jackson Police Department, have been conducting ground surveys at the Spread Creek Dispersed Camping Area,” the FBI said on Twitter.

It added: “While we cannot comment further as to the specifics of this investigation, we will provide updates and request additional assistance from the public when appropriate to do so.”

Grand Teton National Park is vast and dramatic, a full 480 square miles. On Saturday, officers carried out their search under a sky that rapidly shifted from sunshine to dark storms.

Officials have said very little about the search or what they may have found. The National Park Service said the operation was being led by the Denver office of the FBI. That office did not immediately respond to inquiries.

Yet, it appears the area, a so-called dispersal camping site which has no facilities appears to be considered for several reasons.

It is just a few miles from Jenny Lake, where a member of the public claims to have seen the white 2012 Ford Transit van that Ms Petito and her boyfriend were using for their cross-country trip, on 25 August.

It is possible that the couple may have stayed at the site. It has been widely reported that Ms Petito did tag numerous a number of potential campsites on an app called The Dyrt, among them this one.

It is also less than ten miles from where another visitor to the national park, Amanda Baker, said she and her boyfriend, gave a lift to Mr Laurie, who was hitch-hiking by himself on August 29.

In a series of TikTok videos, Ms Baker, 22, said they had picked him up the public showers at Colter Bay Village, where he told them he had been wild camping with his partner north on the Snake River.

“He approached us asking us for a ride because he needed to go to Jackson, [and] we were going to Jackson that night,” Ms Baker said.

“So I said ‘You know, hop in’, and he hopped in the back of my Jeep, we then proceeded to make small talk, but before he came in the car he offered to pay us like $200, to give him a ride, like 10 miles.

“So that was kind of weird. He then told us he’s been camping for multiple days without his fiancé, he did say he had a fiancé, and that she was working on their social media page back at their van.”

Ms Baker said she had provided her information to the police and the FBI, something officers at North Port Police Department in Florida confirmed.

As it was on Saturday, police in Florida were doing their own search, for Mr Laundrie, after it was revealed his family had said the had not seen him since Tuesday.

Grand Teton National Park is vast

The Associated Press said police searched a vast Florida wildlife reserve on the 23-year-old, named a person of interest in the disappearance of his girlfriend. More than 50 North Port police officers, FBI agents and members of other law enforcement agencies searched the 24,000-acre Carlton Reserve in the Sarasota, Florida area of the Gulf Coast.

Police have repeatedly stressed they have no evidence a crime has been committed, and are treating Ms Petito’s case as that of a missing person.

In Wyoming, most people seemed to be aware of the story of Ms Petito’s disappearance, though views and opinions ranged as to what may have happened.

Ben Cole, who has been coming to the park for 30 years, was sitting close to the public showers at Colter Bay Village, from where Ms Baker said she and her boyfriend gave a ride to Mr Laundrie.

He said: “Out here, it’s a vast land.”

He said he thought something “fishy” had happened but was not sure what.

Craig Davies, who said he has been touring the country in a van for four years, was at a campsite close to the one the FBI had locked down.

‘They told us we had to get out,” he said. “We didn’t know why.”

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La autonomía de la batería es de 6 años, en cambio la duración de emisión de la baliza subacuática (en caso de inmersión) son de 30 días para su localización. Ya es hora de fabricar cajas negras que duren mucho más tiempo. Por lo visto, 1 mes no va ser suficiente.

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