House Minority Leader Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia D’Alesandro PelosiSenate approves funding bill, preventing partial government shutdown Overnight Defense: Trump surprises with plan to withdraw from Syria | Plan leaves lawmakers stunned, angered | Turkey approved for Patriot missile system sale | Deal pushes funding fight to February Deal on stopgap pushes Trump wall fight to February MORE (D-Calif.) said Thursday that she didn’t hear Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul Davis RyanFreedom Caucus says it will support Trump if he vetoes stopgap bill Lobbying World Hoyer: Ryan’s legacy a mix of decency and debt MORE‘s (R-Wis.) farewell speech on Wednesday because she “was busy doing other things.”
“This may come as a shock to you, but I was busy doing other things at the time. I wish him well as he goes forward,” she said when asked at a news conference what she made of Ryan’s remarks.
“I did not really have a chance to go to the speech and hear what he had to say, but I wish him and his family season’s greetings and best wishes for a wonderful future,” Pelosi added.
Pelosi will likely be elected the next Speaker after the new Congress takes office in January.
Ryan, who is retiring at the end of the year, gave his farewell address on Wednesday from the Library of Congress.
During his address, Ryan said that the country’s problems are solvable if “politics will allow it.”
“Our complex problems are solvable,” Ryan said. “That is to say, our problems are solvable if our politics will allow it.”
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