We’re now over 10,000 patients in our hospitals — 72 percent increase over the last 14 days. You could see how quickly this grows on 11/23, just a few weeks ago, we had shy of 6,000 Covid-19 positive patients in our hospital system. Now over 10,000 — just like that, 72 percent increase. Twenty-three hundred and sixty individuals have been admitted to I.C.U.s. You’ve seen a 69 percent increase in I.C.U. capacity or rather, I.C.U. beds being utilized just in the last 14 days. So here’s our total capacity, the pie, the circle there of I.C.U. beds, critical-care capacity in the state of California. You can see now as a state, this is again, in the aggregate — we don’t live in the aggregate, but this is in the aggregate — I.C.U. capacity, what’s available in our I.C.U. critical-care capacity system, is just 14.2 percent of beds. Good news is you can see in the lower right there, ventilators available is the highest number we’ve ever seen. The regional stay-at-home order; now because two regions, San Joaquin Valley and the Southern California region, the largest region, which in and of itself is a unique view of sorts, these two regions. now have fallen under the 15 percent I.C.U. capacity.
Source Article from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/07/us/pressure-on-california-hospitals-is-still-mounting-fast-newsom-says.html