Russia claims no knowledge of plane sent to Venezuela ‘to extract 20 tonnes of gold’ from national bank – The Telegraph

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It was the first time it had made the route, the data showed.

Novaya Gazeta said that the plane carried two crew teams and suggested there was no obvious reason for it to fly there: Russian tourists are officially recommended not to visit Venezuela, sales of package tours to the country have stopped long ago, and Russia’s Foreign Ministry hasn’t announced plans to evacuate Russian citizens from the country. 

Venezuelan social media was alive with theories, including that the place had brought mercenaries, or was there to escort Maduro into exile.

Venezuela’s Finance Minister Simon Zerpa claimed there were no Russian planes in the Caracas airport, despite the pictures.

Responding to questions about the gold, Peskov urged journalists “to be careful with different hoaxes.” 

Maduro claims he is facing a Washington-backed coup attempt led by opposition leader Juan Guaido, who last week proclaimed himself president and was recognized by the United States as the legitimate head-of-state.

Russia has accused US President Donald Trump’s administration of trying to usurp power in Venezuela and warned against any military intervention. The Kremlin on Tuesday condemned new U.S. sanctions against Venezuela’s vital oil sector as illegal interference in the OPEC member’s affairs.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Russian government “will do anything” to support Maduro. 

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