Senate investigators pursue Moscow-based former Trump associate – CNN

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London and Moscow (CNN)Senate investigators want to question a Moscow-based American businessman with longstanding ties to President Donald Trump after witnesses told them he could shed light on the President’s commercial and personal activities in Russia dating back to the 1990s, multiple sources have told CNN.

    Moscow-based businessman David Geovanis Moscow-based businessman David Geovanis
    David Geovanis in a portrait with three unnamed women and a picture of Stalin. CNN has blurred the women's faces to protect their identity.David Geovanis in a portrait with three unnamed women and a picture of Stalin. CNN has blurred the women's faces to protect their identity.
    Donald Trump (seated, center) on his 1996 visit to Moscow. To his right are real estate moguls Bennett LeBow and Howard Lorber.Donald Trump (seated, center) on his 1996 visit to Moscow. To his right are real estate moguls Bennett LeBow and Howard Lorber.
    Trump (left) is accompanied in Moscow by the real estate mogul Bennett LeBow (second from left).Trump (left) is accompanied in Moscow by the real estate mogul Bennett LeBow (second from left).

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