She was at the synagogue to mourn her mother. She was killed while protecting the rabbi – CNN

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(CNN)When a gunman opened fire in a synagogue in California, killing one and injuring three others, Lori Kaye jumped between the shooter and the rabbi.

Lori Kaye was killed in a shooting at Congregation Chabad on the last day of Passover.Lori Kaye was killed in a shooting at Congregation Chabad on the last day of Passover.
    A woman and a young girl place notes across the street from the Chabad of Poway Synagogue after the shooting. A woman and a young girl place notes across the street from the Chabad of Poway Synagogue after the shooting.
    Noya Dahan, 9, is the niece of fellow shooting victim Almog Peretz.Noya Dahan, 9, is the niece of fellow shooting victim Almog Peretz.
    Almog Peretz, uncle of Noya DahanAlmog Peretz, uncle of Noya Dahan
    Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, a victim of the shooting at the Chabad of Poway SynagogueRabbi Yisroel Goldstein, a victim of the shooting at the Chabad of Poway Synagogue

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