Social media users shamed and mocked President Biden Wednesday after he spoke, once again, from a fake White House set that featured a digital monitor showing the Rose Garden in full bloom.
“The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera),” Stephen Miller, who served as a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, wrote on Twitter.
The video set, which was constructed across from the White House in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, is used by Biden for video conferences and events broadcast online. Featuring professional monitors and lighting, it is the same set Biden used to show himself receiving a third dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
“Truman Show Presidency,” remarked Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec.
“Do they not allow him in the actual White House,” New Hampshire journalist Kimberly Morin wondered.
“Is that a common thing,” Fox 19 anchor Tricia Macke asked. “I saw pics of the set when he got the booster shot. I actually didn’t believe it was real.”
“Why does Joe Biden feel the need to use a Fake White House set across the street from the actual White House,” conservative commentator and podcast host Benny Johnson asked.
“Why did the White House build a literal game show set complete with fake windows for Joe Biden,” asked Abigail Marone, press secretary for Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley. “So weird.”
“Remember the Trump green screen scandal? Now Biden gives speeches on a set made of Legos and nobody is remotely curious,” Fox News columnist David Marcus wrote in a tweet.
The set, which includes a small seating area for members of the press and others in attendance for events, also plays host to virtual meetings for Biden and other members of his administration.
In addition to Biden, Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have been photographed using the set alongside the president for events there.