Donald Trump‘s latest case regarding the 2020 election results has been dismissed. On Friday, a judge (who was appointed by Trump) dismissed the case against Pennsylvania, where Trump attempted to undo Joe Biden‘s victory.
Circuit Judge Stephanos Bibas, who oversaw the case, began the scathing ruling stating: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”
Trump nominated Bibas to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 2017.
The ruling details Pennsylvania voting laws, poll watchers, and mail-in voting, all of which were legal during this presidential election season. Bibas wrote that the Trump campaign is undeserving of an order that prevented the state’s election results from becoming official. Bibas noted that the “claims have no merit.”
“Tossing out millions of mail-in ballots would be drastic and unprecedented, disenfranchising a huge swath of the electorate and upsetting all down-ballot races too. That remedy would be grossly disproportionate to the procedural challenges raised,” Bibas wrote.
Bibas concluded his ruling by pointing out: “Voters, not lawyers, choose the President. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections. The bal-
lots here are governed by Pennsylvania election law.”
Trump alleged that the mail-in ballots were handled differently in certain counties, depending on whether they leaned more Democratic or Republican. He also insisted that folks observing the counting of the votes were not given the restrictions required.
Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer, insisted the previous week that the election in Pennsylvania was tainted by fraud. However, Giuliani did not provide any proof of these allegations. U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann likened the complaint to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” saying it was “haphazardly stitched together.”
Pennsylvania certified their election results on Tuesday, noting that Biden won by 81,000 votes. The state had 20 electoral votes at stake.
“Again, I want to thank the election officials who have administered a fair and free election during an incredibly challenging time in our commonwealth and country’s history,” Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced Tuesday morning. “Our election workers have been under constant attack and they have performed admirably and honorably.”
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