President Donald Trump has repeatedly called special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation a “witch hunt.” | Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
President Donald Trump on Friday insisted there should be no report from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, denouncing the investigation as “illegal.”
“So, if there was knowingly & acknowledged to be ‘zero’ crime when the Special Counsel was appointed, and if the appointment was made based on the Fake Dossier (paid for by Crooked Hillary) and now disgraced Andrew McCabe (he & all stated no crime), then the Special Counsel…should never have been appointed and there should be no Mueller Report,” the president tweeted Friday.
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Trump has repeatedly called Mueller’s probe into whether Russia colluded with the president’s 2016 campaign a “witch hunt.” Despite his criticisms, the president has maintained that he has cooperated fully with the investigation, which also includes whether Trump tried to obstruct justice.
Mueller’s investigation is reportedly winding down, and lawmakers on both sides have called on the special counsel’s report to be made public once the probe is completed.
The House on Thursday passed a resolution 420-0 urging the Justice Department to make Mueller’s findings and full report public and available to Congress. Senate Republicans, however, blocked the bill.
The president on Friday also complained that the probe was only started as an excuse for Democrats losing the 2016 election.
“This was an illegal & conflicted investigation in search of a crime,” he tweeted, adding “Russian Collusion was nothing more than an excuse by the Democrats for losing an Election that they thought they were going to win.”
Source Article from https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/15/trump-mueller-investigation-1222895