Venezuelan blackout victims ‘murdered’ by government, opposition leader says – CNN

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Caracas (CNN)Seventeen people have died in Venezuela’s massive power outage, “murdered” by the government of President Nicolas Maduro, opposition leader Juan Guaido alleged Sunday.

A dark corridor at Miguel Perez Carreno hospital, in Caracas, during the outage March 8.A dark corridor at Miguel Perez Carreno hospital, in Caracas, during the outage March 8.
    View of Caracas during the partial power outage on March 9.View of Caracas during the partial power outage on March 9.
    Maduro waves a Venezuelan flag at the rally at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas.Maduro waves a Venezuelan flag at the rally at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas.
    Guaido addresses supporters through a megaphone.Guaido addresses supporters through a megaphone.

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