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Ambulancias y patrullas de policía se hicieron inmediatamente presentes en la escena.

Al menos 50 personas murieron en un ataque con arma de fuego contra un club nocturno gay de la ciudad estadounidense de Orlando, en el estado de Florida.

El alcalde de la ciudad, Buddy Dyer, informó también que los heridos suman al menos 53, muchos de ellos en condición crítica.

Momentos de pánico y horror tras el ataque en el club Pulse, en Orlando

El atacante, identificado como Omaar Mateen, también murió en el incidente, descrito como el peor tiroteo masivo en la historia reciente de Estados Unidos.

La BBC entiende que Mateen, un ciudadano estadounidense de 29 años con padres afganos, no estaba incluido en ninguna listas de posibles sospechosos de terrorismo, aunque estaba siendo investigado por un crimen anterior sin conexión con el ataque de este domingo.

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Las autoridades están tratando el incidente como un acto de terrorismo.

Las autoridades todavía están tratando de confirmar si Mateen actuaba solo, así como reportes de que el atacante se inclinaba hacia el islamismo radical.

En una conferencia de prensa un portavoz del FBI -la agencia que está liderando la investigación- dijo que el incidente estaba siendo tratado como un “acto de terrorismo”, pero que todavía había que determinar si se trata de terrorismo internacional o doméstico.

Un escuadrón antibombas fue enviado al club, llamado Pulse, para investigar varios artefactos sospechosos.

Más temprano, las instalaciones de Pulse fueron sacudidas por lo que las autoridades describieron como “una explosión controlada” .

En la madrugada

Según varios reportes, el ataque inició a eso de las 02:00 hora local (06:00 GMT).

“Escuchamos varios disparos. En la parte en la que yo estaba, varios nos tiramos al suelo. Yo no pude ver ni al atacante ni si había heridos”, le dijo Ricardo Negrón Almodovar, quien se encontraba en el local, a la BBC.

“Hubo muchos (disparos), al menos 40”, le contó otro asistente, Javer Antonetti, al diario local Orlando Sentinel.

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Se estima que unas 100 personas permanecían en Pulse al momento del ataque.

Las autoridades luego relataron que el hombre entró al local armado con una pistola, un rifle de asalto y “algún tipo de artefacto”.

El atacante logró capturar a varios rehenes e intercambió disparos con la policía antes de ser abatido.

Y durante el enfrentamiento un agente de policía recibió un disparo, pero su casco blindado le salvó la vida.

Inicialmente la policía había estimado el número de víctimas fatales en “aproximadamente 20” y reportado al menos 42 heridos.

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Numerosas personas buscan información sobre sus seres queridos en los hospitales locales.

En videos compartidos a través de las redes sociales se pueden ver a numerosas patrullas y ambulancias frente al céntrico establecimiento, así como gente siendo atendida por los servicios de emergencia.

“Hay sangre por todos lados”, dijo el alcalde Dyer describiendo el interior del centro nocturno.

Fin de semana trágico

Se estima que, al momento del ataque, más de 300 personas estaban disfrutando una “noche latina” en Pulse, un club que se describe a sí mismo como “el bar gay más caliente” de Orlando.

Y muchos familiares preocupados se han estado dirigiendo a los hospitales locales en busca de noticias de sus seres queridos.

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El ataque contra el club Pulse sigue al que le costó la vida a la cantante Christina Grimmie este fin de semana.

EE.UU. no es ajeno a tiroteos de este tipo: según el proyecto Mass Shooting Tracker, sólo el año pasado en el país se registraron 372 “tiroteos masivos”, como se denomina a aquellos que producen cuatro o más víctimas, entre muertos y heridos.

Pero por el número de víctimas, el de este domingo es el peor en la historia reciente de EE.UU.

Y el ataque contra Pulse también se produce menos de 48 horas después del ataque con arma de fuego que le costó la vida a la cantante Christina Grimmie, en la misma ciudad de Orlando.

La cantante de 22 años estaba firmando autógrafos luego de un concierto cuando Kevin James Loibl, de 27, le disparó.

Todavía no se sabe cuáles fueron los motivos de Loibl, quien se quitó la vida de un disparo.

Lo mismo sucede por el momento con el ataque contra Pulse, aunque el FBI aseguró que no había nuevas amenazas inmediatas.

Y el alcalde de Orlando llamó a la ciudad a permanecer unida.

“Nuestra comunidad es fuerte. Tendremos que ayudarnos los unos a los otros para superar esto”, dijo el burgomaestre, Buddy Dyer.

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President Trump’s 2020 campaign has quickly created a new website as part of efforts to capitalize on a controversy that has engulfed Democratic rival Joe Biden — after the former vice president said that black Americans who have a hard time “figuring out” whether to support him or Trump “ain’t black.”

Biden made the remarks in an interview Friday morning with “The Breakfast Club,” a nationally broadcast morning talk show popular with black listeners. After host Charlamagne tha God said he had “more questions” for him before November, Biden defended his record with on issues affecting black Americans.


“I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” he said.

Biden walked back the remarks the same day, later saying: “I shouldn’t have been so cavalier.”

“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,” Biden said. “… No one should have to vote for any party, based on their race or religion or background.”

But the remarks drew swift criticism from across the political spectrum, in particular from the Trump campaign — which sought to highlight the remarks.

Within hours it created The website, with the logo “Black Voices for Trump 2020,” quotes the remarks in massive lettering, and includes a video that repeats Biden remarks with the word “racist” over his face and a number that supporters are encouraged to text “Woke.”


“It’s a reminder that Biden thinks he owns the Black vote and that he can dictate what Black people do,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted.

The website also includes a link not only to various social media sites for “Black Voices for Trump” but also a link to the Trump store, where supporters can now buy “#YouAintBlack” T-shirts.

“Joe Biden actually told Black Americans they ‘AIN’T BLACK’ if they support President Donald J. Trump!” the website says. “Sport this shirt and make sure NO ONE forgets the words #YouAintBlack came out of Joe Biden’s mouth!”


Politico reported that Trump’s campaign is planning on spending $1 million on an ad blitz to capitalize on the remark, with a video montage highlighting the comment, as well as an ad focusing on Biden’s support for the 1994 crime bill, which it will say “destroyed millions of black lives.”

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

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Millones de comentarios y enlaces compartidos en Facebook. Entre seis y ocho mil fotos por minuto sacadas dentro de los estadios y publicadas en las redes sociales. El tráfico de datos de este Mundial marcó un récord entre todas las competiciones anteriores. Es el Mundial de las redes sociales.

La Copa más conectada de todos los tiempos es también la que generó más memes y videos populares en las redes sociales. BBC Mundo seleccionó algunos de los videos que se hicieron virales.

El afecto de Cristiano Ronaldo

Minutos antes del partido de Portugal contra Ghana, en la fase de equipos del torneo, el jugador del Real Madrid es abordado por un niño que le pide un abrazo. El portugués no decepciona. clic

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¿Messi o México?

Unas chicas argentinas creen que los brasileños están gritando el nombre de su ídolo, Lionel Messi… pero resulta que no era eso. clic

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El gesto del árbitro

El árbitro del partido de España contra Chile, en la primera ronda, se sintió ignorado por un empleado de la FIFA, quien no estrechó su mano tras saludar a los jugadores. ¿Qué hizo entonces? clic

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Lágrimas por Neymar

La pequeña Anna Bela, de un año y nueve meses, llora por la ausencia de la estrella brasileña Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior, quien resultó lesionado en el partido entre Brasil y Colombia en cuartos de final. clic

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“Hoy te convertís en héroe”

El jugador argentino Javier Mascherano, uno de los más destacados del encuentro de semifinales contra Holanda, dio ánimos al arquero de la selección de su país, Sergio Romero, para afrontar los penales. Parece que funcionó. clic

Haga click aquí para ver el vídeo.

¿Le dio la mano Messi al niño?

A la estrella argentina Leo Messi le acusaron de no dar la mano a un niño que se lo pidió antes del partido contra Bosnia, en la primera ronda del Mundial. Sin embargo, en el vídeo completo se percibe que Messi no se dio cuenta de la presencia del niño. clic

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In fact, Trump’s personal complaint against House Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings, D-Md., is the mirror image of the arguments he advanced to defend his travel ban, which the Supreme Court upheld last year in Trump v. Hawaii.

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The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has hailed the massive $1.9tn Covid relief bill as “historic” and “transformative” as the House stood poised to give the legislation final approval with a vote on Wednesday morning.

Joe Biden, who will mark a year since the pandemic brought shutdowns across the nation with a primetime speech on Thursday, has said he will sign the bill as soon as it lands on his desk.

The House vote on the bill, which includes checks for most American households, comes after the Senate passed a modestly reworked version of the package on Saturday and will clinch Biden’s most significant early legislative achievement.

“It’s a remarkable, historic, transformative piece of legislation, which goes a very long way to crushing the virus and solving our economic crisis,” Pelosi said during a press conference with senior Democrats on Tuesday afternoon, who took turns extolling what they said was the historic nature of the legislation and its impact on reducing poverty in America. “I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it,” she added.

Several Democratic leaders compared it to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, saying the plan would not only “crush” the virus and the economic fallout but would look forward to tackle longstanding racial and gender inequalities in the economy.

Smiling under her mask, Pelosi expressed full confidence that Democrats had the votes to pass the bill.

Asked about possible defections from progressive members disappointed that the Senate had narrowed a version of the bill, initially proposed by Biden and passed by the House, Pelosi shook her head and said “no” repeatedly. The bill would head to Biden’s desk after the vote on Wednesday, she said.

Besides the fresh round of stimulus checks, the bill also extends emergency jobless benefits to early September, instead of 14 March. It spends huge amounts on Covid-19 vaccines, testing and treatments, while also aiding state and local governments and schools, assisting small businesses and providing major expansions of tax breaks and programs for lower- and middle-income families.

Progressives suffered setbacks, especially the Senate’s removal of a gradual minimum wage increase to $15 hourly by 2025. But the measure carries so many Democratic priorities that final passage was not in doubt, despite the party’s narrow 10-vote House majority.

Meanwhile a hefty majority of Americans – 70% – say they are in favor of the coronavirus relief package. Only a third of Americans said the legislation is too costly, according to a poll from Pew research.

Biden has said he will not be attaching his signature to the $1,400 relief checks that are expected to be mailed soon, a break with his predecessor who last year had “President Donald J Trump” printed on the economic impact payments approved by Congress.

The next round of paper checks will bear the signature of a career official at the treasury department’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, said at a Tuesday briefing.

Psaki said the goal was to get the payments out quickly instead of branding them as coming from Biden.

“This is not about him, this is about the American people getting relief,” Psaki said.

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En los sectores de la parroquia Río Negro, provincia de Tungurahua y el cantón Mera, Pastaza, se registraron este domingo derrumbes que obstaculizaron la circulación vehicular por la carretera Baños-Puyo. No hubo víctimas ni daños de viviendas en la zona. 

De acuerdo a la información de la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos (SGR), los derrumbes que llevaron agua lodosa, árboles y piedras se debieron a las lluvias que soporta la zona en los últimos días.

Además, se coordinó con el Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP) para el envío de maquinaria para que limpie el material en la calzada y así para rehabilitar la circulación en el menor tiempo posible.

Los automotores permanecieron encolumnados en ambos sentidos de circulación hasta que se proceda a la limpieza de la carretera. 

Según la SGR, en las últimas tres semanas son más de doce los deslizamientos de diferentes proporciones en la carretera Baños-Puyo. (I)

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Por Leidy Puente

Ago 22, 2017- 11:36

Una expresentadora de noticias de canal 29 de Apopa fue asesinada la mañana de este martes sobre la calle antigua a Nejapa, en la entrada de la colonia San Sebastián 1, Apopa, en el departamento de San Salvador, informaron fuentes de la Fiscalía y la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC).

La víctima fue identificada como Roxana Cortez Barrera, de 34 años, quien según los informantes, habría sido atacada por dos delincuentes armados, mientras realizaba su rutina de ejercicios.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, el hecho fue reportado cerca de las 5: 30 de la mañana.

Lea también: Periodista denuncia ataque contra su vehículo

“Los atacantes le dispararon a la muchacha y ahí la dejaron de un solo sin vida”, dijo el agente de la Policía.

Autoridades dijeron que la zona es asediada por pandillas. Sin embargo, no se ha confirmado si fueron miembros de esos grupos los autores del crimen.

Otra de las versiones, según habitantes de la zona, es que la expresentadora podría haber sido asesinada porque “se negó a pagar la extorsión”.

Al momento, no se reportan detenciones en torno a la escena.

Vea galería : Expresentadora de canal 29 fue asesinada esta mañana en Apopa

La víctima fue identificada como Roxana Cortez Barrera, de 34 años.

Personas allegadas a Cortez detallaron a El Diario de Hoy que la víctima laboró en el canal hasta septiembre 2014 y además de presentar las noticias en el set, reporteaba temas locales.

Asimismo, aseguraron que se retiró del medio de comunicación porque emprendió un negocio de productos de primera necesidad.

El Grupo Megavisión, al que el canal 29 de Apopa pertenece como filial, denunció en sus noticieros el homicidio de la expresentadora de noticias.




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On Thursday, the Senate gave President Trump a bipartisan slap on the wrist over his calls to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan.

With bipartisan support, lawmakers approved an amendment to a broader Middle East policy bill that warned that “the precipitous withdrawal of United States forces from either country could put at risk hard-won gains and United States national security.”

The amendment, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., refrained from directly attacking the president by name but clearly targeted his isolationist foreign policy approach: “it is incumbent upon the United States to lead, to continue to maintain a global coalition against terror and to stand by our local partners.”

Speaking on the Senate floor on Thursday, McConnell further criticized Trump for his statements about defeating the Islamic State. He explained, “ISIS and al Qaeda have yet to be defeated, and American national security interests require continued commitment to our mission there.”

Those comments come after Trump declared that ISIS had been defeated and that he would be pulling troops from Syria and considering drawing down U.S. presence in Afghanistan.

Although Trump has walked back some of those comments and both acknowledged that ISIS remains a threat and slowed the timetable for troop withdrawals, the Senate vote signals continued concern about the president’s foreign policy missteps.

McConnell’s amendment, which does not have any enforcement bite, should be a warning for Trump: Even staunch Senate allies are wary of Trump’s potentially dangerous foreign policy moves. He should take those considerations to heart.

The United States, as clearly explained by intelligence leaders earlier this week, faces new and dynamic threats. To meet them, the president must base his policy positions off clear-eyed assessments and considerations of long-term impact. Senate leaders know this and, on Syria and Afghanistan, they did not see the leadership that they hoped for from Trump.

This time, the rebuke was a slap on the wrist. Next time, lawmakers might move to reclaim more power, signaling a much clearer break with the White House and further isolating the president from key allies on the Hill.

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December 31 at 1:01 PM

Supporters of an Iranian-backed militia besieged the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes, breaking through the first layer of security at the embassy compound and damaging a reception area before being expelled by Iraqi security forces. Here’s what we know:

●The U.S. Defense Department is sending two Apache helicopters and a “small contingent” of Marines to reinforce security at the embassy.

●President Trump accused Iran of “orchestrating an attack” on the embassy, where protesters ransacked a reception area and set fires.

●Iraqi security forces later intervened and set up a barricade, but protesters threw gasoline bombs into the compound.

●The Kataib Hezbollah militia vowed to force the embassy to shut down, and protesters set up tents outside the gates as night fell.

Hundreds of angry supporters of an Iranian-backed militia shouting “Death to America” broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday, trapping diplomats inside in response to U.S. airstrikes that killed or wounded scores of militia fighters.

Earlier, angry demonstrators defied appeals delivered over loudspeakers by the group’s leaders not to enter the embassy compound and smashed their way into one of the facility’s reception areas, breaking down fortified doors and bulletproof glass and setting fire to the room.

American guards inside the embassy fired tear gas to keep the militia supporters at bay. U.S. troops could be seen nearby and on rooftops, their weapons drawn, but they did not open fire. Embassy civil defense workers just inside the gates attempted to put out the fires with water hoses.

The protesters also smashed security cameras, set two guardrooms ablaze and burned tires. They made a bonfire out of a pile of papers and military MREs (meals ready to eat) found in the reception area, where guards normally search visitors. Kataib Hezbollah flags were draped over the razor wire protecting the embassy’s high walls.

The embassy’s sirens wailed continually as dense black smoke billowed into the air.

Inside the embassy, U.S. diplomats and embassy staffers were huddled in a fortified safe room, according to two reached by a messaging app. They declined to give details but added that they felt secure.

By early afternoon, tensions had eased somewhat after an Iraqi army commander showed up and ordered Iraqi security forces, who had initially made no attempt to intervene, to prevent the demonstrators going farther inside the facility. The security forces formed an impromptu buffer between the demonstrators and the American guards inside.

Shortly after that, acting Iraqi prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi appealed for calm and urged the demonstrators to refrain from entering the compound. He said in a statement that it is the government’s responsibility to protect foreign embassies.

In Washington, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to Abdul Mahdi and Iraqi President Barham Salih separately by phone Tuesday and “made clear the United States will protect and defend its people, who are there to support a sovereign and independent Iraq,” department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said. “Both Abdul Mahdi and Salih assured the secretary that they took seriously their responsibility for, and would guarantee the safety and security of, U.S. personnel and property,” she said.

The State Department said later that “U.S. personnel are secure” and that “there are no plans” to evacuate the embassy. U.S. Ambassador Matt Tueller was away on previously scheduled personal travel and is returning to the embassy, it said.

In his statement announcing the dispatch of reinforcements to the embassy, Esper noted: “As in all countries, we rely on host nation forces to assist in the protection of our personnel in country, and we call on the Government of Iraq to fulfill its international responsibilities to do so.”

Marines from the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group are tasked with guarding U.S. embassies around the world. The additional Marines heading to Baghdad will reinforce those who were already there guarding the embassy.

To former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Douglas A. Silliman, Tuesday’s protests appeared to reflect an effort by “pro-Iranian elements to try to take advantage of what they’re going to define as a disproportionate American response to the killing of an American military contractor and to Iraqi police officials.” He added, “This is not a massive popular anti-American demonstration.”

Rather, he said in an interview in Washington, it “appears to be an attempt by Iran and pro-Iran factions in Iraq to take pressure off of themselves” because massive demonstrations in the past few months “have been anti-Iranian and anti-government corruption and anti-militia.”

The embassy compound lies inside the heavily fortified Green Zone, which is normally off limits to ordinary people. But earlier in the morning, thousands of people walked unimpeded into the zone to join the demonstrations. Iraqi security forces simply mingled with the crowd, and some joined in. One member of the force that guards the zone’s checkpoints was photographed helping the militia supporters smash the bulletproof glass at the embassy reception gate.

Their chants of “Death to America” carried echoes of the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, when Iranian students seized control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and detained American diplomats and other personnel for 444 days.

Many were wearing militia uniforms and carried flags signifying their allegiance to the Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah militia, which had vowed to retaliate for the U.S. airstrikes on Sunday that killed 25 militia members.

Among the crowd were some of Iran’s most powerful allies in Iraq, including Hadi al-Amiri, leader of the Badr Organization; Qais al-Khazali, who heads the Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia and was once imprisoned by the U.S. military; and Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi, better known by his nom de guerre Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, who spent years in prison in Kuwait for bombing the U.S. Embassy there.

The demonstrators daubed graffiti on the embassy walls signifying their allegiance to Iran: the names of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and powerful Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani. Other slogans simply read: “America get out.”

Some protesters began erecting tents nearby, indicating that they intend to remain for the long haul. Jaafar al-Husseini, a Kataib Hezbollah spokesman, said the group plans to encamp outside the embassy until it closes and all U.S. diplomats and troops leave Iraq.

U.S. Embassy officials did not respond to requests for comment, and it was not immediately clear how many U.S. diplomats or troops were trapped inside the 104-acre compound, the largest U.S. diplomatic facility in the world. Opened with much fanfare over a decade ago as a projection of American influence in Iraq, on Tuesday it seemed as much a symbol of U.S. vulnerability in a country where Washington now has few friends.

The demonstration comes amid an outpouring of rage in Iraq directed against the United States for carrying out airstrikes Sunday against Kataib Hezbollah bases near the Iraqi-Syrian border. The strikes were in response to the death of an American contractor in a rocket attack last Friday on a base housing U.S. troops in Kirkuk. The United States blamed the rocket attack on the Iranian-backed group.

U.S. officials said the airstrikes were “defensive” and aimed at deterring further rocket attacks against U.S. personnel by Iranian allies in Iraq.

But in Iraq they have been widely denounced as a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and of the rules governing the presence of the approximately 5,000 U.S. troops based there to help in the fight against the Islamic State.

Sly reported from Beirut. William Branigin, Alex Horton, Carol Morello, Philip Rucker, Dan Lamothe and Paul Sonne in Washington contributed to this report.

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La noticia de la aparición de un nuevo nieto generó reacciones en todo el espectro político.

Estudios del Banco Nacional de Datos Genéticos en Argentina rectificaron la información de que había sido hallada la nieta 120, hija de militantes desparecidos durante el último gobierno militar.

El jueves pasado se informó que María Isabel Chorobik de Mariani, fundadora de la organización Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, había hallado a su nieta Clara Anahí Mariani, a quien buscaba desde hacía 39 años.

La noticia fue difundida por la Asociación Anahí, creada por la abuela de Plaza de Mayo para encontrar a su nieta, luego de que la joven María Elena Wherli se presentara en la casa de “Chicha” Mariani con un informe de un laboratorio privado que dejaba “establecida la probabilidad de vínculo en el 99,9 por ciento” con Mariani.

Tras la visita de Wherli, “Chicha” Mariani se dirigió al juzgado federal que tramita la causa por la apropiación de su nieta.

“Allí, con el juez, el fiscal Hernán Schapiro y autoridades de la Conadi (Comisión Nacional por el Derecho a la Identidad), pudimos constatar la existencia de estudios del Banco Nacional de Datos Genéticos en los que se descarta la existencia de un vínculo filial con la joven”, informó en un comunicado Juan Martín Ramos Padilla, colaborador de Mariani.

El comunicado añade que estos estudios habían sido informados a María Elena Wherli personalmente por la institución el 25 de junio pasado, pero ella jamás hizo mención a los mismos.

Ante la aparición de la joven, el organismo realizó un nuevo entrecruzamiento de datos genéticos.

“Ambos informes son concluyentes en cuanto a que no hay correspondencia entre el perfil genético de esta joven con el grupo familiar de Chicha Mariani ni con el resto de familias que aún buscan niños apropiados”, informó el fiscal de la Unidad especializada en casos de apropiación de niños y niñas, Pablo Parenti.

Cientos por encontrar

La noticia de que había aparecido Clara Anahí Mariani, arrebatada de los brazos de sus padres cuando apenas tenía tres meses, había sido celebrada incluso por el presidente argentino, Mauricio Macri, en su cuenta de Twitter.

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Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo continúan buscando a los hijos de militantes desaparecidos.

“Alegría por la recuperación de la nieta 120. Es un triunfo de la búsqueda de la verdad y la defensa del derecho a la identidad. Quiero desearle a Chicha Mariani, a su nieta y a toda la familia, una feliz Navidad de reencuentro”, había indicado el mandatario.

Políticos de la oposición y el oficialismo se habían sumado a los festejos, que ahora han quedado truncados.

Hace menos de un mes, las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo anunciaron el hallazgo del nieto 119, que creció con otra familia distinta a la biológica durante cuatro décadas.

Pero como recordó el corresponsal de BBC Mundo en Buenos Aires, Ignacio de los Reyes, las organización estima que todavía hay cientos de jóvenes que desconocen su verdadera identidad.

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Dangerous storms fired up in southwest and central Kansas Friday night in what’s shaping up to be an active few-day stretch of stormy weather.

Friday’s isolated storms produced a few large, damaging tornadoes. You can follow updates as storms popped up and advanced below:

Friday nigh wrap

The threat for severe weather begins to weaken as late Friday night roles into early Saturday morning, but several central-Kansas counties remain in tornado watches until 2 a.m.

Another round of severe storms could impact central and eastern Kansas Saturday. The main threats will be large hail and damaging wind gusts.

Another storm system will move into the central plains for the start of the work week. This could bring more severe weather to Kansas on Monday, with large hail, damaging wind gusts and a few tornadoes possible.

The severe weather threat Tuesday moves to the east, into eastern Kansas.


11:45 p.m.

The lone TORNADO WARNING in effect for southern and eastern portions of Barton County is allowed to expire. This storm did produce a tornado that was on the ground for about a minute near the Barton/Stafford County, about six miles south of Great Bend.

Besides the tornado threat, this storm has produced hail and winds of about 60 mph.

We’re getting a closer look at tornado damage from a storm earlier tonight near Bloom in southeast Ford County. The damage was to a home, but there were no reports of injuries.


11:07 p.m.

A tornado is reported near Radium in eastern Pawnee County,moving northeast toward southern Barton County. This is about 11 miles southwest of the Great Bend area. People in Great Bend should practice caution and take shelter.


11 p.m.

Damaging wind gusts is the primary threat associated with a severe thunderstorm near Lincoln and a severe thunderstorm warning continuing until 11:30 p.m. for Ellsworth, Lincoln and Russell counties.

There are reports of tornado damage including snapped and twisted power poles near Lewis in eastern Pawnee County.


10:48 p.m.

A TORNADO WARNING is in effect until 11:15 p.m. is in effect Edwards, Pawnee and Stafford counties. Larned is included among cities with this warning. Other towns in the warning include Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Ridge and Radium.


10:40 p.m>

The National Weather Service confirms a large, damage-causing tornado near Zook in rural southeast Pawnee County. This storm is moving northeast at about 35 mph.

The tornado crossed K-19 and is expected to stay east of Larned.


10:28 p.m.

The TORNADO WARNING expires in Russell County. The county remains in a severe thunderstorm warning. This storm carries the potential for more damaging winds. Earlier, 76 mph winds were measured in the city of Russell.


10:13 p.m.

The National Weather Service confirms a large tornado impacting the Kinsley area is moving northeast at about 35 mph. A Storm Team 12 chaser says this tornado damaged two homes southwest of Kinsley, but no one was injured.

In Russell, 76 mph winds were reported. Russell County remains in a TORNADO WARNING until 10:45 p.m. Stafford and Pawnee counties are also in a tornado warning until 10:45.


10:02 p.m.

A wedge tornado was confirmed southwest of Kinsley in Edwards County. This storm is south of Highway 50, moving northeast.

A tornado warning is lifted in Ford County, but we are hearing more reports of damage, this report to a home about four miles south of Windhorst.


9:58 p.m.

A new TORNADO WARNING is in effect for Pawnee, Stafford and Russell counties until 10:45 p.m. A storm capable of producing a tornado is moving northeast from near the town of Gorham at about 50 mph.


9:45 p.m.

The tornado warning for eastern Ford County, the northwest corner of Kiowa County and southern portions of Edwards County remains in effect until at least 10 p.m.

There are reports of damage to a shed southwest of the city of Ford.


9:40 p.m.

Our Storm Team 12 spotters say the two tornadoes that were on the ground in southeast Ford County have dissipated, but a new TORNADO WARNING is in effect for eastern Ford County, the northwest corner of Kiowa County and southern portions of Edwards County.

This warning does not include Dodge City nor Greensburg, but people in the Kinsley area should take shelter.

A third tornado did touch down in eastern Ford County, but lifted after a few minutes.


9:25 p.m.

A tornado-producing storm continues to move northeast at about 40 mph. This storm is not threatening Dodge City, but people in the community of Ford should take cover. There have been two tornadoes confirmed with this storm with both on the ground at the same time.

There are damage reports to a home a few miles outside of Bloom.


9:15 p.m.

There are two tornadoes on the ground moving through southeastern Ford County, moving through a rural area southwest of the town of Ford.

These tornadoes are well to the southeast of Dodge City and not moving toward the city.


9:05 p.m.

The tornado in southern Ford County heavily damaged a structure (possibly a home) northeast of Minneola as it remains on the ground, tracking northeast. This tornado also overturned a semi between Minneola and Fowler.

Counties under TORNADO WARNINGS include Ford, Meade, Gray, Hodgeman, Ness and Clark counties.


8:55 p.m.

A tornado touched down in the southern part of Ford County has picked up momentum, moving northeast. This rope tornado northeast of Minneola will not threaten Dodge City.


8:40 p.m.

A brief tornado was reported with a storm north of Fowler in northern Meade County. This storm is moving northeast.

A TORNADO WARNING remains in effect for Meade, Clark, Gray and Ford counties until at least 9:15 p.m.

A TORNADO WARNING in Hodgeman County remains in effect until at least 9 p.m. Areas of concern include northern Meade County, north of Fowler and west of Jetmore in Hodgeman County.


8:20 p.m.

A TORNADO WARNING is issued for Hodgeman County. Radar indicates rotation with a storm east of Kalvesta. Tennis-ball-sized hail is also a threat with this storm moving northeast at 40 mph.

Earlier this evening, a tornado touched down near Beaver, Okla. Meade County was included in a tornado warning with this storm.


6 p.m.

As of 6 p.m. tonight (Friday), there are no severe thunderstorm warnings nor immediate tornado threats in Kansas.

Storms that Friday afternoon made their way through northwest Kansas did produce at least a pair of tornadoes in southwest Nebraska, the first of which was reported just north of the Kansas/Nebraska line in Hitchcock County.

In central Kansas, moderate rain and lightning are possible with a storm near Salina, moving northeast. These storm is not severe.

While there are no active warnings in Kansas, a tornado watch remains in effect for several northwest counties until at least 10 p.m.

Another storm threat Saturday includes a low tornado threat, a medium threat for large hail and strong winds and a high threat of flooding rains for much of central and eastern Kansas, including the Wichita area.


5:30 p.m.

A TORNADO WARNING remains in effect for portions of Hitchcock and Red Willow counties in southwest Nebraska, but the tornado threat is over for Rawlins county in northwest Kansas as this storm continues to move northeast.

The threat for more isolated storms to develop and advance across western Kansas continues as the evening rolls along.


5:15 p.m.

A TORNADO WARNING is in effect for north central Rawlins County and southeast Hitchcock County in Nebraska until 5;45 p.m.

The storm capable of producing a tornado is 11 miles north of Atwood and moving northeast at 30 mph.

A tornado watch is in effect until at least 10 p.m. for several western-Kansas counties.

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São Paulo – The Sultanate of Oman is optimistic about the possibility of attracting more Brazilian investment, after the success of the project of the mining company Vale at the Port of Sohar and the purchase offer recently made by BRF for 40% of its distributor in the country, Al Khan Foods. This Monday (12nd), representatives from Omani agencies and companies presented business opportunities in the Brazil-Oman Economic Forum, held today at the Grand Hyatt hotel, in São Paulo.

Alexandre Rocha/ANBA

Temer: trip in 2013 motivated the forum

“I think [this event] is precisely the outcome of the first trip of a [Brazilian] authority to the Sultanate of Oman, when I was there last year. It has led to this trade and industry forum, where Omani and Brazilian representatives have met to learn how to invest in Oman, and how Omani businessmen can invest here in Brazil”, said Brazilian vice president, Michel Temer, who took part in the conference.

According to the Omani ambassador in Brasília, Khalid Al Jaradi, the government of his country has a long-term strategy to diversify the economy, since the oil and gas industry accounts for 50% of activity. The areas the Omanis plan on developing include the food industry. They believe they can make Brazilian companies interested in carrying out something similar to what Vale did in the sultanate, in the iron ore business.

The mining company has a pelletizing plant, a seaport and a distribution centre in Oman’s Sohar port area. The place is considered strategic by the company to answer to the Middle Eastern and Indian markets, and there was an investment of US$ 2 billion there. “It is a very favourable environment to foreign investment,” said the External Affairs head of Vale, Marcio Senne.

Alexandre Rocha/ANBA

Senne, from Vale: favourable environment for investors

Interested in the potential presented by the Brazilian grain exports, the director of Port of Rotterdam International (PoRint), which runs the Sohar Port and Freezone, said there are plans of setting up a food distribution hub at the facility. The representative of PoRint in São Paulo, Peter Lugthart, said they are trying to attract more companies from Brazil, besides Vale. “In our opinion, there is space to set up a grain terminal”, he said.

Other activities Oman wishes to develop are steelworks, fishing and aquaculture, agriculture, information and communication technologies, chemistry and petrochemistry, tourism, besides expanding its infrastructure.

“The policy of attracting investments to Oman is bearing great results”, said the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce’s president, Marcelo Sallum. “It is a wonderful country, tourism-wise”, added the CEO of the organization, MIchel Alaby. Both visited the Gulf nation alongside Temer, in 2013. The Arab Brazilian Chamber helped the Omani embassy hold the forum this Monday.

These country believes these areas can offer “competitive advantages”, either in the way of raw material and services availability or for its geographic location, halfway to large consumer markets.

Alexandre Rocha/ANBA

Jabri, head of the delegation: goal is to build partnerships

“Our goal is to build partnerships with Brazilian companies,” said the chairman of the Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority and head of the Omani delegation, Yahya Said Abdullah Al Jabri. “We have reasons to hold similar activities (the forum) in the future,” he said. Approximately 160 people were in attendance.

Presentations were given on the ports and free zones of Duqm, Sohar and Salalah. Apart from their infrastructure and location, these facilities offer tax exemption, among other advantages. In Duqm, for instance, the grace period for taxes is 30 years.

Two-way street

Temer stated that Brazil is also interested in being targeted by investment from Oman, and said his country should see an infrastructure sector investment of US$ 150 billion in the next five years. “Bring your companies to invest and to make money,” he said.

One of the Omani companies at the forum invests overseas. The Oman Oil Company is a sort of sovereign fund from the Arab country that operates in energy and related activities. In South America, the company has business interests in Chile. “Brazil is one of the places we look to. If we find anything that fits our portfolio, we will look into it,” said the vice president for Emerging Business vice-president, Hilal Al Kharusi.

Alexandre Rocha/ANBA

Sallum: big opportunities for Brazilian companies

To Marcelo Sallum, Temer’s visit to the sultanate in 2013 “gave a positive signal of the [Brazilian government’s] interest in establishing closer ties” with Oman. “And the fact that the vice president has attended this forum was important, since it gave credibility, not to mention that we had the opportunity to see new projects,” he said. The Duqm project, for instance, is new.

Because developing its infrastructure is a priority for the Omani government, Sallum added that construction works in the Arab country could translate into “big opportunities for Brazilian companies.”

Double taxation

One obstacle to the development of closer ties with Oman, and to the internationalization of Brazilian enterprises in general, was discussed by senator Ricardo Ferraço (from the Espírito Santo chapter of party PMDB), chairman of the Senate’s External Relations and National Defence Commission. According to him, the Brazilian legislation regards the sultanate as a “location with more favourable taxation” and a “more favourable tax regime,” i.e. a fiscal haven, which prevents Brazil from negotiating an agreement for preventing double taxation in mutual investment.

“We must review this petty position, this Jurassic bureaucracy,” the senator criticized. He promised to “stress” the issue at the commission he presides, i.e., to place it on the agenda and discuss potential modifications.

Temer asserted that the topic “is being continuously examined by government.” “On several occasions, whenever I take these trips [abroad], I hear these pleas [for anti-double taxation agreements],” he said. “The government has not closed the doors on the matter, the government is examining it in proper fashion, so as not to cause problems for the Federal Revenue here in Brazil, and the Revenue in the other country at hand,” he added.

*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça & Gabriel Pomerancblum

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El mandatario comunista aseguró que su país puede “detonar de forma independiente” una bomba de hidrógeno y otra atómica.

El líder norcoreano, Kim Jong-un, habría asegurado durante una aparición pública en Pyongyang que su país “posee una bomba de hidrógeno”.

La agencia coreana de noticias KCNA citó al mandatario afirmando que “Corea del Norte está lista para detonar de forma autosuficiente una bomba atómica y una bomba de hidrógeno”.

En caso de ser así, este hecho supondría un avance significatico en cuanto a la capacidad nuclear del país asiático.

Pero estas afirmaciones no han sido verificadas de forma independiente y varios expertos en seguridad han mostrado su escepticismo.

Kim habría hablado con la agencia durante una visita de inspección a un sitio militar en la capital.

El trabajo de su abuelo Kim Il-sung convirtió a Corea del Norte en un Estado “con potentes armas nucleares, preparado para detonar de manera autosuficiente bombas atómicas y de hidrógeno para defender la soberanía de nuestra nación”, dijo Kim Jong-un.

“Llamada de atención”

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Algunos expertos aseguran que puede tratarse de una “llamada de atención” sobre la autonomía del país.

Corea del Norte ya había alegado en otras ocasiones a sus capacidades nucleares, pero esta es la primera vez que hace referencia a una bomba de hidrógeno.

Este tipo de dispositivos utilizan la fusión para crear una explosión mucho más poderosa que la de la bomba atómica.

El país ya ha efectuado tres pruebas nucelares subterráneas.

Aunque los expertos dudan sobre las afirmaciones de Kim Jong-un, sí se muestran preocupados ante las ambiciones del líder norcoreano.

“Es dificil creer que Corea del Norte pueda tener una bomba de hidrógeno”, le contó a la agencia de noticias Yonhap Lee Chun-geun, investigador del Instituto de Ciencia y Política Tecnológica de Corea del Sur.

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La primera bomba de hidrógeno (o termonuclear) fue detonada en las Islas Marshall el 1 de noviembre de 1952.

John Nilsson-Wright, director del Programa de Asia en la consultoría de asuntos internacionales Chatham House, sostiene que las declaraciones de Kim Jong-un encajan en un patrón previo de atrevidas afirmaciones del líder norcoreano.

Los comentarios pretenden más bien ser “un esfuerzo de llamada de atención para asegurar la autonomía de Corea del Norte y su autoridad política”, le contó el especialista a la BBC.

Rara vez se permite el acceso de observadores independientes al secretivo Estado comunista, haciendo difícil la verificación de las declaraciones de las autoridades.

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told “Sunday Morning Futures” in an exclusive interview that the Biden administration “completely abandoned” ranchers, residents in his state and “all the people who live on the border,” arguing that President Joe Biden is “putting them in danger.” 

He also pointed out that “these are counties and these are people who traditionally have voted Democrat, that the Biden administration is ignoring.” 

The Texas governor also blamed Biden’s “catastrophic open border policies” for the migrant crisis

Abbott told host Maria Bartiromo, who traveled to the southern border last week, that one year ago, during the Trump administration, policies put in place led “to the greatest reduction” in border crossings.

“But now, we’re seeing the highest number of cross border crossings and it’s all because of the catastrophic open border policies by the Biden administration,” he continued. 

The crisis at the southern border has seen hundreds of thousands of migrants encountered in recent months and has overwhelmed Border Patrol agents while causing a massive political headache for the Biden administration. 

In a tour of the border near Mission, Texas, last week Fox News saw groups of migrants coming across, predominantly families, who were pointed in the direction of nearby processing areas.

Border Patrol agents told Fox News that migrant family units were unlikely to be removed under Title 42 public health protections (only 19% of family units were removed under Title 42 in August) and instead would likely be processed and released into the interior – potentially at a nearby bus station – either that night or in the morning.

The Biden administration ended the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) which kept migrants in Mexico as they awaited their immigration proceedings. Separately, they also ended asylum cooperative agreements (ACAs) which meant migrants would claim asylum in Northern Triangle countries instead.


With those changes, the administration has also reinstated the practice known as “catch and release,” something the Trump administration had used a patchwork of policies to end. Now, while single adults are mostly still being removed from the U.S., migrant families are mostly allowed to enter the U.S. — handed only a Notice to Appear at court or a Notice to Report to a nearby Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility.

Republicans have blamed the dramatic changes in policy, including the ending of border wall construction, for the surge in migration. More than 200,000 migrants were encountered in July and August, and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has reportedly warned of a worst-case scenario of 400,000 migrants hitting the border if Title 42 public health expulsions are ended.  

The Biden administration, however, has blamed a mixture of Trump administration policies and “root causes” in Central America for the surge.

Abbott warned that cartels have been “getting even more aggressive.” 

He said that the cartels on the Mexican side of the border “are beginning to open fire on the National Guard that Texas has down on the border to secure the border.”

“This is escalating into a firing war on each side of the border where Texas and our National Guard are having to defend themselves and defend the state of Texas,” Abbott continued. 

He went on to explain that “Texas is stepping up to do more than any state has ever done to help to secure this region.” 

Abbott added that “Texas has devoted more than $3 billion to secure the border.” 


He explained that includes having the National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety on the border and that “Texas itself is building a border wall to make sure that we will be able to better secure our border.”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report. 

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