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Mexican migration officials on Sunday reportedly shut down a border camp for Central American migrants — sending most of the 800 residents to the US regardless of COVID-19 infection status — as a result of President Biden ending former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Many of the asylum seekers reached nearby Brownsville, Texas, where local officials said Monday there’s a growing number of infected migrants and nothing being done to enforce quarantines.

The newly released migrants were not all counted among the latest COVID-19-positive results but may add to the growing figure.

As of Saturday, 185 of 1,553 migrants tested at the Brownsville central bus station since Jan. 26 had tested positive for the virus, city spokesman Felipe Romero told Fox News.

The camp at Matamoros, Mexico, closed as after the termination of Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy for Central Americans — under which about 71,000 Central American asylum applicants were awaiting rulings in northern Mexico.

Republicans say that Biden has sparked a crisis on the US-Mexico border by sending a message that new migrants will be welcomed into the country — despite the White House saying migrants should wait to come later due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Former residents of a migrant camp in Matamoros, Mexico, receive legal and clerical help in a parking garage in Brownsville, Texas before traveling to meet relatives or sponsors on March 2.
AFP via Getty Images

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday it’s not the federal government’s job to test migrants for COVID-19 before they are released. She said that’s the responsibility of state and local governments, and that non-profits have in some cases “reserved hotel blocks” to help house COVID-19-positive people.

“When migrants are placed in alternatives to detention, their COVID-19 testing — our policy is for COVID-19 testing to be done at the state and local level and with the help of NGOs and local governments,” Psaki said.

“And that certainly is something that our policy is to have that be done, concluded before they are even moved to go stay with family members or others they may know well their cases are being adjudicated.”

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott last week accused Biden of allowing for the “importing” of COVID-19 via the release of migrants. The governor tweeted: “The Biden Administration is recklessly releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants who have COVID into Texas communities. The Biden Admin. must IMMEDIATELY end this callous act that exposes Texans & Americans to COVID.”

Advocates of the “Remain in Mexico” policy say it deters asylum-seekers from entering the US despite knowing that their claim of persecution is likely to be denied.Some asylum seekers in the US are allowed work permits as their claims are processed.

Opponents of the policy say that northern Mexico can be just as dangerous as the crime-ridden Central American countries that the applicants are fleeing.

A line of migrants waiting to be processed in Matamoros, Mexico on February 26, 2021.
REUTERS/Go Nakamura

Migrants who were once held in border camps in Mexico while they were being processed in the US courts for entry are no longer detained as part of the Biden administration rolling back the policy.

“The president of the United States, Biden, helps the people because it’s necessary, you know,” Mario, a Honduran migrant who spent eight months at a camp with his family and is still awaiting entry to the US, told Fox News.

The White House admitted Monday it isn’t doing enough to discourage people from seeking unlawful entry to the United States.

Psaki acknowledged the failures after being pressed about the administration’s handling of the situation.

“I would say it’s clear we need to work more on getting the message out and being very clear, now is not the time to come,” she said, before reiterating the Biden administration’s claim that “the majority of people who come to the border are turned away.”

“Yes, we have changed the policies of the last administration as it relates to unaccompanied children, but the majority of families, adults, the vast, vast majority are turned away at the border. And that is a message that clearly we need to continue to look for means and ways of getting out, you know, more and more out to the region,” she continued.

Her comments followed the revelation that under Biden, the Department of Homeland Security will convert two immigrant family detention centers in South Texas into Ellis Island-style rapid processing facilities, and has already emptied a facility in Pennsylvania. 

Immigration and Customs Enforcement wrote in a court filing last Friday that while families continue to be detained at its locations in Karnes City and Dilley, adults and children are all released within 72 hours.

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Gabriel Eduardo Foeger foi até o hospital em busca
de notícias do amigo (Foto: Viviane Machado/ G1)

Familiares e amigos dos trabalhadores que estavam no navio-plataforma FPSO Cidade de São Mateus, que explodiu nesta quarta-feira (11) no litoral de Aracruz, Norte do Espírito Santo, estão indo a hospitais da Grande Vitória em busca de informações. Três pessoas morreram e dez ficaram feridas, sendo levadas para unidades particulares na Serra. Outras seis ainda estão desaparecidas.

O estudante Gabriel Eduardo Foeger, de 18 anos, foi até o Vitória Apart na tarde desta quarta-feira em busca de notícias sobre o amigo, Luiz Paris. Segundo ele, o rapaz é de Castelo, Sul do estado, e estava embarcado no navio plataforma. “Estamos esperando, mas estamos sem informação nenhuma. O hospital disse que ele não foi internado aqui. Eu converso com ele com frequência, mesmo embarcado. A última vez que conseguimos falar com ele foi hoje 6h. Depois disso, ele visualizou o celular pela última vez às 9h”, disse.

A jovem Alana Rodrigues foi até o Aeroporto de Vitória nesta tarde, para saber a localização do marido. Ela contou que ele estava embarcado no navio-plataforma em Aracruz. “Eu não tenho notícias de nada, nenhuma confirmação. Ele disse que ia chegar nesta quarta, às 9h, mas até agora nada. Ele se chama Marcos Antônio”, falou.

Nota divulgada pela ANP informa que a explosão ocorreu às 12h50 e que foi comunicada 1 hora depois. Segundo a agência, 33 pessoas foram desembarcadas e outras 31 permanecem a bordo, dentre as quais seis estão desaparecidas. A explosão ocorreu na casa de bombas e não houve vazamento, afirma a ANP.

Nove ambulâncias com vítimas saíram do Aeroporto de Vitória, para onde os feridos foram levados de helicóptero, e foram para o Vitória Apart Hospital e para o Hospital Metropolitano, na Serra, Grande Vitória. Os veículos foram escoltados pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF), para garantir rapidez no trânsito.

O Vitória Apart Hospital, unidade referência em tratamento de queimados, informou que recebeu para atendimento emergencial seis vítimas da explosão e que cada uma delas está sendo avaliada por uma equipe médica.

O navio-plataforma FPSO Cidade de São Mateus é operado pela BW Offshore e afretado (contratado) pela Petrobras, que confirmou o número de vítimas e informou que havia 74 pessoas embarcadas no total – mas não especificou quantos trabalham para a petroleira.

“A unidade opera, desde junho de 2009, no pós-sal dos campos de Camarupim e Camarupim Norte, no litoral do Espírito Santo, a cerca de 120 km da costa”, afirma o texto.

A plataforma, que armazena e produz petróleo e gás, tem foco maior na produção de gás. Segundo a ANP, sua produção é de 2,250 milhões de metros cúbicos de gás/dia e 350 metros cúbicos de óleo/dia.

Brasileiros e estrangeiros
Mais cedo, Kristian Flaten, vice-presidente de relações com investidores da BW Offshore – sediada na Noruega – já havia informado sobre mortes, porém não sabia afirmar o número exato. Flaten afirmou que a tripulação da embarcação é mista de brasileiros e estrangeiros. Segundo ele, a BW irá divulgar um comunicado ainda nesta quarta com mais detalhes sobre o caso.

Vice-presidente de projetos da BW no Brasil, Benito Ciriza, lamentou o acidente e disse ao G1 que, no momento, a empresa está dando assistência às vítimas e auxiliando no resgate.

Momento de resgate de feridos, no Aeroporto de Vitória (Foto: Arquivo Pessoal)


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Corea del Norte envió un “mensaje estratégico” a Estados Unidos  a horas de asunción de Trump

Hwang Kyo-ahn,  el presidente en funciones y primer ministro de Corea del Sur dijo este jueves que hay muchas posibilidades de que Corea del Norte realice diversas provocaciones militares para interrumpir las fuertes sanciones internacionales dirigidas en su contra y testear el estado de preparación del Gobierno surcoreano.

Corea del Norte presuntamente construyó dos misiles balísticos intercontinentales (ICBM, según sus siglas en inglés) y parece haberlos dispuesto en lanzadores móviles para probar su lanzamiento en un futuro próximo, dijeron este jueves oficiales militares de acuerdo a la agencia surcoreana Yonhap.

Corea del Norte, a pedido de su líder Kim Jong-un parece haber filtrado intencionalmente la información sobre los nuevos misiles, a fin de enviar un “mensaje estratégico” y una provocación a la entrante Administración Donald Trump, cuya investidura presidencial tendrá lugar este viernes.

Reportan decenas de desaparecidos por avalancha causada por sismos en Italia

Al menos unas 30 personas se encuentran desaparecidas por una avalancha que sepultó un hotel y fue provocada por los sismos que este miércoles se registraron en el centro de Italia, informaron hoy los servicios de socorro.

“Hay muchos muertos” declaró a los medios Antonio Crocetta, jefe del socorro alpino de la central región de Abruzzo, en la localidad de Farindola, provincia de Pescara.

Crocetta dijo que la avalancha se desprendió de la montaña muy probablemente a causa de la serie de sismos, cuatro de los cuales superaron los 5 grados Richter, ocurridos este miércoles.

Aparentemente una parte del hotel se derrumbó y otra quedó sepultada por la nieve, mientras dos personas que estaban afuera fueron rescatadas con vida, una de ellas en estado de hipotermia a causa del frío.

Según personal del propio hotel, habría por lo menos 30 personas desaparecidas.

Las condiciones metereológicas dificultaban el arribo de las escuadras de socorro y varias ambulancias estaban bloqueadas por la nieve a unos nueve kilómetros del albergue.

(Foto: ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)

Hoy comienzan los eventos por investidura de Donald Trump

A pocas horas de la investidura de Donald Trumpel comité inaugural publicó una larga lista de eventos y celebraciones oficiales y semioficiales que acompañarán su juramento como el presidente N° 45 de Estados Unidos. Los eventos comenzarían hoy y finalizarían el sábado, un día después de la toma de posesión del cargo.

A las 3 pm Donald Trump y el vicepresidente electo Mike Pence pondrán una corona en honor a los veteranos de la nación.

De 14 a 18 horas habrá dos celebraciones musicales abiertas al público. El primer evento llamado “Voces del pueblo” es gratuito y será transmitido en todos los canales de TV y redes de streaming en EEUU. Aquí actuarán principalmente bandas de escuelas de secundaria y bandas militares.

El segundo fue bautizado como “Make America Great Again Concert” -en recuerdo del lema de la campaña presidencial republicana- y contará con “un grupo diverso de artistas”, entre los que figuran Toby Keith, Jon Voight, The Piano Guys, Lee Greenwood, RaviDrums, 3 Doors Down y The Frontmen of Country. Al concierto le siguen intervenciones de Trump y Pence.

Los artistas country Big & Rich y Cowboy Troy encabezarán una Gala de Inauguración presentada por la Great America Alliance. Aunque en esta oportunidad se desconoce si Trump estará presente, entre los oradores del baile estarán el ex-alcalde de Nueva York, Rudy Giuliani, el actor Jon Voight y el Sheriff David Clarke.

Maduro no hablaba en serio sobre la liberación de Leopoldo López

Según afirmó el miércoles durante una rueda de prensa en el palacio de gobierno, su propuesta de liberar al líder opositor venezolano Leopoldo López a cambio de que Barack Obama conmutara la pena del activista independentista puertorriqueño Óscar López Rivera, no fue más que un “comentario jocoso” y que su caso está en manos de la justicia venezolana.

La declaración de Maduro se produjo un día después que la Casa Blanca anunciara la decisión de Obama de liberar al puertorriqueño el 17 de mayo tras 35 años preso por su participación en un movimiento independentista.

Ante los medios, Maduro señaló que no hay punto de comparación entre ambos. Según Maduro, el primero es “un gran patriota”, que por “justicia merecía libertad”, mientras que el segundo “es simplemente un agente de la CIA” que fue preparado para desestabilizar el gobierno de su predecesor Hugo Chávez y el suyo con el fin de derrocarlos.

Hospitalizan al ex-presidente de EEUU George H.W. Bush y a su esposa

El ex-presidente estadounidense George H.W. Bush fue hospitalizado en Houston, Texas anunció este miércoles su portavoz, que informó que su esposa Barbara también fue ingresada con tos.

El ex-mandatario de 92 años, que gobernó de 1989 a 1993 y que ha sufrido varios problemas de salud recientemente, “fue ingresado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Houston Methodist Hospital por un problema respiratorio agudo relacionado con una neumonía”, indicó el portavoz  Jim McGrath en un comunicado.

“Los médicos realizaron un procedimiento para proteger y liberar sus vías respiratorias, lo que ha requerido sedación. El presidente Bush está en estado estable y se recupera cómodamente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, donde permanecerá para observación”, detalló el comunicado.

El portavoz dijo además que la esposa del ex-presidente, Barbara, de 91 años fue igualmente hospitalizada el miércoles por la mañana “por precaución después de mostrar fatiga y tos”.

(Foto: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

La Gran Época también recomienda: ¿China continúa siendo comunista?

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Un lago convertido en un desierto, es lo que le sucedió al Poopó.

“Tenemos un lago que ha desaparecido, ahora es una pampa; un desierto donde no se puede sembrar nada, ni producir; no hay nada, mucho menos vida”.

Con estas palabras, recogidas por la agencia de noticias Efe, fue que el dirigente campesino Valerio Rojas describió la situación del lago Poopó, el segundo más grande de Bolivia después del Titicaca.

Este lago de agua salada, ubicado en un altiplano en el departamento de Oruro, que colinda con Chile, tenía una extensión de 2.337 kilómetros cuadrados.

Pero ahora ha quedado reducidos a tres humedales –”charcos” dirían algunos– de menos de un kilómetro cuadrados y escasos 30 centímetros de profundidad.

La catástrofe se venía anunciando desde hace años y tiene un fuerte impacto ecológico, económico, social y político.

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Un lago de 2.337 kilómetros cuadrados de extensión ahora está reducido a unos pocos humedales.

Implica la destrucción de todo un ecosistema, la pérdida de centenares de especies de fauna y flora, la desaparición de culturas por el éxodo de las comunidades que subsistían del lago y la falta de acciones efectivas para enfrentar la sequía.

Pérdidas ambientales y humanas

Según expertos en conservación, unas 200 especies de aves, peces, mamíferos, reptiles, además de gran variedad de plantas, desaparecieron con la sequía del Poopó.

El ornitólogo Carlos Capriles le dijo al diario boliviano La Razón que entre las aves que se vieron forzadas a abandonar el lugar había tres especies de flamencos en peligro de extinción.

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Según algunos activistas, hasta 200 especies animales perecieron o migraron a otros lugares.

“Al no existir el Poopó, su hábitat se reduce y aumenta el peligro de desaparecer”, explicó Capriles.

El experto explicó que el lago era un punto de descanso de aves migratorias que se trasladaban de norte a sur. “Hablamos de que unas 200 especies perecieron o se fueron a otras áreas”.

Otros activistas ambientales añaden que numerosos mamíferos, reptiles y anfibios quedaron sin hábitat y alimento con la transformación del lago en prácticamente un desierto.

Pero la peor parte se la llevaron los peces, señaló Carlo Capriles, pues no pudieron migrar como los otros animales y “murieron en el lugar”.

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Los peces se llevaron la peor parte, pues no pudieron migrar a ningún otro lago.

Por su parte, el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua confirmó la pérdida de una gran cantidad de especies únicas aunque no conocen la cantidad exacta y están pensando en realizar un conteo.

El desastre también tiene un costo humano. Unas 350 familias, en su mayoría pesqueros del lago, se han visto afectadas.

Con su forzado desplazamiento también se va la cultura de una comunidad que habitaba el propio lago Poopó con una economía lacustre de subsistencia.

Causas del desastre

La cuenca del Poopó había sido declarada en 2002 como un ecosistema de importancia internacional donde es agua es el principal factor que controla el ambiente, así como la vegetación y la fauna.

¿Cómo, entonces, sucedió su desaparición?

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La sequía se debió en parte por el calentamiento global y el fenómeno el Niño.

Las razones son complejas y van desde los efectos climatológicos y los malos manejos de los recursos acuíferos hasta la actividad humana, la contaminación y la falta de atención a un desastre que se veía venir.

Los análisis del gobierno apuntan al fenómeno El Niño y el calentamiento global ocasionado por países industrializados.

El viceministro de Recursos Hídricos y Riego, Carlos Ortuño cita datos científicos que establecen que la temperatura mínima aumentó 2,06º centígrados en los últimos 56 años y el Niño provocó sequías desde octubre.

La disponibilidad de agua es la segunda causa.

Los lagos Poopó y Titicaca dependen del aporte del río Desaguadero, pero un plan regulador establecido en la década de los 90 resultó preferencial para los niveles del Titicaca, impidiendo el paso de agua hacia el Poopó.

Además, el propio río está afectado por la actividad humana que lo usa para sus cultivos, y sistemas industriales y mineros.

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El mal uso del agua también contribuyó a la desaparición del lago.

Esta actividad, a su vez, causa contaminación. Oruro es un departamento minero y la extracción desde hace años se realiza de una forma “no responsable”, indicó el viceministro Ortuño.

Pero también se señala la “mala administración” de un fondo que estaba asignado para evitar la sequía del lago.

En 2010 Bolivia y la Unión Europea (UE) firmaron un acuerdo mediante el cual se adjudicaba un monto de unos US$15 millones para el programa Cuenca Poopó.

Según el exprefecto de Oruro, Luis Aguilar, en cuya gestión se firmó el acuerdo, su sucesor estuvo “mal asesorado” en el manejo del dinero y éste se dispersó en “proyectos sin sentido” y fue “despilfarrado” sin conseguir la recuperación del lago, según lo citó el diario La Razón.

El exdirector del Servicio Departamental Agropecuario y Ganadero, Severo Choque, también coincidió en que “no se priorizó de manera adecuada el trabajo específico en el lago“.

Recuperación, un “desafío”

Varios críticos han pedido que se realice una investigación para dar con los responsables de la falta de acción y de denuncia que permitieron el desastre.

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Unas 350 familias pesqueras dependían del lago.

“El costo de este desastre debe ser manejado con absoluta rigidez en la identificación de sus responsables”, escribió el columnista de La Prensa, Enrique A. Miranda Gómez.

Sin embargo, llamó a que se aplicara una política sostenible de “reencausar el curso de las aguas que provienen del Titicaca e invertir en ayuda de las poblaciones afectadas brindándoles infraestructura productiva, apoyo social y sobretodo seguridad a los más jóvenes”.

El martes, el gobierno boliviano y el departamento de Oruro anunciaron un plan para la restauración del lago Poopó.

En rueda de prensa conjunta, el viceministro de Recursos Hídricos y Riego, Carlos Ortuñez, y el gobernador de Oruro, Víctor Hugo Vásquez, informaron que se destinarían US$3,25 millones principalmente a la ayuda humanitaria y a un trabajo técnico sobre el caudal del agua que llega al Poopó a través del río Desaguadero.

También gestionarán un financiamiento internacional para el llamado Plan Director de la Cuenca del Poopó que requerirá, dicen, US$130 millones.

Ese, dijo Ortuñez, será “el desafío mayor” del gobierno para lograr ejecutar el plan que será elaborado por especialistas nacionales e internacionales.

Pero, mientras tanto, el segundo lago más grande de Bolivia sigue pareciendo un desierto.

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts controlled the Democratic presidential primary debate early with a progressive policy pitch.

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts controlled the Democratic presidential primary debate early with a progressive policy pitch.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren controlled the debate early with a progressive policy pitch. She and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said they would eliminate private insurance in favor of “Medicare-for-all.” Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro was aggressive on immigration, backing decriminalizing illegal border crossings. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar pointed out the three women on stage had long protected abortion rights. Candidates focused on how to take on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell more than Trump. Most thought climate change and China are the biggest threats. And the mics messed up halfway through, while Trump said the debate was BORING!

There was a lot of Spanish used in Wednesday night’s debate.

And New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker appeared shocked when Beto O’Rourke broke out his bilingualism.

The two Texas politicians tussled on immigration.

Warren detailed how she’d fight Mitch McConnell, who has repeatedly (and proudly) killed Democratic priorities in the Senate.

Klobuchar seized the moment on abortion rights in response to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.

Inslee explained why he’s making climate change the central focus of his campaign.

De Blasio talked about racial profiling and gun violence and how it’s become real when talking to his son, Dante.

Booker explained why the issue of gun violence resonated so much with him, and why “thoughts and prayers” aren’t enough.

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Sydney (EFE).- La búsqueda en el océano Índico del avión malasio desaparecido con 239 personas a bordo entró hoy en su trigesimosexto día, sin que la operación internacional haya captado señales acústicas en más de 24 horas.

“No hemos captado sonidos acústicos en las pasadas 24 horas (…) Aviones y barcos informaron ayer que avistaron objetos, pero solo se pudo recuperar un pequeño número. Ninguno provenía del (vuelo) MH370“, dijo en un comunicado el Centro de Coordinación de Agencias Conjuntas, creado por Australia para coordinar esta misión.

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Odds are that the erstwhile Republican party comrades of Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming will soon vote to purge her from the ranks of their leadership. Cheney, who occupies the third-highest position in the House Republican Conference and is the daughter of former vice-president Dick Cheney, survived a similar removal effort in early February, after she was one of only 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former president Donald Trump. At the time, House Republicans decided to retain Cheney as conference chair by a 145-61 margin, while the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, told reporters that “Liz has a right to vote her conscience.”

But that was three months ago, when even Republican leaders like McCarthy and Senator Mitch McConnell acknowledged that Trump was “practically and morally responsible” (in McConnell’s words) for provoking the mob that stormed the Capitol on 6 Januaryin an attempt to overturn the election. Since then, however, the Republican base has continued to uphold Trump’s false claim that the election was stolen from him and have pushed to remove any party officeholders who say otherwise. A recent CNN poll confirmed that 70% of Republicans say Biden did not win enough votes to be president and half believe (without evidence) that solid proof of Trump’s victory exists.

So congressional Republicans, always reluctant to stand up against Trump and his supporters, are edging toward the view that Cheney must go. Her crime, as they see it, is that unlike McConnell and McCarthy she did not fall silent about Trump in the aftermath of impeachment and publicly declared that she would not support him if he were to run for the presidency again in 2024. As Trump has howled for Cheney’s political demise, internal Republican criticism of her has mounted. McCarthy has openly withdrawn his support for her. She has responded with a defiant op-ed in the Washington Post calling on Republicans to “steer away from the dangerous and anti-democratic Trump cult of personality” and support the creation of a bipartisan, fact-finding commission to investigate the 6 January attack on the Capitol.

Republican critics of Cheney aren’t wrong, exactly, when they say she’s being divisive. Focusing on the Biden administration’s overreach, rather than waging an intra-party debate over Trump, would give the Republican party a better chance of retaking the House majority in 2022.

But unity on those terms would amount to putting party over country in the worst possible way. Cheney was absolutely correct when she told the former House speaker Paul Ryan, at a recent conservative conference, that Republicans can’t embrace the view that the election was stolen: “It’s a poison in the bloodstream of our democracy. We can’t whitewash what happened on January 6 or perpetuate Trump’s Big Lie … What he did on January 6 is a line that cannot be crossed.”

Trump’s fraudulent claim of a stolen election, and his continuing efforts to undermine the legitimacy of his successor, is an intense and very real danger to American democracy. In the recent observation of Michael Gerson, the former chief speechwriter for ex-president George W Bush, “the lie of a stolen election is the foundational falsehood of a political worldview”, one that makes facts and evidence irrelevant and encourages “distrust of every source of social authority opposed to the leader’s shifting will”.

Republican hopes that this anti-democratic movement within their ranks can be ignored or will somehow go away are futile. It will have to be confronted sooner or later, and the plausible outcomes become more ominous the longer the confrontation is deferred. If Cheney’s Republican colleagues resent that her resolve makes them look like cowards by contrast, voting to retain her in her leadership post would be a small step in the direction of integrity.

Even Republicans who prefer to place party over country should consider that under these circumstances purging Cheney inevitably will amount to choosing Trump and his lies over what Cheney called “critical elements of our constitutional structure that make democracy work – confidence in the result of elections and the rule of law”. How will that look to the college-educated middle-class voters whose revulsion from Trump in 2018 and 2020 gave Democrats control of both houses of Congress and the White House? For that matter, how will defenestrating the sole woman in the party’s congressional leadership help Republicans shore up their declining support among female voters?

Many Democrats in the grip of their own version of party-over-country consider Cheney’s likely downfall a form of karmic retribution. It’s true that Liz Cheney is as deeply conservative as her father, the former vice-president under George W Bush. It’s also true that both Cheneys, in different ways, played a role in marginalizing the Republican party’s once-robust moderate wing, and that the party’s resulting monolithic ideological rigidity made it ripe for Trump’s authoritarian-populist takeover.

But in this moment of national crisis, the critical factor on which a politician must be judged is his or her commitment to liberal democracy. It’s irrelevant that the leading candidate to replace Cheney as conference chair, Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, once had a reputation for moderation and bipartisanship. She now endorses Trump’s massive lie of a stolen election, and that negates anything else she has ever stood for. I hope that Americans from both sides of our widening partisan divide who share a common interest in preserving democracy can come to see the necessity of uniting around that principle, at least, before it’s too late.

  • Geoffrey Kabaservice is the director of political studies at the Niskanen Center in Washington, as well as the author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party

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The White House released a statement from Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC, on Monday that said President Trump’s visit there over the weekend was a “routine” checkup.

The statement, written by Navy Commander Sean Conley, was released by White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham amid rumors about Trump’s medical condition.

“Despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues,” Conley wrote in the letter.

“Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurological evaluations.”

The letter added that the visit was kept “off the record” due to uncertainties about the president’s schedule.

On Saturday, Grisham said the visit was part of his annual checkup, which he was getting out of the way early, but then revealed that he didn’t stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for very long.

“Anticipating a very busy 2020, the President is taking advantage of a free weekend here in Washington, D.C., to begin portions of his routine annual physical exam at Walter Reed,” Grisham said in a statement Saturday afternoon.

Trump in February spent more than four hours at Walter Reed for a checkup supervised by his physician and involving a panel of 11 specialists.

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The government has not proposed any changes to the PM’s Brexit deal during cross-party talks, says shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer.

Meetings have been taking place between Tory and Labour politicians to find a proposal to put to the Commons before an emergency EU summit next week.

But Sir Keir said the government was not “countenancing any change” on the wording of the existing plan.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “We have made serious proposals.”

The government was “prepared to pursue changes to the political declaration”, a plan for the future relationship with the EU, to “deliver a deal that is acceptable to both sides”, the spokesman said.

Sir Keir said the government’s approach was “disappointing”, and it would not consider any changes the “actual wording” of the political declaration. “Compromise requires change,” he said.

“We want the talks to continue and we’ve written in those terms to the government, but we do need change if we’re going to compromise.”

The UK is currently due to leave the EU on 12 April and, as yet, no withdrawal deal has been approved by MPs.

Theresa May has written to European Council President Donald Tusk to request an extension to 30 June.

But she says if the Commons agrees a deal in time, the UK should be able to leave before European parliamentary elections on 23 May.

Prisons minister Rory Stewart told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme that there were “tensions” but there was “quite a lot of life” left in the talks with Labour.

“In truth the positions of the two parties are very, very close and where there’s goodwill it should be possible to get this done and get it done relatively quickly,” he said.

He insisted that “of course we are prepared to compromise” on the political declaration.

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said: “The sense is that the government has only offered clarifications on what might be possible from the existing documents, rather than adjusting any of their actual proposals in the two documents.”

She added that both sides agree the talks are not yet over, but there are no firm commitments for when further discussions might take place.

In case no agreement has been reached by 23 May, the prime minister has said the UK would prepare to field candidates in European parliamentary elections.

BBC Europe editor Katya Adler has been told by a senior EU source that European Council President Donald Tusk will propose a 12-month “flexible” extension to Brexit, with the option of cutting it short if the UK Parliament ratifies a deal.

But French President Emmanuel Macron’s office said on Friday that it was “premature” to consider another delay.

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Ekrem Imamoglu hailed the result as a “new beginning” for the city

Turkey’s ruling party has lost control of Istanbul after a re-run of the city’s mayoral election, latest results show.

The candidate for the main opposition party, Ekrem Imamoglu, won 54% of the vote with nearly all ballots counted.

He won a surprise victory in March which was annulled after the ruling AK party complained of irregularities.

His opponent, ex-PM Binali Yildirim, has conceded. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated the winner.

“I congratulate Ekrem Imamoglu who has won the election based on preliminary results,” he tweeted.

But the result is being seen as a major setback for Mr Erdogan, who has previously said that “whoever wins Istanbul, wins Turkey”.

In his victory speech, Mr Imamoglu said the result marked a “new beginning” for both the city and the country.

“We are opening up a new page in Istanbul,” he said. “On this new page, there will be justice, equality, love.”

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Opposition supporters celebrated after the results were announced

He added that he was willing to work with Mr Erdogan, saying: “Mr President, I am ready to work in harmony with you.”

Mr Imamoglu’s lead of more than 775,000 votes marks a huge increase on his victory in March, when he won by a margin of just 13,000.

President Erdogan – the most powerful leader Turkey has seen in modern times – has just been dealt the biggest blow of his career.

This result shows that he made an incredible miscalculation by calling for the election to be re-run.

It will likely hasten splits in his ruling AK party and amplify talk of the post-Erdogan era. He will stress that he’s in power for the foreseeable future – elections are not scheduled until 2023 – but many will expect them earlier.

The result in Istanbul feels like it could be a precursor to them.

So how did the opposition win? Ekrem Imamoglu gave people the profoundly positive message they craved and rebuffed smears with smiles.

It was hugely effective, and showed the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has finally worked out how to counter the president.

They have waited 25 years to control this city and have long felt incapable of success. They are savouring this moment – after all, it could be a watershed one.

Who were the candidates?

Mr Imamoglu, 49, is from the secular Republican People’s Party and is mayor of Istanbul’s Beylikduzu district.

But his name was barely known before he ran for mayor in the March election.

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Binali Yildirim is an Erdogan loyalist

Mr Yildirim was a founding member of Mr Erdogan’s AKP and was prime minister from 2016 until 2018, when Turkey became a presidential democracy and the role ceased to exist.

He was elected Speaker of the new parliament in February and before that served as minister of transportation and communication.

Why was the previous result annulled?

Mr Imamoglu’s narrow victory of 13,000 votes in March was not enough for Mr Yildirim to accept defeat.

The ruling party alleged that votes were stolen and many ballot box observers did not have official approval, leading the election board to demand a re-run of the vote.

Critics argue that pressure from President Erdogan was behind the decision.

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Jubilation on the streets

By Cagil Kasapoglu, BBC Turkish, Istanbul

Hundreds of supporters of Mr Imamoglu have gathered here in his stronghold, Besiktas.

The cautious optimism that was prevalent during the early stages of vote counting has given way to a mood of total jubilation.

Hopeful youngsters are celebrating and proudly waving Turkish flags. Others are holding banners with pictures of Atatürk – the founder of the modern Turkish republic – on them. Some people are even wearing masks of Mr Imamoglu.

Many of these young people have only ever known President Erdogan’s AK party in government.

For them, this is an opportunity to push for change across the country.

“Many young people desperately want to leave Turkey,” Ayca Yilmaz, a 22-year-old university student tells me. “But now, we might consider staying here. We are hopeful once again.”

Why is this election so important?

Mr Erdogan, who is from Istanbul, was elected mayor in 1994.

He founded the AKP in 2001 and served as prime minister between 2003 and 2014, before becoming president.

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Mr Erdogan, seen voting, is a native of Istanbul and a former mayor of the city

But cracks in the party are now beginning to show and analysts suggest these could be exacerbated by this loss.

“Erdogan is extremely worried,” Murat Yetkin, a journalist and writer, said ahead of the vote.

“He is playing every card he has. If he loses, by whatever margin, it’s the end of his steady political rise over the past quarter of a century,” he added.

“In reality, he’ll still be president, his coalition will still control parliament – although many will perceive his defeat as the beginning of the end for him.”

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Rep. Tom GravesJohn (Tom) Thomas GravesBipartisan House group heads to Camp David retreat Lawmakers say they’re closing in on border deal to prevent shutdown Pelosi signals openness to new border ‘infrastructure’ MORE (R-Ga.) said Sunday that President TrumpDonald John TrumpRob Lowe mocks Warren over Native American ancestry claims Obama health official blasts Trump’s physical exam: ‘No doctor can predict someone’s future health’ Trump makes Native American joke about Warren campaign announcement: ‘See you on the campaign TRAIL’ MORE is “right to have contingency plans” in place, such as declaring a national emergency, should Congress be unable to strike a deal to fund his promised wall along the southern border.

Graves said on ABC’s “This Week” that Trump has “given Congress time to do their work,” and noted that Democratic leaders previously urged the president to reopen the government so that negotiations on border security could take place.

“That effort has been there,” he said. “And we don’t really see, I guess, something coming to a conclusion here in the next day or so. He’s going to have some plans in place.”

Trump triggered a recent 35-day government shutdown with his demand for $5.7 billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Democrats have offered funding for other border security measures, but no money for the wall.

The president agreed to reopen the government until Feb. 15 while a bipartisan group of lawmakers negotiate a deal to fund border security. Some members of the group expressed optimism a deal could be reached by Monday, but negotiations appeared to have stalled.

The president has threatened to declare a national emergency if needed to secure funding for the border wall. Several Republicans have expressed skepticism about such a move, however, which would likely prompt swift legal challenges.

Graves was one of a handful of lawmakers to travel to Camp David this weekend with acting White House chief of staff Mick MulvaneyJohn (Mick) Michael MulvaneyIvanka Trump claims president had ‘zero’ involvement in security clearances for her, Jared Kushner White House begins search for person who leaked president’s schedule: report On The Money: Negotiators discussing border funding lower than Trump’s demand | Amazon reconsiders HQ2 move to New York City | Early IRS numbers point to smaller average refunds MORE amid ongoing border security negotiations. The congressman said there’s “no reason” for the government to shut down again at the end of the week.

But Mulvaney said Sunday that another shutdown can’t be ruled out.

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La mujer ya había recibido el tratamiento y había retornado a sus funciones en una mutualista privada en la que sigue trabajando actualmente.

Cecilia Labandera, hoy con 35 años, ingresó a trabajar a principios del 2010 a esa área administrativa tras un concurso abierto. Tras quedar tercera, trabajó casi dos años. En octubre de 2011 le diagnosticaron cáncer de mama, lo que la obligó a abandonar temporalmente su puesto de trabajo. Su tratamiento lo hizo en el Centro de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Mamario de la Asociación Española, institución en la que también trabajaba, en donde recibió quimioterapia, radioterapia y una operación.

Durante ese proceso, en noviembre de 2012 esta cartera del Estado la declaró “incapaz” para trabajar en toda tarea.

Casi dos años después, en septiembre de 2013, finalizó su tratamiento. Su oncóloga, Patricia Suárez, presentó un escrito en el que dejó constancia que estaba apta para trabajar, y así volvió a hacerlo en la Asociación Española. Pero no en el Hospital Policial. El Ministerio del Interior la siguió certificando desde 2013 a 2016.

Hasta que en septiembre de 2016, el ministro Bonomi tomó la decisión final de apartarla de su cargo. Según la resolución de destitución, Labandera aportó informes médicos de especialistas de la órbita privada, cuando es la Junta Médica Nacional de Aptitud, del Ministerio del Interior, “la competente para dirimir la aptitud para el desempeño del cargo del funcionariado”.

Según una denuncia hecha pública, la mujer siempre manifestó voluntad de continuar trabajando y presentó informes que establecían que podía trabajar, pero no fueron considerados.

El Sindicato de Funcionarios Policiales de Montevideo, nucleado en el Pit-Cnt, divulgó un comunicado de prensa en el que critica el proceder de esta cartera. Calificó el hecho como una “extrema falta de empatía y respeto” a un funcionario.

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Un abrazo de consuelo entre la atleta neozelandesa Nikki Hamblin (izquierda) y la estadounidense Abbey D’Agostino (derecha).

“¡Estos son los Juegos Olímpicos. Tenemos que terminar!”

Esas fueron las palabras de aliento de la atleta neozelandesa Nikki Hamblin a la estadounidense Abbey D’Agostino, en la pista este martes durante la carrera de 5.000 metros en los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016.

La caída de Hamblin y luego de D’Agostino, que no la pudo esquivar, y su mutuo aliento dejó una de las historias más conmovedoras por la nobleza de su espíritu olímpico.

De hecho, aunque llegaron últimas, los jueces decidieron clasificarlas a la final, que será el viernes.

Sin embargo, este miércoles se supo que la historia tiene un final triste para D’Agostino, ya que sus Olimpiadas en Río terminaron: como resultado de la caída, la atleta sufrió lesiones de rodilla que la dejan fuera de competición, informó la federación de atletismo de Estados Unidos en un comunicado.

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La solidaridad se hizo presente en la pista de atletismo en Río de Janeiro.

Últimas pero primeras

En la segunda serie, Hamblin pisó el borde de la pista lo que le provocó la pérdida de equilibrio y la caída al suelo.

D’Agostino, que venía detrás, no pudo esquivar a la neozelandesa y terminó también en el piso.

Pero la estadounidense resultó en peores condiciones por lo que a los pocos metros volvió a caer.

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La corredora estadounidense terminó la carrera como pudo visiblemente afectada por el dolor.

Tras la desgracia y el dolor de D’Agostino, Hamblin no dudó en ayudar y alentar a su rival.

Tras las palabras de ánimo, ambas atletas se fundieron en un abrazo de consuelo y terminaron la carrera, aunque en las últimas posiciones.

D’Agostino debió ser retirada de la pista en silla de ruedas.

La emotiva escena conmovió a los jueces que decidieron recalificar a las atletas y tendrán la oportunidad de volver a correr el viernes en la final.

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The government of United States has announced additional travel restrictions affecting Iran, Italy and South Korea, which have emerged as major hotspots of the new coronavirus outbreak, following the first death from the virus in the country.

Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday the existing travel ban on Iran would extend to foreign nationals who had been in that country the past 14 days. He also urged US citizens not to travel to affected areas of Italy and South Korea. The US has already imposed restriction on entry from China, where the virus originated late last year.

“We want to lower the amount of travel to and from the most impacted areas, this is a basic containment strategy,” said Health Secretary Alex Azar at a joint news conference with President Donald Trump.


Shortly before the news conference, the Washington state Department of Health confirmed that one person had died of the disease officially known as COVID-19, marking the first death linked to the new coronavirus in the US. 

The death in the western state comes amid a slowly growing number of cases of community transmission in the US. There are some 62 cases in the country, mostly evacuees from a cruise ship. Of the 22 cases in the US directly, around 15 are in recovery, while several remain ill.

Trump told reporters at the White House that the deceased person was a “medically high-risk” woman in her late 50s, although a health official in Washington state later said it was a man.

The victim appears to have become ill through local transmission, said Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The investigation at this time shows no evidence of link to travel or a known contact,” Redfield said at the news conference.

Redfield stressed that “the risk to the American public remains low,” echoing comments by Trump, who urged the media to exercise restraint.

“If you are healthy, you will probably go through a process and you will be fine,” the president said. “There is no reason to panic at all. This is something that is being handled professionally.”

Trump also announced he will meet on Monday heads of top pharmaceutical companies to discuss the novel coronavirus.

Global spread

The virus has now hit 61 countries worldwide, with more than 2,900 people killed and nearly 86,000 infected since it was first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

Its rapid spread beyond China’s borders in the past week has caused stock markets to sink to their lowest levels since the 2008 global financial crisis over fears the disease could wreak havoc on the world economy.

Although the vast majority of infections have been in China, more daily cases are now logged outside the country.  

South Korea, which has the most infected people outside China, reported its biggest surge in new cases on Saturday with 813 more patients confirmed, bringing its total to 3,150. Italy, the epicentre of the outbreak in Europe, also reported a jump in new cases on Saturday, its number of infections exceeding 1,000 and the death toll jumping by eight to 29. Iran, meanwhile reported 205 new cases, with the overall number of infections now standing at 593 and the death toll at 43.

France on Saturday cancelled all gatherings of 5,000 people or more in a bid to contain the coronavirus outbreak which has infected 100 people throughout the country.

The virus has also spread to previously untouched areas in recent days, reaching new countries including Azerbaijan, Mexico and New Zealand, as well as the first case in sub-Saharan Africa with Nigeria reporting a case. Qatar and Ecuador both confirmed their first cases on Saturday.

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Por Darwin Franco Migues (@darwinfranco), académico y periodista independiente

Joaquín Guzmán Loera, “El Chapo”, no es únicamente el galán que coquetea a través del celular con la actriz de telenovela, Kate del Castillo, ni tampoco es solo aquel hombre aparentemente quieto que responde en video a las preguntas ligeras realizadas por Sean Penn, no. Esa es la representación mediática que se ha generado y explotado en estos últimos días en torno a éste, pero ese no es el verdadero Chapo Guzmán.

Quien otrora fuera uno de los líderes del Cártel de Sinaloa, una de las organizaciones criminales más ricas del mundo, es un hombre diferente al que no se nos quiere mostrar en las piezas informativas generadas tras su reaprehensión, pero mucho más en aquellas que hablan del aparente affair con del Castillo.

Estos “trabajos periodísticos”, al igual que el que publicó Sean Penn para la revista Rolling Stone, solo contribuyen a edificar aún más el “mito” alrededor de El Chapo pero no nos presentan al verdadero narcotraficante ni hacen que éste se confronte con toda la violencia que generó por años y, mucho menos, vinculan ésta con el enorme dolor que aún existe en las familias de aquellos que asesinó o desapareció.

Este dolor se generó no por sus “acciones de defensa” (como él sugiere en el video grabado por Kate del Castillo Productions) sino por su forma unilateral de actuar a través de la imposición del miedo y el terror. Ese es “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Si nos quedamos solo con este “El Chapo” que hoy se nos muestra/vende en los medios de comunicación, estaremos haciendo algo muy similar a lo que hemos hecho con diversos narcotraficantes que terminamos perdonando cuando vemos la representación de su vida (no su vida real ni las repercusiones sociales de ésta), a través de una serie o telenovela, o acabaremos justificando lo terrible de sus hazañas como hoy lo hacen cientos de mexicanos que cantan los narco-corridos porque consideran la posibilidad de ser algún día como Joaquín Guzmán Loera, “el jefe de jefes”.

El mito y su exacerbada representación mediática descontextualiza y desvincula al sujeto de sus acciones creando narrativas emotivas que humanizan los hechos violentos que éste cometió o puede ser capaz de cometer.

“Él no quería ser malo ni quería causar mal, fue la difícil vida que tuvo la que lo hizo así”, esto alguna vez me contestó una fanática de la telenovela El señor de los cielos, la cual narra a modo de ficción la vida del narcotraficante mexicano, Amado Carrillo Fuentes.

Para ella, lo que hacía Aurelio Casillas (Amado Carrillo Fuentes) podría ser totalmente justificado por la dolorosa vida que llevó, aunque en sí mismas las acciones que éste generaba en la serie fueran totalmente violentas y ella, como televidente, fuese totalmente capaz de identificarlo. La gran diferencia es que lo que “El Chapo” y Amado Carrillo realizaron no fue ficción sino absoluta realidad.

El problema con estas representaciones mediáticas que se construyen alrededor del narcotráfico, los narcotraficantes y la narco cultura es que impactan la producción social de sentido; es decir, la manera en que todos aprendemos a nombrar y significar algo en el mundo.

Por ello, estas representaciones buscan más la visibilización del mito alrededor del “capo más buscado del mundo” que la contextualización que nos permita entender qué posibilitó que un hombre como Joaquín Guzmán Loera escalara la estructura criminal del Cártel de Sinaloa pero también reconocer qué circunstancias se concatenaron para que éste escapara en dos ocasiones de prisiones de alta seguridad.

Este contexto cargado de redes de corrupción y filtración del narcotráfico en los tres niveles de gobierno del país, sin embargo, no vende tanto como el capo escapista que hace túneles bajo tierra o el capo que en su afán de inmortalizar su vida es capaz de traer a dos actores para que uno le haga su película y el otro una entrevista a modo.

Y, en medio de todo esto, se da tiempo de mostrar sus dotes de “don juan” hacia una actriz que en su momento también contribuyó a edificar el mito del narcotraficante a través del papel de Teresa Mendoza en la telenovela La Reina del Sur. Bajo este argumento no está por demás decir que Kate del Castillo no es Teresa Mendoza, como tampoco es únicamente la representación de la mujer que coqueteó con “El Chapo” que hoy se nos vende en la mayoría de los medios mexicanos.

Lo que hoy vemos después de la recaptura de “El Chapo” Guzmán es la producción y representación mediática que de él se hace en los medios, ya sea por decisión propia o en colusión con los intereses político-ideológicos del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto. “El Chapo” hoy es su producto y lo están explotando a través de la misma narrativa que Joaquín Guzmán Loera quería controlar a través de Penn y del Castillo, la de su mito.

Nota: La presente pieza fue seleccionada para publicación en nuestra sección de opinión como una contribución al debate público. La(s) visión(es) expresadas allí pertenecen exclusivamente a su(s) autor(es) y/o a la(s) organización(es) que representan. Este contenido no representa la visión de Univision Noticias o la de su línea editorial.

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Detail of a scarf print from the Beyond Buckskin Boutique. Photo courtesy of
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Morris said by spearheading innovative partnerships and leveraging resources from ASU, tribes and community organizations, she hopes that Inno-NATIONS will create a “collision community,” causing a ripple effect of economic change in tribal communities.

The first collision takes place with the inaugural learning lab series, “Beyond Buckskin: Beyond Online” on March 1 followed by “Protection in All Directions: A Fashion & Resistance Awareness Event” on March 4. The latter will include discussions, multi-media discussions and a fashion show highlighting local Native American designers including Jared Yazzie of OxDX.

Both events are free and take place at The Department in downtown Phoenix.

Inno-NATIONS will also launch a three-day pilot cohort with approximately 20 Native American businesses starting in June.

“Beyond Buckskin” features Jessica Metcalfe, a Turtle Mountain Chippewa, Dartmouth graduate and entrepreneur, who grew a small online store into a successful boutique on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

The store promotes and sells Native American-made couture, streetwear, jewelry, and accessories from more than 40 Native American and First Nations artist, employing tribe members from the Turtle Mountain community.

ASU Now spoke to Metcalfe to discuss her work.

Jessica Metcalfe

Question: We’ve seen Native American fashion emerge and evolve. How did you get into the business?

Answer: I was writing my master’s thesis in 2005 and my advisor at the time had told me about some research she had done, which looked at Native American fashion in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. She had wondered if I was interested in picking up where her research left off. I looked into it and found that there were these breadcrumbs, little bits here in there, that something had been going on in the past 60-70 years, but hadn’t been looked at as a collective movement.

Through my doctoral dissertation, what I discovered was that Native American fashion has gone through waves of acknowledgements by the broader public, but what we’re experiencing now is perhaps the biggest wave yet.

You have designers like Patricia Michaels out at New York’s Style Fashion Week and the Native Fashion Now traveling exhibit touring the country, so there’s really a lot of exciting things happening lately. It’s coming from a collective movement. Designers basically grouping together to share costs but also to put together more events to cause a bigger ruckus.

Q: How did you build your online store into a brick-and-mortar business?

A: I first launched a blog in 2009 as an outlet for my dissertation research, and wanted to share it with more people and to also get more stories and experiences. My readers kept asking where could they see and buy these clothes? At that time, there wasn’t an easy way to access functions like a Native American Pow Wow or market in order to do that.

I had established a rapport with designers through my research and writing. They saw what I was doing through the blog and then a question popped into my head. “How would you feel about creating a business together?” There were 11 initial designers who said they needed the space, and I worked with them to sell their goods online. We just now opened our design lab on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. We are creating a system where we can meet demand and maximize a need in Indian Country.

We employ Native Americans from ages 15 to 22. There aren’t a whole lot of opportunities for people that age on the reservation. They either work at the grocery store or the gas station. One of them is interested in film and photography and so they run our photo shoots. Another person is interested in business entrepreneurship, and they get to see how an idea goes from concept to execution.

Q: The subtext is that this isn’t just about fashion but, history, representation and cultural appropriation?

A: Our clothing is just more than just objects. It’s about how the material was gathered, what the colors represent, what stories are being told and how does that tie into our value system. One of the things I often discuss is the Native American headdress. Our leaders wear them as a symbol of their leadership and the dedication to their communities. These stories are a way to share our culture with non-Natives and protect our legacy for future generations.

Q: Why is it important for Native American businesses to branch out into other cultures?

A: Native American people desperately need to diversify their economic opportunities on and off the reservations. Up until recently, people haven’t thought of fashion or art as a viable career path.

A recent study conducted by First Peoples Fund that found a third of all Native American people are practicing or are potential artists. That is a huge resource we already have in Indian Country and we need to tap it and develop it, and push for Natives in various fields to look at themselves as entrepreneurs and launching businesses.

Now, Native American people have an opportunity to make a positive impact in their local communities by reaching people through their art and sharing our culture with the rest of the world.

Source Article from


miércoles 17 de mayo

no pueden circular los vehículos con engomado rojo, terminación 3 y 4 y hologramas 1 y 2  en la Ciudad de México (


) y en los municipios del

Estado de México

debido al programa

Hoy No Circula.

Te recordamos que la fase 1 de

contingencia ambiental

sigue activa.

El programa

Hoy No Circula

restringe este miércoles

17 de mayo

la circulación de automóviles particulares, taxis, camiones de carga y otros vehículos en un horario de 5:00 a 22:00 horas.

Este día quedan exentos del

Hoy No Circula

los vehículos con holograma cero y doble cero, así como vehículos de servicios fúnebres, de emergencia, urbanos, bomberos, médicos, rescate, seguridad pública, protección civil y las unidades conducidas por personas con capacidades diferentes.

De acuerdo con la Comisión Ambiental de la Megalópolis (


), la calidad del aire se reportó como muy mala la tarde del martes en el DF, por ello la

contingencia ambiental

sigue activa en la capital del país y zona metropolitana del Valle de México.

En el reporte de las 17:00 horas, la


informó que la zona suroeste del Valle de México había registrado 153 puntos de concentraciones de ozono (O3), por lo que la

calidad del aire

era muy mala.


Source Article from,d6686cdf649deb19fa72dc1c0b7516a0qrr9agva.html