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Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that the Alabama Senate had voted to pass the nation’s strictest abortion bill.

After a shouting match broke out, the Alabama Senate on Thursday tabled an amendment to a controversial bill that would criminalize abortions by making performing the procedure a felony punishable by up to 99 years imprisonment.

The decision was made by voice vote, angering Senate Minority Leader Bobby Singleton and other Democrats who were seeking a roll-call vote on all issues related to the abortion bill.

They accused Alabama Lieut. Gov. Will Ainsworth, a Republican who presides over the senate, of being too quick on the gavel in moving forward with the voice vote and steamrolling over their concerns.

“At least treat us fairly and do it the right way,” Democratic Sen. Vivian Davis Figures said.

As the disagreement escalated, the vote was moved until next week.

The bill, which is expected to be passed by the conservative majority, would be the most restrictive in the country and would impose what is in effect a near-total abortion ban.

Alabama is among more than two dozen states that have sought to impose new restrictions on abortion this year. Georgia on Tuesday became the sixth state to impose a ban on abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy.

Alabama Rep. Terri Collins (R), who sponsored the bill, said its purpose is to spark litigation that would force the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that guarantees a woman’s right to abortion.

Under the Alabama legislation, doctors would not be able to perform abortions once a fetus is “in utero.”

The version that passed in the statehouse allowed for only a single exception, in cases involving a serious health risk “to the unborn child’s mother.” An amendment added in the Senate would also provide for exceptions in the case of rape or incest. That amendment was the subject of fierce debate Thursday.

Gov. Kay Ivey (R), who has described herself as antiabortion, is expected to sign the bill into law, although she has declined to comment directly on the legislation until it is finalized.

This is a developing story.

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LAS VEGAS — Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thinks Republicans have been seduced by President Donald Trump and forgotten the whole point of the US Senate.

Sitting at his desk in his old Senate chair with his name engraved on the back, Reid complained that the Republican-led upper chamber has become too subservient to the president under current Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“I can’t imagine how the Republicans are being so compliant on everything [Trump] wants,” Reid told me during a recent interview in his Las Vegas office. “What’s the Senate all about?”

It’s not because Trump is an aberration, he cautions: “Trump did not create the Republican Congress; the Republican Congress created Trump.”

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sits at his desk during an interview in his Las Vegas office.
Krystal Ramirez for Vox

If Reid thinks the Senate is a shell of its former self, Republicans would likely tell the former Senate majority leader he helped hasten its demise. Reid was an effective but controversial leader, who will be remembered for “going nuclear” in 2013, blowing up the Senate filibuster that was long considered sacred.

Reid attributes that to a matter of practicality, saying he had “no choice” in the face of McConnell obstructing former President Barack Obama’s court and Cabinet picks.

“It was the right thing to do,” he told me bluntly.

Reid blames congressional Republicans for the fall of the Senate — pointing to their conduct on Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Merrick Garland, who never got a vote. More recently, he watched as Senate Republicans allowed Trump to issue an emergency declaration in an attempt to fund his border wall. With that precedent now set, Reid warned Democrats could do something similar in the future on an issue like gun control.

The former leader, 79, is now three years retired and returning to work after undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer (which he recently said is in remission). Reid is largely confined to a wheelchair these days but seems on top of his game. With a steady stream of Democrats running for president seeking out his advice on policy, he’s certainly still an influential player in Nevada and national politics.

Reid has not endorsed a Democrat in the 2020 race. But he’s warning the entire party that winning the election is no given and Trump could very well succeed again. “We have to first approach this recognizing that he could be reelected,” Reid said. “We cannot let this man be elected again. I think he has to be taken on. You need to fight him, but not on his terms, on your terms.”

And he was clear: Democrats should try to beat Trump in 2020, not waste their time attempting to impeach the president. Even with the current “tribalism” on Capitol Hill, Reid told me it’s crucial for Congress to do their work rather than become mired in impeachment.

“We’ll get nothing done if there’s impeachment proceedings,” he said. “We’d spend all of our time on that; nothing else.”

In a lengthy interview, Reid reflected on the state of Congress and Democratic politics — complete with his signature burns.

Ella Nilsen

I wanted to ask you about the filibuster. Do you stand by your decision to get rid of the filibuster for most presidential nominations in 2013?

Harry Reid

Let’s go back and look where we were. Obama was president of the United States. We had the DC Circuit that was four, five members short. DC Circuit is the second most important court in the country, right below the Supreme Court. The Republicans don’t like organized labor, they couldn’t take them on directly, so what they did is defang the National Labor Relations Board. They couldn’t even get a quorum because they wouldn’t approve any new people coming on the board.

We had Cabinet and sub-Cabinet officers that Obama couldn’t get approved. So we had no choice; I had no choice. And that’s why the Democrats agreed to change the rules. Now, first of all, understand the rules have been changed in the Senate lots and lots of times. I did it; it was the right thing to do. We approved over 100 judges for Obama, we filled all his Cabinet and sub-Cabinet officers with rare exception, we took care of the National Labor Relations Board, we did a lot of good things. And it would not have happened otherwise. We had to do that or the White House, the president, would become a meaningless person.

Ella Nilsen

Some 2020 candidates including Elizabeth Warren have called for the elimination of the filibuster entirely. Do you agree?

Harry Reid

No, I don’t. I think it should be done gradually. I didn’t author, but I approved, an article written by one of my longtime staff members, Bill Dauster, in the NYU Law Journal. It was a good, good article, because what it said was unless things changed, the House of Representatives was just going to move across the Capitol and you would have two Houses of Representatives. Now, would that be the end of the world? No, because it would still be bicameral. But you would have a simple majority determine what happens in the Senate. As I said, it’s not the end of the world for the Senate, but it would be better if we didn’t do it.

In the past, the filibuster has been used very sparingly. However, the Republican Congress in the last many years have filibustered everything so that 60 votes became the vote. As we wrote in that article, unless it changed, the House of Representatives will move across the hall and we’ll just have two Houses of Representatives.

Ella Nilsen

With that question about obstruction, when you look at what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has done, what is the mark you think he has left on the Senate?

Harry Reid

Well, I think the worst thing that was done by the Republicans has been what they’ve done with the Supreme Court. To think — now, first of all, the chairman of the Republican Judiciary Committee when they were in the majority, [Orrin] Hatch from Utah, said the most qualified person to be a Supreme Court Justice is Merrick Garland. He said that. I’m not making this up; that’s what he said. And so when Merrick Garland came up … we were all very happy, but Orrin Hatch walked away from it and this man never even got a vote. So that’s what the Republicans have caused to happen in the Senate. If they have a black mark against them, it is certainly what they’ve done with the Supreme Court.

Ella Nilsen

When you got rid of the filibuster in 2013, were you concerned that it would be taken a step further with the Supreme Court? And now, given what McConnell has done with the Supreme Court?

Harry Reid

Well, that’s possible. As I said, the rules in the Senate have been changed many, many times over the years. But what goes around comes around. Republicans, for example, voting to give — hard to mention his name as president — President Trump the authority to make an emergency declaration for this wall. If they do that, they’ve set a precedent to say, “Okay, seems to me if he can do that for a wall, then we can do something about guns.” 57,000 Americans are killed every year. So I repeat, what goes around comes around. They better be careful.

Ella Nilsen

If we did get to a point where the filibuster was eliminated, do you think it would be possible to govern in such a closely divided Senate?

Harry Reid

Oh, sure, of course. It would be easier probably to do that than what the Republicans are doing now, causing a filibuster on everything. You need 60 votes on everything — that isn’t the way it should be. The Congress would still work, [but] it wouldn’t work nearly as well as it has in the past because of the rules in the Senate. But if we changed them, the Senate would still have six-year terms; they would have to, as Jefferson said, pour the coffee in the saucer and let it cool off. It wouldn’t end the world of Congress.

Reid responds to questions during a Vox interview.
Krystal Ramirez for Vox

Ella Nilsen

What do you think about McConnell tying himself so closely to Trump?

Harry Reid

Well, I know Mitch McConnell; I consider him a friend. I can’t imagine how the Republicans are being so compliant on everything he [Trump] wants. What’s the Senate all about?

As I always said, I didn’t work for the president, I worked with him. We are a separate branch of government — we’re the legislative branch of government. Let the White House, which is the executive branch of government, do what they want to do. But we should be a buttress to keep the White House from going crazy, as this one has done.

Ella Nilsen

So you don’t think that’s happening now — do you feel the Senate or McConnell is serving the president?

Harry Reid

I think the Senate has lost their way.

Ella Nilsen

Are McConnell and Trump matching your and Obama’s legacy on judicial nominations at this point?

Harry Reid

[long pause] Matching … if you just go by numbers, of course they’re fairly equal at this stage. But I think if you look at quality, they’re not close.

Ella Nilsen

Are you concerned, though, about the number of Trump/McConnell judges that are now going to serve lifetime appointments, given some of their track records?

Harry Reid

Yeah, but of course, they’re concerned about what we did too. But I hope that the judges who are put in the courts around the country will understand they’re a separate branch of government. Once they get to be a judge, they no longer have to please Donald Trump. They are lifetime appointments. And we find around the country that a lot of these judges who I think a lot of people thought would just roll over and play dead for this administration aren’t doing it.

Ella Nilsen

How do you think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have handled President Trump so far, with the government shutdown and now all this talk about impeachment?

Harry Reid

Well, I served as leader when Pelosi was the speaker the first go-round, and I have such admiration for her, and the public feels about the same way I do. She has been one of the few people that took on Trump, and he had no answer to her questions and her pressure. Sen. Schumer and I have a longstanding relationship. Everyone knows that I brought him into Senate leadership. He did very well. As a leader, I hope I helped prepare him for that, but I’m not in any way [going] to second-guess him. I think the world of Chuck Schumer; we will always be friends. So I’m the wrong guy to ask, because I’m prejudiced.

Ella Nilsen

Well, looking at the challenges Trump has posed. The shutdown, when I was covering that, it felt like DC was gripped by this chaos.

Harry Reid

Well, I, during my political career, have heard people talk about the Constitution and the framework it has to protect our country. I never really felt that until Trump was elected president; I really feel that now. I think we’re going to overcome Trump because of our Constitution. We’re going to get through the next less-than-two years of him and then we’re going to have a new day. As Pete Seeger sings, “I can see a new day, soon to be, when the storm clouds will soon pass.” But I do believe that. I think that Trump will be gone because of our great Constitution. Our country will move on and get past that.

Ella Nilsen

There’s been a lot of discussion about impeachment since the Mueller report came out. Do you think Democrats should pursue that?

Harry Reid

There’s some who say the Mueller report is only an invitation for impeachment. Now, that would be a better view if it was a year ago. But it’s now; it’s not long until the 2020 election. I have no problem with there being hearings held based on the Mueller information. But I think to have impeachment now would eat up precious time we have before the general election, and I think even though there’s a lot of tribalism going on in Congress — some say, “Well, we’re not going to get anything done anyway.” I don’t believe that. We have to get a few things done, we can do that, and we’ll get nothing done if there’s impeachment proceedings. We’d spend all of our time on that, nothing else.

Ella Nilsen

Trump is talking with House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer about an infrastructure plan. Do you have any hope anything bipartisan is going to happen?

Harry Reid

We’re not going to get anything done unless it’s done on a bipartisan basis. That’s the way it is, no matter who’s president. And Trump, even though he hasn’t been good at most things … he’s a great starter but a lousy finisher. He starts a lot of stuff and rarely finishes anything. So I would think there’s hope for a good deal on the need for infrastructure. A trillion dollars — it’s more than that, but let’s start at $1 trillion. We have highways, roads, bridges, dams, waterways, sewer systems, just to name a few things that are deeply in trouble. We have water lines leaking all over America, and why aren’t they being fixed? Because people don’t have money to do it. Governments don’t have money to do it.

Now, we all agree there should be something done on infrastructure, so how are we going to pay for it? I don’t even think you can find a Republican writer, a journalist, that says anything good about the Trump tax cut. It just didn’t help; it didn’t help anyone. And I would hope we could use some of that money for infrastructure. We need to have money to pay for the infrastructure. It’s good to go to a meeting in the White House and say how much we need to improve our infrastructure system, it’s another thing to say we have problems with our infrastructure but we need to pay for it, and then outline how it’s going to be paid for.

Ella Nilsen

If Democrats can’t show a bipartisan achievement like infrastructure or another piece of legislation, could that hurt the party in 2020?

Harry Reid

I don’t think there’s any way to blame Democrats for the problems we have in Congress. Trump did not create the Republican Congress; the Republican Congress created Trump. It would be really a stretch to blame Democrats for things not getting done in this Congress.

Ella Nilsen

What do you think about the current push for Medicare-for-all in the House? They recently held hearings.

Harry Reid

Well, one of the things I’m very pleased that I worked hard on and we accomplished was Obamacare. That was very, very hard to get the votes to pass that. Pelosi and I were running the Congress at that time and we were able to get it done. A tremendous accomplishment for this country, and we know what it’s done: It’s improved the health care delivery system in America today. The Republicans have done what they could to chop it up and try to get rid of it; they haven’t been able to do that. They’re afraid to get rid of it.

But I think what we need to do is go back and restore Obamacare and keep progressing in that way. It’s easy to talk about Medicare-for-all and just eliminating everything and have it change tomorrow, but it’s much harder to do; it’s not that easy. And I think we would be better off going back and taking care of Obamacare, which did so many good things for so many different people. It allowed people who had prior disabilities who couldn’t get insurance [to get it]. Insurance companies ran roughshod over everybody. They couldn’t do that with Obamacare. But now they’ve weakened that a lot. So now what I say is let’s go back and restore Obamacare to make it better.

Ella Nilsen

How do Democrats defeat Trump in 2020?

Harry Reid

We have to first approach this recognizing that he could be reelected. We cannot let this man be elected again. I think he has to be taken on. I keep reminding the American people what’s in the Mueller report, what they see every day about his fabrications, about things people can’t believe he fabricates. This man who is president of the United States brags about what he can do to women, what he has done to women. I think he has to be taken on. You can’t take it lightly, but you can’t walk away from him, be afraid to fight him. You need to fight him, but not on his terms, on your terms.

Ella Nilsen

What do those terms look like?

Harry Reid

Take him head on. Let’s talk about an issue. Talk about health care delivery. Talk about what he’s done to foreign relations, what he’s done to our trade policy, what he’s done with renewable energy, which is nothing. What he’s done to destroy the environment, which is a lot. He ignores climate change — the most significant problem facing mankind today, or maybe ever. He doesn’t think it exists.

Ella Nilsen

Do you think Democrats are better off saying, “Look at these issues, here’s what he’s done on these issues,” rather than focusing on the Mueller report and Russia — this thing that’s consuming Washington?

Harry Reid

I think it’s a mix of both. I think that you can’t put your playbook and just have one play; you need to be able to adjust as time goes on.

Ella Nilsen

Looking at some of the candidates that are running, you see this left-wing populism coming from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Do you think that is an effective counter to the right-wing populism that Trump embodies?

Harry Reid

It’s a little more loud now than in the past. But ever since I’ve been involved in national politics, the Republicans are monitored and pushed by the far right. That’s the way it’s always been. Democrats have always been pushed by the left. That’s why we had the big flare-up in Chicago when [Hubert] Humphrey was running for president [in 1968]. So it’s always been there. It’s just louder than it’s been in the past.

Ella Nilsen

Even than in the ’60s?

Harry Reid

Oh, yeah, I think so.

Ella Nilsen

Why do you think it’s gotten so much louder?

Harry Reid

Because of Trump. I think he’s so outrageous in so many things he does that people are trying to find a way to respond to that. And as I said, I think that for example, on health care delivery, we’re not going to change the world in a day, but we can change it a few hours at a time and restore Obamacare to what it was and make it even better. On climate change, we’re not going to change it overnight, but we have these things we have to do. Renewable energy is something… we need to get rid of coal — get rid of it! Fossil fuels, do everything we can to get rid of it. America can supply all the energy it needs with wind and sun and geothermal and biomass, all kinds of things. We do not need fossil fuel.

I fought coal in Nevada; we don’t have one plant left in Nevada. It’s on its way out. People don’t want coal. We have Trump — he held out false hope for the coal industry. It’s gone, it’s just a question of how long it’s going to hang around, and we need to speed up its demise.

Ella Nilsen

What 2020 candidates are you keeping your eye on? There are so many of them now.

Harry Reid

Well, I had the good fortune of being able to visit with almost all of them. I have a meeting over the weekend with Beto [O’Rourke]. So we’re fortunate to have the good people running that we do. I of course served with Joe Biden in the Senate for 34 years; he’s a friend of mine. We’ve got our caucuses coming here next February, so I’m going to be very, very cautious and not endorse anyone. But everyone knows of my affection for Joe Biden.

Ella Nilsen

It seemed like Biden’s pitch when he announced was, first of all, taking Trump on very directly. And then also it seemed to me kind of a return to the Obama years, and I’m curious if you think that’s an effective pitch to the American people.

Harry Reid

Joe Biden’s rollout was very, very good, because it made a contrast to what we’re doing now under the Trump administration and what he has done. But he did it very, very subtly and very well, because remember he was eight years vice president for Obama. So I think everyone quickly realized that he’s not going to have Obama before the primary out waving banners for him, but everyone knows of their close relationship.

Ella Nilsen

What about Elizabeth Warren? There were reports you encouraged her to run for president for 2020. Why was that, and have you encouraged anyone else?

Harry Reid

Those reports are absolutely true. Her chief of staff and campaign manager was my former press secretary, so I have a longstanding relationship with Sen. Warren. I helped her get started and put her on that commission; she did a great job. To make a long story short, we wanted her after we passed Dodd-Frank to be in charge of consumer affairs in the White House and the Republicans stopped her from doing that, so she ran for the Senate. I wish they had given her that job. She’s done well. I think the world of her; she knows I can’t endorse her, I can’t endorse Joe or anybody else. But that doesn’t mean I can’t tell everybody how good they are.

Ella Nilsen

What do you think she brings to the campaign?

Harry Reid

First of all, she brings a Harvard brain with her. Being a law professor at Harvard, she’s a very, very bright woman. She is someone who I think is respected for what she’s done, not what she plans to do but what she’s done. … She started with nothing, became a single mother, got out of school because she was smart, and has done well.

Reid sits in his old chair from the US Senate.
Krystal Ramirez for Vox

Ella Nilsen

On the Nevada caucuses, what have Democrats in Nevada done in order to turn out the Latino/Hispanic vote that other states have struggled to do?

Harry Reid

There was an article that came out today that was so good. It talked about the reason that [Jacky] Rosen beat [then-Sen. Dean] Heller was the strong, strong Hispanic vote. I had been a fan of Hispanics and their organizations for a long, long time and people actually used to make fun of me. “Why are you going to do that? A lot of them are illegal; they never register to vote. If they are registered to vote, they don’t vote and turnout’s awful.”

When I ran last time, they thought they had me. The first ad they ran [was] “Harry Reid, the best friend illegal immigrants ever had,” and it had all these dark people look like they were coming across the water or something. And all it did was make Hispanics mad. So they joined together and reelected me. People said I couldn’t be reelected, leaders never do well in the state and it hurts to be a national leader. I did just fine and from that day forward — people around the country understood that Hispanics make a difference, and they do.

Ella Nilsen

Do you see that happening in 2020 with Trump’s rhetoric on immigrants?

Harry Reid

Oh, sure, yes, I think so. As I said two years ago here in Nevada, they make all the difference. [They] elected Congresswoman Jacky Rosen, who had only served one term in the House and became a senator.

Ella Nilsen

I feel like states like Texas have struggled to do this in the same way. Do you think there are other state parties who haven’t quite figured out how to do it?

Harry Reid

Texas has always been a difficult state. I’ve tried many times to elect a senator there. The problem we’ve had in Texas is there’s 22 separate media markets. It’s so expensive. But Beto did pretty well. I wish he had run against [John Cornyn], but he decided not to do that. But I just think that Texas is demographically a Democratic state; it’s only a question of time until they become one.

Ella Nilsen

How important are the Nevada caucuses in 2020?

Harry Reid

Well, I worked hard to get them established. It’s also been good for the country. The four early states — South Carolina, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire’s the only direct vote; the rest are caucus states. Nevada is the only state that is representative of our country: 30 percent Hispanic, 9 percent African American. Our balance is so interesting. We have a heavy Filipino population here. So the caucuses are just remarkably good for the country. If you want to do well in the West, you have to come to Nevada because we educate people in public lands, we advise them on renewable energy, we educate on nuclear waste, how bad it is.

Ella Nilsen

When you look at the power that Iowa and New Hampshire have, do you see Western states like Nevada and California taking a chunk of that power and getting to decide the president?

Harry Reid

Oh, yeah, for sure. And look what’s happened in the last few years. Two Democratic senators in California, two in Washington, two in Oregon. The West Coast is pretty Democratic, and we even got a Democratic congressman out of Utah, can you believe that?

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Liu He, China’s vice premier and top trade negotiator, will have dinner with President Donald Trump’s trade team Thursday evening in Washington, just hours before the U.S. will hike tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods.

Liu will dine with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other U.S. officials as the world’s two largest economies try to salvage a trade deal, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. Liu is not expected to meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday.

Markets will be watching for any clues or updates to leak out of the dinner. U.S. stock futures open at 6 p.m. ET. Stocks declined at the opening bell Thursday morning after Trump said during a Wednesday night campaign rally that China “broke the deal.”

Investors have followed the talks closely as they hope the U.S. and China can avoid widening their trade conflict and damaging the global economy. Asked whether the White House — which closely watches financial markets — is prepared for the market reaction Friday if no deal takes shape, Sanders responded, “We’re always prepared.”

The U.S. has officially filed paperwork to raise duties on the Chinese products to 25% from 10% at 12:01 a.m. ET on Friday. While the Trump administration said it could reverse its decision if the sides make progress during talks Thursday, it is unclear whether Washington and Beijing can move close enough to a deal.

Trump first announced the tariff increase on Sunday as the U.S. accused China of reneging on key parts of the developing trade deal. The Chinese side reportedly felt Trump may be willing to make concessions, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Trump has pushed for an agreement to address grievances with China such as intellectual property theft, forced technology transfers and trade deficits. The Trump administration has already placed tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods and has threatened to levy duties on more products as it tries to bring Beijing to the table.

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North Korea on Thursday fired projectiles that are believed to be missiles from the country’s western area, South Korea’s military says. The same day in Seoul, people watch a TV showing footage of a previous missile launch by North Korea.

Ahn Young-joon/AP

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Ahn Young-joon/AP

North Korea on Thursday fired projectiles that are believed to be missiles from the country’s western area, South Korea’s military says. The same day in Seoul, people watch a TV showing footage of a previous missile launch by North Korea.

Ahn Young-joon/AP

North Korea launched two projectiles Thursday that are believed to have been short-range missiles, according to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, in what would be the second test of such missiles in the past five days.

The apparent missiles were launched from northwestern North Korea, far from the border that divides the Korean Peninsula, and they landed in the Sea of Japan/East Sea, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.

Citing a statement from the joint chiefs, the Korean outlet says the first projectile was launched at 4:29 p.m. local time and flew about 260 miles. The second was fired 10 minutes later and flew about 168 miles.

South Korea’s military initially said Thursday’s launch took place in an area near Sino-ri, which South Korean media report as having a medium-range missile base. It later clarified that the projectiles were fired from the town of Kusong, north of Sino-ri.

The projectiles flew east, over populated land in North Korea and into the ocean. After the launch was announced, Japan’s Ministry of Defense said the apparent missiles did not reach its waters.

“The test comes as U.S. envoy on North Korea Stephen Biegun is visiting Seoul,” NPR’s Anthony Kuhn reports from South Korea’s capital, “and defense officials from the U.S., Japan and South Korea are holding annual talks here, as well.”

On Saturday, North Korea’s military launched a flurry of rockets and what it calls a “tactical guided weapon,” in what was seen as proof that the country is still working on new weapons as de-escalation talks between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un have stalled.

The missile tested Saturday bears a striking resemblance to Russia’s Iskander missile, which NPR’s Geoff Brumfiel describes as “a highly accurate short-range weapon capable of striking targets more than 150 miles away.”

North Korea’s missile test over the weekend took place along its east coast. U.S. officials had downplayed its importance, saying that the weapons North Korea is testing are far different from long-range ballistic missiles — and the tests that caused alarm in 2017.

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President Donald Trump, at a rally in Panama City, Florida on Wednesday night, mocked some of the candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. His targets included Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. (May 9)

President Donald Trump was tickled Wednesday when an audience member at a Florida rally suggested shooting migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Trump was bemoaning the legal protections afforded migrants and espousing the need for a border wall when he asked rhetorically, “How do you stop these people?”

“Shoot them!” someone shouted from the Panama City Beach crowd, according to multiple news media reports. 

The remark drew a chuckle from the president, who then shook his head, pointed in the audience member’s direction and said, “Only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement.” 

“Only in the Panhandle,” he repeated to laughs and cheers from the crowd. 

Prior to the interruption, Trump had mentioned “border security people” who he said are not permitted to use weapons on the migrants.

“I mean, when you have 15,000 people marching up, and you have hundreds and hundreds of people, and you have two or three border security people that are brave and great – and don’t forget, we don’t let them and we can’t let them use weapons. We can’t. Other countries do. We can’t. I would never do that,” he said. 

Florida rally: Trump announces Florida disaster relief in Panama City Beach

Border barrier: Environmental groups rip plan to replace 63 miles of border fence in Arizona

Trump was apparently referring to the rules Border Patrol agents must follow before using force.

In November, Trump suggested that the U.S. troops he deployed could fire on migrants who throw rocks and later that month the White House approved a memo authorizing those troops to use lethal force on migrants if necessary. The Wall: Border vigilantes, and the wall they might be watching

During an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity in March, Trump said the threat of deadly force is a “very effective” way to deter migrants, but said the U.S. “can’t do it.” 

“We need to defend our country. You have people pouring in,” he told Hannity. “Now, we’re capturing these people, we’re getting them. But we don’t do like other countries. Other countries stand there with machine guns ready to fire. We can’t do that and I wouldn’t want to do that.” 



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A vigil for the victims of the recent shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch that was organized by Team ENOUGH, a student-led initiative that is part of pro-gun control group Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, did not go as planned as students walked out to protest the group’s politicization of the tragedy.

During the vigil, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America activists, Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., each made remarks the students in attendance did not appreciate because, according to them, the adults were politicizing the event.

[Also read: ‘I was going to go down fighting’: 12-year-old readied with baseball bat to take on Colorado shooter]

The students walked out of the event and held their own vigil outside the school.

Students had also chanted “mental health” in response to the speakers pushing for more gun control.

9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark reports some students returned to the gym and to continue their vigil, saying they did not want to be used to push for more gun control.

The Brady Campaign issued an apology to the students for the politicization of the vigil.

“We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring and sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate and which we know is crucial to communities who suffer the trauma of gun violence,” the group said.

Moms Demand Action did not provide a comment in time for publication.

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In the two years since President Trump fired James Comey, the former director of the FBI has gone from the left’s folk hero – rewarded with a book deal for his supposed selfless public service – to someone at the epicenter of an FBI “spying” scandal that threatens to tarnish the bureau’s reputation.

Trump dismissed Comey on May 9, 2017, for his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Following Comey’s ouster, his former boss Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel of the Russia investigation, which went on to find no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — and could not reach a conclusion on whether to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.


Initially, Comey enjoyed relative success after losing his job, getting showered with media attention for his anti-Trump talking points. This propped up his book — “A Higher Loyalty,” published last year — for which Comey reportedly received $2 million and which posted sales of 600,000 copies in just one week.

But Comey’s star has undoubtedly faded amid allegations that the FBI under his command not only used an unverified dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele to justify surveillance of Trump campaign official Carter Page, but also that the bureau sent an undercover investigator to meet with ex-Trump aide George Papadopoulos in 2016.

Attorney General Bill Barr alleged, in the wake of the Mueller report, that the bureau engaged in spying against Trump associates during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“I think spying did occur,” Barr said during a hearing on Capitol Hill last month. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”

“I think spying did occur … The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”

— Attorney General Bill Barr

Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.”


Comey dismissed Barr’s comments at the time, saying he “never thought of” electronic surveillance as “spying.”

“When I hear that kind of language used, it’s concerning because the FBI and the Department of Justice conduct court-ordered electronic surveillance,” Comey added. “I have never thought of that as spying.”

But Comey was put on the defensive again following a recent bombshell New York Times report detailing the FBI efforts to investigate the Trump campaign.

The FBI reportedly sent a woman to meet with Papadopoulos at a bar in London during the campaign. The woman, who identified herself as Azra Turk, asked Papadopoulos point-blank if Trump was collaborating with Russians to swing the 2016 election.

Comey issued only a scant defense of the issue, telling Los Angeles radio station KNX 1070 AM that the practice was justified due to the ongoing threats from Russia.

“Really? What would you have the FBI do? We discover in the middle of June of 2016 that the Russians were engaged in a massive effort to mess with this democracy to interfere in the election,” Comey said.

“We’re focused on that and at the end of July we learn that a Trump campaign adviser — two months earlier, before any of this was public — had talked to a Russian representative about the fact that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton and wanted to arrange to share it with the Trump campaign.”


He added: “What should the FBI do when it gets that information? It should investigate to figure out whether any Americans are hooked up with this massive interference effort. And that’s what we did.”

But as Comey continues making the rounds to publicly defend his actions as FBI director — including plans to participate in a town hall event on CNN on Thursday night — he’s likely to face further questions and controversies amid Barr’s formation of a team to “investigate the investigators.”

A Trump administration official briefed on the matter told Fox News that Barr assembled a “team” to investigate the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign.


Fox News also has been told the Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) was looking separately into whether Comey mishandled classified information by including a variety of sensitive matters in his private memos that include the name and code name of a confidential human source.

Fox News’ Gregg Re, Jake Gibson and Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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North Korea fired unidentified projectiles on Thursday, according to the South Korean military, less than a week after leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the test-firing of multiple rockets and missiles.

“We confirmed that North Korea fired two rounds of missiles towards (an) eastern direction from Northern Pyongan Province at 16:29 p.m. and 16:49 p.m. (local time). Estimated travel distances were 420 km, 270 km, respectively,” a South Korean military official told NBC News. The Northern Pyongan Province is an area located to the west of the country.

The South Korean and U.S. authorities are conducting analysis for more detailed information and NBC News also said that the chief national security advisor in South Korea is monitoring the situation.

“(The) South Korea military has reinforced surveillance and vigilance for any more North Korean missile launches, and is maintaining fully preparedness by cooperating with the U.S.,” the official added.

The suspected short-range missiles appear to have been launched from a location near a missile base in Sino-Ri, according to the Dow Jones news agency. This is about 130 miles north of the demilitarized zone.

The new launches come as the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, travels to Seoul to meet with officials and discuss denuclearization efforts.

Last week, North Korea launched a number of rockets and at least one short range missile from its east coast into the ocean. Thursday’s launch would be the third time North Korea has fired a missile since talks collapsed between President Donald Trump and Kim in February.

The two leaders met in Hanoi, Vietnam, to discuss the possibility of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, but the talks ended abruptly without a deal. That summit had followed the historic meeting between Kim and Trump in Singapore last June. North Korea had pledged to cease its nuclear and long-range missile tests back in April 2018, but that promise was thrown into doubt when satellite images surfaced suggesting that a long-range missile test site was undergoing “rapid rebuilding.”

On Wednesday, North Korea’s foreign ministry commented on Saturday’s launch, saying the “strike drill” was “regular and self-defensive.”

“The recent drill conducted by our army is nothing more than part of the regular military training, and it has neither targeted anyone nor led to an aggravation of the situation in the region,” a spokesperson said in a statement to the state-run KCNA news agency.

The two launches in quick succession will likely accentuate tensions between Washington and Pyongyang and follow a meeting between Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin last month. The Russian leader told reporters that Kim wanted to denuclearize but needed “security guarantees” to do so.

—Reuters and CNBC’s Jeff Daniels contributed to this article.

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The new hard line taken by China in trade talks—surprising the White House and threatening to derail negotiations—came after Beijing interpreted recent statements and actions by President Trump as a sign the U.S. was ready to make concessions, said people familiar with the thinking of the Chinese side.

High-level negotiations are scheduled to resume Thursday in Washington, but the expectations and the stakes have changed significantly. A week ago, the assumption was that negotiators would be closing the deal. Now, they are…

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A high school student who helped tackle an accused gunman at his Colorado high school this week said his feeling of “absolute and complete fear” evaporated as he watched his friend, Kendrick Castillo, charge forward without hesitation.

Along with Castillo and one other student, Brendan Bialy, an 18-year-old student at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, was able to disarm one of the alleged shooters and pin him to the ground. 18-year-old Castillo was killed as he charged at the accused gunman and threw him up against the wall.

Brendan Bialy, a student at of the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, describes how he tackled a gunman who was firing on his classmates at the school.

“There was no questioning. There was no hesitation. There was no looking around,” Bialy said of Castillo as he spoke to reporters at a news conference.

“It’s really hard to stop that kid when he gets going,” Bialy said, likening Castillo to a human bowling ball as he rushed to overpower the suspect. “The gunman … was against the wall and didn’t know what the hell hit him.”

John Castillo, Kendrick Castillo’s father, called his son’s death “devastating, as you can imagine.”

“When I see the people that he saved, it made me happy,” John Castillo said. “I knew my son wouldn’t have it any other way. But as any parent would tell you, ‘It’s a heck of a trade off.'”

Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post via Getty Images
Students are escorted to a school bus in front of STEM School Highlands Ranch after a shooting, May 7, 2019, in Highlands Ranch, Colo.

Bialy said he had known Castillo since their freshman year and said they had been close friends. He described Castillo as a “fantastic, wholesome person” who loved cars and electronics.

Bialy was seated on the far side of his classroom on Tuesday afternoon when one of the two alleged shooters entered the room brandishing a pistol. He said his fight-or-fight response kicked in after seeing his friend stand up to the threat.

Courtesy John Castillo
Kendrick Castillo was identified by his parents as being the student who died at a Colorado high school shooting on May 7, 2019. Kendrick and his mother in a family photo.

Bialy was able to get the gun away from the suspect while the third student, who has not been identified, joined in to help and pinned the suspect to the ground, Bialy said.

“He did what he had to do and that was my son’s nature,” John Castillo said. “That’s what he does.”

Bialy said the gun went off once or twice. After Castillo was shot, an IT teacher came into the room and began performing chest compressions on the 18-year-old.

Castillo later died at a local hospital. Eight other students were injured in the shooting, including some in that same classroom, authorities said.

Rachel Short via AP
This undated photo provided by Rachel Short shows Kendrick Castillo, who was killed during a shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, in Highlands Ranch, Colo.

The only injury Bialy received in the scuffle was scrapes on his knees.

“I was blessed by something,” he said. “Somebody’s watching down on me. Something, somebody, I don’t know. Even though I was inches away, I didn’t get shot.”

Bialy described the gunmen as cowards. He said he knew both suspects, including one who was in his graduating class, but he only saw one of the suspects in his classroom. Other students who were in the same room were also shot and injured, he said.

Rick Wilking/Reuters
Crime scene tape is seen outside the school following the shooting at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colo., May 8, 2019.

Both suspects appeared in court Wednesday afternoon. The adult suspect, 18-year-old Devon Erickson, has been charged with murder. The other suspect, a juvenile, has not been identified, and any charges against him are not yet known.

When asked by a reporter on how he was “able to smile” despite having just experienced a tragedy, Bialy explained that it was because he got to see “the absolute best in people.”

Tom Cooper/Getty Images
Students and teachers raise their hands as the exit the scene of a shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch on May 7, 2019 in Highlands Ranch, Colo.

“I got to see two heroes — two regular high school kids, two really awesome people — jump into action,” he said. “I was more than lucky to join them.”

Bialy, who is a member of the U.S. Marines Corps’ Delayed Entry Program, rebuffed any suggestion that he was a hero, but said he has received congratulatory messages from several fellow U.S. servicemen.

“I need to let them know that Kendrick Castillo and that other student were in the thick of it, rolling in the ground, where I was too,” he said.

“Kendrick Castillio died a legend,” Bialy said. “I know he will be with me for the rest of my life.”

John Castillo began to cry as he remembered the time he spent with his son.

“He was always going to be with me man,” he said. “He’s always going to be here. … We were friends first and his parent second and I love that.”

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California has overhauled its sex education guidance for public school teachers, encouraging them to talk about gender identity with kindergarteners and giving advice to help LGBT teenagers navigate relationships and practice safe sex.

LGBT advocates praised the new recommendations for giving such attention to a community that often is left out of sex education policies. But some parents and conservative groups assailed the more than 700-page document as an assault on parental rights, arguing those issues should be taught by parents in the home.

The guidance approved by the California State Board of Education on Wednesday does not require teachers to teach anything. But it is designed to expose them to the latest research and help them make sure students are meeting state standards. It’s also influenced by a 2015 state law that made California one of the first states to address LGBT issues as part of sex education.

Much of the pushback has focused not on the framework itself, but on the books it recommends students read. One suggested book for high schoolers is “S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-to-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties.” It includes descriptions of anal sex, bondage and other sexual activity. Several parents read from the book and held it up so board members could see the pictures, which many described as “obscene.”

But Wednesday, the State Board of Education removed that book, and a few others, from the guidance. State Board of Education member Feliza I. Ortiz-Licon said the books had “created panic” and distracted from the framework’s goals, including teaching students about consent and sex trafficking.

“It’s important to know the board is not trying to ban books. We’re not staying that the books are bad,” she said. “But the removal will help avoid the misunderstanding that California is mandating the use of these books.”

More than 200 people signed up to speak during a public hearing on Wednesday that lasted for several hours. Supporters and opponents mingled together in the lobby of the California Department of Education, where parents handed out snacks to appease their young children while waiting for their number to appear on dry-erase board telling them it was their turn to get one minute of time at the microphone.

Speakers included 16-year-old Phoenix Ali Rajah, a transgender boy who said he is rarely taught information for people like him during sex education classes at his Los Angeles area high school.

“I’m never taught about how to be in a relationship with gay men,” he said, adding that the “conversation with sex starts from a different place.”

Patricia Reyes traveled more than 400 miles from her home in Southern California to bring her six children to the hearing, all of whom attend or have attended public schools. They included her 4-year-old daughter, Angeline, who held a sign that read: “Protect my innocence and childhood.”

“It’s just scary what they are going to be teaching. It’s pornography,” she said. “If this continues, I’m not sending them to school.”

The framework tells teachers that students in kindergarten can identify as transgender and offers tips for how to talk about that, adding “the goal is not to cause confusion about the gender of the child but to develop an awareness that other expressions exist.”

It gives tips for discussing masturbation with middle-schoolers, including telling them it is not physically harmful, and for discussing puberty with transgender teens that creates “an environment that is inclusive and challenges binary concepts about gender.”

Tatyana Dzyubak, an elementary school teacher in the Sacramento area, said she would have a hard time teaching the material. “I shouldn’t be teaching that stuff. That’s for parents to do,” she said.

California’s education standards tell school districts what students should know about a particular subject at the end of every grade level. The state’s curriculum framework gives teachers ideas on how to do that. The state updated its health education standards in 2008. But because of a budget crisis, state officials delayed giving schools a framework for how to teach them. That changed Wednesday.

“As a mom myself, whether you are ready for your kid to have those questions or not, they have them. And they need medically accurate information,” said Cheri Greven, public affairs director with Planned Parenthood of Mar Monte. “Otherwise, who knows what they will find on their own.”

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One day after the Senate Majority Leader proclaimed the Russia investigation, “Case closed” in a speech on the Senate floor – and hours after President Trump declared the same on Twitter – multiple news organizations reported Wednesday that the Senate Intelligence Committee has issued a subpoena for additional testimony by Donald Trump Jr. on the Russia probe, a surprise action by a committee controlled by Republicans in the Senate.

The subpoena was first reported on Wednesday by Axios.

News of the Trump Jr. subpoena emerged just as the House Judiciary Committee was voting on Wednesday to find Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over the full Mueller Report – as it was a sharp reminder that while the President has declared the Russia investigation to be over, it is still going forward, even in the GOP-controlled Senate.

The reported subpoena drew a rebuke from the top Republican in the U.S. House, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“It’s time to move on,” McCarthy said, echoing the mantra of GOP leaders and the White House.

It was not immediately clear why the Senate Intelligence Committee – which has already questioned the President’s son – would want Trump Jr. back for more Q&A.

While Trump Jr. has testified multiple times before Congress, the Mueller Report showed that the Special Counsel’s office never interviewed him during the Russia probe.



On page 125 of the Mueller Report, investigators said during the review of the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that Trump Jr. “declined to be interviewed” by the Special Counsel.

On page 317 of the Mueller Report, there was a redaction dealing with Trump Jr., which some experts believe is also about the inability of a grand jury to hear testimony from the President’s son.

Trump Jr. proclaimed his vindication as the redacted version of the Mueller Report was being released in April:

While the Senate Intelligence Committee was making news about Trump Jr., the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday added to the pressure by Democrats on Attorney General William Barr, as that panel joined the House Judiciary Committee in issuing a subpoena for the full Mueller Report, along with counter-intelligence information involved in the investigation.

“DOJ has responded to our requests with silence and defiance,” said panel chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). “Congress needs the material. We will not be obstructed.”

Just as Republicans said it was time to ‘move on,’ the refrain from Democrats was that the Trump White House and the Justice Department were engaging in a pattern of obstruction against legitimate oversight by the Congress.

“The Attorney General of the United States is stonewalling,” said Rep. Ted Deutch (R-FL).

But Republicans were having none of that.

“Democrats need to get over it,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

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Denver voters have narrowly approved a ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. The ordinance effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them.

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Denver voters have narrowly approved a ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. The ordinance effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them.

Photofusion/UIG via Getty Images

Denver voters narrowly approved a grassroots ballot initiative to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, commonly referred to as psychedelic mushrooms.

What appeared to be a failed effort on the evening of Tuesday’s referendum made an unexpected comeback the following afternoon, when Denver election officials released the final count. It showed a slim majority of 50.56% voted in favor of ordinance 301.

The action doesn’t legalize psilocybin mushrooms, but effectively bars the city from criminally prosecuting or arresting adults 21 or older who possess them. In the ballot language, adults can even grow the fungus for personal use and be considered a low priority for Denver police. The changes could take effect as soon as next year.

What happened in Denver may be the start of a much larger movement, which seeks safe access to psilocybin for its purported medicinal value. Supporters point to research, suggesting psilocybin is not addictive and causes few ER visits compared to other illegal drugs. Ongoing medical research shows it could be a groundbreaking medicine for treatment-resistant depression and to help curb nicotine addiction.

In Iowa, a Republican lawmaker recently proposed two bills to remove the drug from the state’s list of controlled substances. And in Oregon and California, campaigns are working to get similar issues on the ballot for the 2020 elections.

Kevin Matthews, director of the Denver campaign, often recounted his personal experience of using mushrooms to treat what he described as a crippling depression. He told NPR that the results from the Denver vote proves society’s perception of psychedelics has changed.

“Our victory today is a clear signal to the rest of the country that Americans are ready for a conversation around psilocybin,” he said.

Officials with the DEA office in Denver said they will continue prosecuting cases of psilocybin possession and trafficking. Under federal law, it remains a Schedule 1 drug that’s considered to have “no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

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In yet another dramatic escalation in the ongoing battle between House Democrats and the Trump administration, the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday subpoenaed the Justice Department for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full, unredacted report and the underlying evidence.

The subpoena comes hours after the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for not providing the same materials. Republicans have maintained that the report contains sensitive grand jury materials that must be redacted by law, at least for now.

The intelligence committee subpoena ostensibly requires Barr to produce the documents by May 15.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and the top Republican on the committee, California Rep. Devin Nunes, have asked for the unredacted Mueller report for several weeks.


Schiff said in a statement that the Justice Department “has repeatedly failed to respond, refused to schedule any testimony, and provided no documents responsive to our legitimate and duly authorized oversight activities.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., arrives for a Democratic Caucus meeting in Washington back in March. Schiff, the focus of Republicans’ post-Mueller ire, says Mueller’s conclusion would not affect his own committee’s counterintelligence probes. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

“As both the special counsel and the Department of Justice have recognized, the Congress has a vital constitutional role in evaluating misconduct by the executive branch, including the president, and to assess and refine laws that address the ‘sweeping and systematic’ invasion of our democracy by Russia,” Schiff said. “We therefore need these materials in order to do our job.

“The department’s stonewalling is simply unacceptable.”

Schiff concluded: “The department repeatedly pays lip service to the importance of a meaningful accommodation process, but it has only responded to our efforts with silence or outright defiance.  Today, we have no choice but to issue a subpoena to compel their compliance. If the department continues to ignore or rejects our requests, we will enforce our request in Congress and, if necessary, the courts.”

Meanwhile, New York Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who heads the House Judiciary Committee, said the full House will soon vote on the panel’s recommendation to hold Barr in contempt.


The committee’s 24-16 vote on contempt for Barr was along party lines and came after hours of debate. Ahead of voting, the White House invoked executive privilege, claiming the right to block lawmakers from seeing the full document.

Nadler called the executive privilege claim an “assertion of tyrannical power by the president” that “cannot stand.”

Nadler additionally characterized the situation as a “constitutional crisis,” although he did not explain what exactly had occurred that would have defeated existing constitutional safeguards and mechanisms. It was also unclear how House Democrats could enforce any contempt vote.

Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec, on the other hand, said it was disappointing that members of Congress “have chosen to engage in such inappropriate political theatrics.”

She added that Barr made “extraordinary efforts” to provide Congress and the public with information about Mueller’s work.

In searing, no-holds-barred remarks ahead of the contempt vote, House Judiciary Committee Republican Jim Jordan charged at Wednesday’s explosive hearing that Democrats were out to “destroy” Barr as a way to derail the Justice Department’s ongoing review of alleged misconduct by the intelligence community.

Jordan, R-Ohio, asserted that Barr was legally required to withhold portions of Mueller’s report on Russian meddling in U.S. politics.

Democrats, Jordan said, effectively put Barr in an unwinnable position: He could either release the full Mueller report in violation of the law and federal procedure, or keep the redactions and face a partisan contempt proceeding.

“Bill Barr is following the law, and what’s his reward?” Jordan asked toward the beginning of a hearing on whether to hold Barr in contempt of Congress. “Democrats are going to hold him in contempt.”


Barr was set to testify before the House panel earlier this month, following his remarks before the Senate, but pulled out. Said to be at issue: Dems’ insistence that committee staff — rather than members of Congress — ask the questions. That brouhaha, Jordan suggested, was a cynical sideshow designed to mask Democrats’ intentions.

“I don’t think today is actually about getting information,” Jordan continued. “I don’t think it’s about getting the unredacted Mueller report. I don’t think last week’s hearing was actually about having staff question the attorney general. I think it’s all about trying to destroy Bill Barr because Democrats are nervous he’s going to get to the bottom of everything. He’s going to find out how and why this investigation started in the first place.”

Fox News’ Brooke Singman, Mike Emanuel, and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr., according to a published report.

The subpoena is in relation to Russia investigation matters, Axios reports.

The move will pit a Republican-led congressional committee – chaired by Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) – against the Republican White House. This also marks the first time one of the president’s children has been handed a subpoena.

While special counsel Robert Mueller was conducting his investigation, committees in both the House and Senate were carrying out their own.

While the House Intelligence Committee’s probe broke down due to partisan bickering between committee leaders Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation’s bipartisan spirit has remained intact between Burr and ranking member, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.)

Trump Jr. had no immediate comment.

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Kendrick Castillo, 18, was killed in the shooting at his school

A teenager died in a shooting at a Colorado high school – days before his graduation – while charging one of the attackers, his classmates say.

Eighteen-year-old Kendrick Castillo was the only fatality in Tuesday’s assault allegedly by two students near Denver.

Eight other pupils were injured before the assailants were arrested.

The attack took place just 8km (5 miles) from Columbine High School, the site of one of the country’s most notorious shootings 20 years ago.

America’s latest school shooting unfolded at the STEM – science, technology, engineering and math – School Highlands Ranch in an affluent suburb of Denver.

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The Denver Post via Getty Images

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A school staff member comforts a child after the shooting

‘I wish he had gone and hid’

Classmate Nui Giasolli told US media she was in her British literature class when one of the suspects turned up late and pulled out a gun.

Kendrick lunged at the gunman, “giving us all enough time to get underneath our desks to get ourselves safe, to run across the room to escape”, she said.

John Castillo, Kendrick’s father, described him as “the best kid in the world”, in an interview with the Denver Post.

He said it was not surprising to him that Kendrick was said to have charged one of the shooters as they entered a classroom.

“I wish he had gone and hid,” said Mr Castillo, “but that’s not his character.

“His character is about protecting people, helping people.”

Kendrick was an only child. Mr Castillo said he and his wife are “in a haze”.

The 18-year-old was passionate about science and robotics.

He was going to study at a local college in the autumn, planning to major in engineering, his father said.

Another STEM senior, Brendan Bialy, is also being praised as a hero for helping subdue one of the gunmen.

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Brendan Bialy/Instagram

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Brendan tackled one of the gunmen

Brendan is a recruit for the US Marine Corps but was not trained specifically on active shooter protocols.

Marine Capt Michael Maggitti said in a statement that Brendan’s admirable courage “resulted in the safety and protection of his teachers and fellow classmates”.

Kendrick and Brendan are not the only examples of student heroism recently during a shooting.

Last month at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a 21-year-old student, Riley Howell, died while tackling a gunman, buying classmates crucial moments to escape, said police.

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Facebook, courtesy of Devon Erickson

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Devon Erickson, 18, has been named as one of the suspects

How did the Colorado shooting unfold?

Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock said the attack happened just before 14:00 local time (20:00 GMT) on Tuesday.

He told reporters the two attackers came in through an entrance that did not have a metal detector and attacked students in two locations.

Both suspects were pupils at the charter school.

There were around 1,800 students on campus at the time of the attack, Sheriff Spurlock said.

Officers arrived on scene within minutes.

“We did struggle with the suspects to take them into custody,” the sheriff said.

More on US gun violence

Media captionHow much do US students fear school shootings?

What is known about the suspects?

Police initially misidentified the younger one – a juvenile not named by police – as male.

“We originally thought the juvenile was a male by appearance,” Sheriff Spurlock said.

He declined to comment on local media reports that the suspect is transgender and transitioning from female to male.

The other suspect has been identified by police as 18-year-old Devon Erickson.

He made his first court appearance on Wednesday, facing one count of first-degree murder and 29 of attempted first-degree murder.

The defendant hung his head as he sat between two lawyers.

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Reuters/Courtesy Shreya Nallapati

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Students and staff wait outside near the STEM School during the shooting

The sheriff said it is not yet clear if anyone was deliberately targeted. Search warrants have been issued for both suspects’ homes.

One student at the school told CBS News Mr Erickson had talked about inflicting harm and sadness.

“I always thought he was just messing around and stuff, but sometimes he did hint at it here and there,” Michael Schwartz said.

One parent, named in local media as Fernando Montoya, said his 17-year-old son was shot three times and wounded.

“He said a guy pulled a pistol out of a guitar case and started to shoot,” Mr Montoya told ABC affiliate Denver 7.

Josh Dutton, 18, told AP news agency he used to be friends with Mr Erickson at a former school but had not seen him in four years.

He said he bumped into Mr Erickson, who was wearing all black, at a railway station on Sunday and he was much thinner and did not seem interested in talking.

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The New York Times no doubt considers it quite a coup to have obtained and published President Trump’s tax return information from 1985 to 1994. But doing so violated Trump’s right under federal law to the confidentiality of his tax returns.

The Times – which reported that Trump’s businesses lost $1.17 billion during the 10-year period – has no more right to Trump’s tax returns than it has to mine or those of any of you reading these words.

Confidentiality, as the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held in 1991 in U.S. v. Richey, is essential to “maintaining a workable tax system.”


Taxpayer privacy is “fundamental to a tax system that relies on self-reporting” since it protects “sensitive or otherwise personal information,” said then-Judge (now Supreme Court Justice) Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1986 in another case when she served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Regardless of the accuracy or inaccuracy of The New York Times story, tax returns themselves, as well as tax return information such as these IRS transcripts (which are a summary of the tax returns), are protected from disclosure by federal law.

Federal law – 26 U.S.C. §7213(a)(1) – makes it a felony for any federal employee to disclose tax returns or “return information.” Infractions are punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine as high as $250,000 under the Alternative Fines Act (18 U.S.C. §3571).

Regardless of the accuracy or inaccuracy of The New York Times story, tax returns themselves, as well as tax return information such as these IRS transcripts (which are a summary of the tax returns), are protected from disclosure by federal law. And this provision applies to private individuals as well as government employees, a fact that should be considered by the New York Times’ source.

According to the newspaper, it did not actually obtain Trump’s tax returns but “printouts from his official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, from someone who had legal access to them.”

The Times quotes a lawyer for the president, Charles J. Harder, as saying that the tax information in the story is “demonstrably false” and that IRS transcripts, particularly from the days before electronic filing, are “notoriously inaccurate.” However, that claim is disputed by a former IRS employee now at the liberal Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

The president tweeted Wednesday in response to the Times story: “Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered ‘tax shelter,’ … you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes….almost all real estate developers did – and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!”

Regardless of the accuracy or inaccuracy of The New York Times story, tax returns themselves, as well as tax return information such as these IRS transcripts (which are a summary of the tax returns), are protected from disclosure by federal law. If the newspaper obtained this information from an employee of the IRS, that employee will be in big trouble if he or she is identified.

Could the editors and reporters at the New York Times be prosecuted for publishing this information?

Section (a)(3) of the law makes it a felony for any person who receives an illegally disclosed tax return or return information to publish that return or that information. But it’s unknown if the bar on publication by a media organization could survive a First Amendment challenge.

What we do know is that in previous incidents, the government did not attempt to prosecute the publisher of tax return information. In 2014, the IRS agreed to pay the National Organization for Marriage $50,000 to settle a lawsuit after an IRS clerk illegally disclosed the organization’s tax return.

The clerk gave the tax return to Matthew Meisel, a former employee of Bain & Company, who gave it to the Human Rights Campaign (a political opponent of the National Organization for Marriage).

The tax return was then posted on the HRC website and published by the Huffington Post. Although the IRS paid to settle the lawsuit, none of the individuals or organizations involved in the illegal disclosure and publication were prosecuted.

If such a prosecution were attempted, there is no doubt that a First Amendment challenge would be filed.

The courts would then have to answer an important question: Are the interests of the government in an effective tax system and that of citizens in maintaining the confidentiality of their financial information outweighed by the First Amendment right of the press, and by and the public’s interest in obtaining financial information on elected officials?

In the midst of this illegal disclosure to the New York Times, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Monday that he would not comply with a demand by the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass, to provide the committee with copies of tax returns filed by Trump and eight of his companies for the last six years.

Mnuchin sent a letter to Neal telling him that “the Supreme Court has held that the Constitution requires that Congressional information demands must reasonably serve a legitimate legislative purpose.”

The Treasury secretary is correct. Numerous court decisions hold that legislative investigations must have a legitimate legislative purpose. Mnuchin says that Neal’s request “lacks” such a legitimate purpose.

The court decisions supporting Mnuchin’s decision include the 1957 decision in Watkins v. U.S., in which the Supreme Court told the House Un-American Activities Committee that “there is no congressional power to expose for the sake of exposure” the “private affairs of individuals.”

Rep. Neal has claimed that the legislative purpose of getting the Trump tax returns is to examine how the IRS audits presidents. But as Trump’s legal counsel has pointed out, Neal didn’t ask for the tax returns of any other presidents and hasn’t asked any questions of any kind about IRS policy and procedures for such audits.

Mnuchin tells Neal in his letter that he is willing to provide the congressman with complete information on “how the IRS conducts mandatory examinations of Presidents, as provided by the Internal Revenue Manual.”

If examining how the IRS audits presidents is really Neal’s legislative purpose – as opposed to simply wanting to expose anything embarrassing the committee finds in Trump’s tax returns – IRS information on its policies and procedures would be the only information the House committee would need.

So the Treasury Department has put House Democrats in check for now. It will probably be up to the courts to see who achieves checkmate when it comes to the Trump’ tax returns.


Now the interests of protecting the privacy of taxpayers warrants the opening of a government investigation to find the leaker who provided the Trump tax information to The New York Times.

The IRS and the U.S. Justice Department should investigate how this disclosure happened, find out who did it, and prosecute anyone who violated the law.


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