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En las noticias mé leídas del día, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump firmó un nuevo decreto migratorio que mantiene la prohibición de viajar a Estados Unidos por 90 días a ciudadanos de seis naciones, entre ellas rán, Libia, Siria, Somalia, Sudán y Yemen. El fundador del Infonavit, Jesús Silva-Herzog Flores, murió a los 81 años.

1. 5 puntos del nuevo decreto migratorio de Trump

El polémico presidente Donald Trump firmó el día de hoy un decreto revisado sobre una prohibición de viajes pero está vez dejó a Irak fuera de la lista de países cuyos ciudadanos no pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos, luego que su primer intento fuera bloqueado en los tribunales, dijeron funcionarios gubernamentales.

Este nuevo decreto mantendrá la prohibición de viaje a Estados Unidos por 90 días a ciudadanos de seis naciones de mayoría musulmana: Irán, Libia, Siria, Somalia, Sudán y Yemen.

2. Homex se hunde, defrauda a inversionistas

Después del fraude contable, detectado por la autoridad regulatoria estadounidense, por 3,300 millones de dólares de Homex, en el que colaboró la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, no sólo es otro duro golpe para la empresa, sino también para las emisoras del sector representadas en el mercado bursátil mexicano porque aumenta la desconfianza entre los inversionistas.

La semana pasada la Comisión notificó que la desarrolladora mexicana de vivienda reportó la venta de 100,000 casas que no había construido, ni vendido, con la finalidad de inflar sus ingresos del 2010 al 2013, con esto la emisora sobrevaloró sus ingresos en 355% o en alrededor de 3,300 millones de dólares y aumentó el número de casas vendidas en aproximadamente 317 por ciento.

3. Murió Jesús Silva-Herzog Flores a los 81 años

El día de hoy falleció a los 81 años de edad, Jesús Silva-Herzog Flores, político priista, académico, economista y fundador del Infonavit, confirmó el director general del Infonavit, David Penchyna en Twitter.

Silva-Herzog fue director fundador del Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (INFONAVIT), profesor e investigador de la UNAM y el Colegio de México, maestro en economía por la Universidad de Yale, analista para el Banco de México (Banxico) y ex secretario de Hacienda durante el gobierno de José López Portillo.

4. En enero el pago de intereses por endeudamiento creció 54% anual

En enero de este año, el gobierno federal gastó más en el pago de intereses que genera por endeudarse, que en inversión física destinada al mantenimiento y a la creación de obra pública.

De acuerdo con datos de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, al costo financiero de la deuda se destinaron 54,079 millones de pesos, lo que significó 54% más respecto a enero del 2016.

Es el incremento más alto que se haya visto desde el 2009, como efecto de la crisis financiera, cuando se observó un aumento del costo financiero por 69.4%, en el primer mes.

5. ¿A qué aspiras en tu retiro?, una cuestión fundamental

Los resultados arrojados por la Encuesta Nacional sobre “¿Qué piensan los millennials mexicanos del ahorro para el retiro?”, elaborado por la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) se encontró que a pesar de que 88% de los encuestados dijo conocer qué es una administradora de fondos para el retiro (afore), ve el ahorro predominantemente como un mecanismo para enfrentar una emergencia o adquirir un bien inmueble y solamente uno de cada cinco lo ubica como un mecanismo para mejorar el retiro.

Ante esto, expertos reconocen la importancia de concientizar a esta generación sobre lo que significa el ahorro para el retiro, que conozcan productos financieros que les ayuden a enfrentar esta etapa de su vida y que piensen cómo les gustaría vivir en su vejez.


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São Paulo – Exports from Brazil to Arab countries amounted to US$ 1.22 billion in July, up 15.6% from July 2013 according to figures supplied by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and compiled by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. It was the second straight month of increase in sales to the region, following a five-month spell of decline.

The highlights among the leading target markets were the United Arab Emirates, at US$ 278 million in exports, up 25.5%; and Egypt, at US$ 238 million, up 84% from July 2013.

Regarding the Emirates, the Arab Chamber’s CEO Michel Alaby noted that the country keeps growing, with “more and more construction works underway,” and therefore needs to meet demand from local population and expatriates, who are the majority, as well as from tourists.

“Egypt, in turn, has a new government, and wants to at least keep its population assured that there are sufficient food supplies,” he said, adding that the country is the leading Arab importer of Brazilian products.

Alaby found the weaker exports to Saudi Arabia to be odd. The country imported the equivalent of US$ 209.6 million from the country, up only 4.2% from July last year. “Saudi Arabia is home to the Hajj, they receive over 2 million pilgrims, and they (the Saudis) stockpile food wildly [in order to meed this demand],” he said.

The Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city of Islam, and will take place in early October this year. “I believe that this month (August) we will see an increase [in exports],” said Alaby, referring to the need to meet the demand from visitors.

The beef industry scenario, however, remains uncertain, the executive says. Arabs rank among the leading buyers of Brazilian poultry and beef, but China’s recent opening to Brazilian beef and the embargo placed by Russia on beef from the United States, European Union, Australia, Canada and Norway should drive up demand for Brazilian product and put pressure on prices.

Just to have an idea, before the embargo was announced, the Russians expanded from 30 to 90 the number of Brazilian meat plants certified to export to their market. The ban came as a response to the sanctions against Russia led by the US and the EU as Moscow gave support to Russian separatists who came into conflict with neighbouring Ukraine’s government.

In July, however, meat was not the leading Brazilian product in exports to the Arab world, sugar, iron ore and soy beans were.

Among the export destinations in the region, it is worth to point out the expressive increase in sales to Libya, Bahrain, Lebanon, Tunisia and Qatar last month.

The increase seen in July, however, was not enough to offset the decline of Arab exports year-to-date. In the first seven months of 2014, exports to the region grossed US$ 7.3 billion, down a little over 4% July-on-July.


On the other hand, Brazilian imports of Arab products amounted to US$ 887.3 million in July, down 44% July-on-July. Year-to-date, purchases amounted to US$ 6.44 billion, a decline of 11.5% when compared to the first seven months of 2013.

The fall was driven by the decline in imports of oil and oil products.

*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum and Rodrigo Mendonça

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A prominent Detroit pastor is calling the late Rep. Elijah Cummings “a great American hero” (Oct. 17)

BALTIMORE — The city of Baltimore is mourning the loss of Rep. Elijah Cummings, who represented Maryland’s 7th Congressional District until his death Thursday. He was 68.

Cummings died from complications of “longstanding health challenges” at 2:30 a.m. EDT at Gilchrist Hospice Care, his office said in a statement. Flowers had been placed in front of his downtown offices within hours and, at city hall, flags were flying at half staff.

“A fearless champion of justice who fought tirelessly for civil rights & equality for everyone, including his beloved Baltimore,” the NAACP said in a statement. “Our democracy is stronger because of him.”

Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. Young lamented the loss of “a powerful voice and one of the strongest and most gifted crusaders for social justice,” in a statement Thursday.

“He was, simply put, a man of God who never forgot his duty to fight for the rights and dignity of the marginalized and often forgotten,” Young said of Cummings.

A small group of reporters gathered outside Cummings’ Baltimore home on a quiet tree-lined street in the 2000 block of Madison Avenue. The house bears a sign in the window that reads “Re-elect Cummings for Congress,” and a single bouquet of white flowers lay on its front steps. 

Some neighbors were peeking out of windows or sitting on their stoops, including Darrin Timpson, 23.

“It’s very sad for his family and the black community,” he said. “That’s one person that really has not let the city down.”

Timpson remembered the late congressman was the guest speaker at a football banquet he attended when he was 13 and said he was “distraught” when he learned of his death.

‘Don’t just come and criticize’: Elijah Cummings defends Baltimore in face of Trump’s insults

Cynthia Wilson, 54, said residents are left wondering who will be able to pick up where Cummings left off.

“We need somebody that’s strong and who will fight for Baltimore just like he did,” she said, sitting in the doorway of the home she’s lived in for 12 years. “He protected Baltimore, he loved Baltimore and he did everything he could to help Baltimore … He meant a lot to Baltimore and we was blessed to have him for as long as we did.”

Wilson said she respected Cummings for always defending Baltimore, including when President Donald Trump derided Cummings’ district as a “rodent-infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.”

But she said it was seeing him march in the streets during the riots after Freddie Gray’s death in 2015 that “gave him king status.” A state of emergency was declared in the city when hundreds took to the streets after Gray, 25, died of injuries sustained during police transport.

“Nobody ever stood up like he did,” Wilson said. “He actually walked in the street while they (were) throwing trash cans and all that. And he just locked arms with people and kept going.”

One of those people was Bishop Walter Thomas, who has served as the pastor of New Psalmist Baptist Church since 1975. Thomas remembered forming a human chain with Cummings and another church member to walk down North Avenue as riots began on the night of Gray’s funeral.

“After we went out there that night, the night of Freddie Gray’s funeral, he was back on that street trying to bring calm,” Thomas said of Cummings. “He was out there every night calling folks to civility, calling folks to trust the process and I shall never forget that.”

Thomas said Cummings was his good friend for nearly 40 years and that he and his wife attended church nearly every Sunday, barring a legislative commitment.

As the son of sharecroppers who later became Pentecostal preachers, it was Cummings’ faith that drove him to serve, Thomas said. He said Cummings’ death has devastated the church.

“Everybody’s crushed,” Thomas said. “Here, he is more than just the United States congressman, he is brother Elijah Cummings.”

The pastor lamented the void left by Cummings’ death, but said his legacy will forever live.

“Just to call his name is to define a category in which he stands singular and alone,” Thomas said. “It’s like saying the name Michael Jordan. You don’t need to say any more, when you say the name Elijah Cummings, it will say it all.”

Follow N’dea Yancey-Bragg on Twitter: @NdeaYanceyBragg

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The college admissions scam involving Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman shows how some rich families use a “side door” to game an already unfair education system.
Just the FAQs, USA TODAY

For a subset of the American public, the annual race to get into top-tier schools is marked by anxious teenagers, mountains of paperwork, and the occasional wealthy parent who makes a large donation to a university advancement office to influence an admission decision.

But the complexity of the largest-ever college admissions scandal laid out in a federal indictment and strengthened by a rogue consultant’s guilty plea in court Tuesday took everything a step higher, revealing bribed coaches, falsified athletic records and impersonator exam takers. 

Many experts weren’t surprised. They say the scandal was a natural next step in a world of college admissions that has long favored the rich at the expense of the poor.

Here’s how the system got so rigged:

Colleges want everything

“The system is vulnerable because the system is corrupt to begin with,” said Kevin Carey, vice president of education policy for New America, a left-leaning Washington, D.C. nonprofit think tank.

“Colleges want everything,” he said. “They want very smart students and also the children of famous celebrities and also money in their endowments and also really good (rowing) teams and you can’t have all that unless you corrupt the underlying principal of accepting kids based on merit.”

The newest weak point appears to be athletic coaches who accepted bribes to recommend unqualified students for positions on non-elite sports teams.

But Carey challenged the idea of whether that was so different from very rich parents buying a university building to get their children a second look, a move that’s become so common it fails to register as unfair with most of the American public.

Parents are desperate

College has become such a status symbol that even celebrity parents were allegedly willing to break the rules to get their child a slot in an elite school, according to the federal complaint.

“I don’t think we should be super surprised,” said Bari Norman, the co-founder and director of counseling at Expert Admissions, a Manhattan-based firm that helps teens around the world prepare for the exams and college applications that will determine the next four years of their lives.

“It speaks to the desperation of parents and just how high stakes college admissions have become,” Norman added. “And unfortunately, it speaks to a lot of the messages we’re sending to kids, which is the most concerning part of this story.”

Admittance rates are dropping at elite schools

More students are applying for college, but Ivy League schools are admitting a smaller share of students than ever before. Harvard University and Stanford University, for example, only admitted about 5 percent of applicants, according to a recent list of the nation’s 100 schools with the lowest acceptance rates by U.S. News.

As admittance rates have plunged, the stress placed on getting into them has gone up, Norman said.


The admissions process is not well-regulated

“The woman who cuts my hair is under far more state and federal regulation than my colleagues are,” said Arun Ponnusamy, the chief academic officer of Collegewise, a college consulting firm based in Irvine, Calif.

Ponnusamy said the college counseling industry has several professional associations that feature codes of ethics, but there’s nothing to stop someone from acting on his or her own.

As for oversight at universities, Ponnusamy said some colleges’ admissions and athletic offices are tightly coordinated. But other schools would not devote the time or resources to fact-check the athletic record of every student recommended for admission by a coach.

Rich kids get ahead at the expense of the poor

More students today are applying to college, but just 9 percent of low-income students complete their college degrees within six years, compared to 73 percent of upper-income students, said Eric Waldo, the executive director of Reach Higher, an effort designed to increase college opportunities for all students.

For centuries, Ivy League schools historically admitted only wealthy, white males. While admissions have broadened to include students of exceptional ability no matter their race or income, those students often feel out-of-place at the colleges that remain dominated by rich students.

Admissions scam: Rick Singer, architect of scam, peddled a ‘side door’ to college admissions

“There are loads of students of color on these campuses who are forced to walk around thinking, ‘I don’t belong here,’ and now it’s clear that you have white, privileged kids who definitely don’t belong there,” said Ponnusamy, from Collegewise.

Carey, from New America, said elite schools are new to the idea of full meritocracy.

“Now I think that fact is being thrown into stark relief,” he said.

Schools narrowly defined success. Parents responded. 

Todd Rose, a professor at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, said the scandal is an outgrowth of what the American education system has narrowly defined as success for students: high grades, high scores on standardized tests, being a team leader, and getting into the best college.

Harvard acceptance: College admissions scam rekindles scrutiny of Jared Kushner’s Ivy entry , $2.5M pledge

“The thing that bothers me is that it doesn’t matter how talented your kid is, and what they have to contribute to society, it’s how well you can play this game and how well you can take this test, which is already on a bell curve so 50 percent of people have to fail it.”

Rose said he’s working on survey research that shows that the majority of Americans actually desire a more nuanced picture of success.

Others played the game, he said, and cheated to get ahead.  

More: Can Felicity Huffman’s and Lori Loughlin’s careers ever recover from college bribery scam?

Education coverage at USA TODAY is made possible in part by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation does not provide editorial input.


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A foreign service officer assigned to the White House says former GOP Rep. Robert Livingston (La.), now a powerful lobbyist, repeatedly urged that then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch be fired, according to a copy of the officer’s opening statement obtained by The Hill.

The officer, Catherine Croft, is testifying Wednesday behind closed doors to lawmakers on three panels running the House impeachment inquiry. 

In her testimony, Croft says that Livingston, who nearly became the Speaker in 1998 after then-Speaker Newt GingrichNewton (Newt) Leroy GingrichMORE (R-Ga.) stepped down, repeatedly pressed her to fire Yovanovitch when she worked for the National Security Council.

“During my time at the NSC, I received multiple calls from lobbyist Robert Livingston, who told me that Ambassador Yovanovitch should be fired,” her opening statement says. 

“He characterized Ambassador Yovanovitch as an ‘Obama holdover’ and associated with George Soros,” Croft’s statement says. “It was not clear to me at the time — or now — at whose direction or at whose expense Mr. Livingston was seeking the removal of Ambassador Yovanovitch.”

Croft’s statement says she informed two officials of the calls: Fiona Hill, the senior director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council at the time, and State Department Ukraine expert George Kent. 

The New York Times first reported the content of Croft’s opening statement.

Stepping out of the deposition room Wednesday morning, Rep. Debbie Wasserman SchultzDeborah (Debbie) Wasserman SchultzSondland emerges as key target after Vindman testimony New testimony raises concerns over Sondland’s credibility, says Wasserman Schultz Overnight Defense: Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey | ‘Small number’ of troops to remain by Syrian oil fields | Defense official’s impeachment testimony delayed five hours after Republicans storm secure room MORE (D-Fla.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said it was the first time she has heard a reference to Livingston in the impeachment investigation, despite the fact that both Hill and Kent had previously testified.

“The introduction of Bob Livingston definitely generates more questions. And I would like to hear more about that,” she said.

Wassermann Schultz stopped short of saying she would like Livingston to testify as part of the probe, deferring the decision to committee leaders. 

Yovanovitch has already testified in the impeachment inquiry about an effort to remove her from the ambassadorship. She eventually was recalled to Washington, D.C. by President TrumpDonald John TrumpNumber of uninsured children rises for second year, tops 4 million Trump moment from White House Halloween trick-or-treat event goes viral White House official says transcript of Ukraine call omitted key phrases: report MORE

Yovanovitch testified earlier this month that Trump pressured the State Department to remove her from her post, calling it a “concerted campaign” against her.

In her testimony, Yovanovitch denied that she had been disloyal to the administration. 

The congressional panels are examining whether Trump withheld aid to Ukraine as part of an effort to convince its government to conduct political investigations that would benefit his political campaign. 

On Tuesday, another White House aide, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, testified of his concern that Trump was pressing Ukraine to conduct an investigation into former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenWhite House official says transcript of Ukraine call omitted key phrases: report Biden uses National Cat Day to fundraise for putting a ‘pet back in White House’ Sondland emerges as key target after Vindman testimony MORE during a July 25 phone call to Ukraine’s president. Vindman was among those on that call. 

Croft said she did not hear the July 25 call, but had heard before it took place that White House chief of staff Mick MulvaneyJohn (Mick) Michael MulvaneyEx-Trump officials back Russia ambassador pick ahead of hearing The Hill’s 12:30 Report: White House official testifies he warned about Trump pressure on Ukraine House committees ask key Mulvaney aide for testimony in impeachment inquiry MORE had placed an informal hold on security assistance to Ukraine at the direction of the president. She also said that she understood Trump believed Ukraine was a corrupt country.

She said she understood that the purpose of the call had been to set up a one-on-one meeting between Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky that might “help undo President Trump’s long-held view of Ukraine as a corrupt country.”

Since July, Croft said her sole focus has been on helping to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine between that country and Russia. She described Zelensky as a leader who had taken political risk to bring Russia back to the table, and that his best hope for success lay in support from the United States and European countries.

Croft also said in her statement that she did not have any contact with Rudy GiulianiRudy GiulianiTrump attacks on Vindman trigger backlash AP: Saudi tycoon donated to Obama inauguration through a middleman House committees ask key Mulvaney aide for testimony in impeachment inquiry MORE, the personal attorney for Trump who some witnesses have said was conducting a shadow campaign in Ukraine that had worried other members of the administration. 

The House Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena to compel Croft to testify Wednesday in light of an attempt by the White House and State Department to direct the officer not to appear for her deposition, according to an official working on the impeachment inquiry. 

The official said Croft is now complying with the subpoena and answering questions from both Democratic and Republican members and staff.

Christopher Anderson, a former assistant to former special envoy to Ukraine Kurt VolkerKurt VolkerAdministration official to testify Bolton painted Giuliani as possible obstacle on Ukraine policy The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Better Medicare Alliance – Dems unveil impeachment measure; Vindman splits GOP The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Better Medicare Alliance – ISIS leader dead; Congresswoman resigns MORE, will also testify. He plans to tell investigators that former national security adviser John BoltonJohn BoltonThe Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Better Medicare Alliance – Dems shift strategy on impeachment vote Judge schedules hearing for ex-Trump aide who refused to appear in inquiry Ex-Trump official’s refusal to testify escalates impeachment tensions MORE painted Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani as a possible obstacle on Ukraine policy, according to a copy of his opening statement reported by CNN. 

Livingston resigned from Congress when he was near the Speakership after details of an extramarital affair spilled into the public, just as Republicans were set to impeach President Clinton for actions related to his affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky. 

He later formed the Livingston Group, which according to the Times has represented Ukrainian clients in the past.

Mike Lillis contributed to this report, which was updated at 12:05 p.m. 

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President Trump delivers remarks at Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Headquarters. #FoxNews

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden will wait to address a joint session of Congress until after Congress decides on the American Rescue Plan, his coronavirus relief package.

No date for the address has yet been scheduled, even though the president had suggested it would take place in February. Psaki, during Wednesday’s briefing, explained the delay.


“When it became clear, which it should have been from the beginning, that the American Rescue Plan would take until about, hopefully, about mid-March to get passed and signed into law, we made a decision internally that we weren’t going to have the president propose his forward looking agenda beyond that,” Psaki said, noting that parts of Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda are “still being determined” and that there are still discussions ongoing “internally.”

Psaki maintained, though, that he would not deliver his address “until after that bill is signed, until after those checks are going out to Americans, until after that vaccine money is going out, and after the money is going out to schools.”

Psaki’s comments come after the president endorsed a plan from moderate Democrats to narrow income eligibility for the third round of stimulus checks in his nearly $2 trillion coronavirus relief package, a Democratic source said Wednesday.

Under the latest proposal, Americans earning $75,000 or less would receive the fully promised $1,400 payment. But the checks would phase out faster for individuals at higher income levels than in the version passed Saturday by House Democrats, with individuals making $80,000 a year or more and couples making $160,000 a year, or higher, no longer qualifying for the money.

The House version of the bill would also send the $1,400 payments to individuals earning $75,000 or below each year, but the money would phase out slower, with the eligibility cut-off at $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 per year for couples.

That means individuals earning between $80,000 and $100,000, and couples earning between $160,000 and $200,000, are newly excluded from a partial check under the newest plan endorsed by the Biden administration.

Stimulus check eligibility emerged as a major point of contention between different ideological factions of the Democratic Party. The party can’t afford to lose the support of even a single Senate Democrat, as it needs all 50 members to pass the measure via simple majority with a procedural tool known as budget reconciliation.


Lawmakers are racing to send the legislation to Biden’s desk before March 14, when more than 11 million Americans will lose their jobless aid when two key federal jobless aid programs created a year ago under the CARES Act — and extended in the $900 billion relief package that Congress passed in December — lapse.

Meanwhile, as for his first address to Congress, past presidents have traditionally given a speech to Congress during their first year in office, often in February. An address to a joint session of Congress is like a State of the Union, though it technically is not called that until the president’s second year in office.

Typically, new presidents deliver their addresses just weeks after the inauguration.

Former President George H.W. Bush delivered one of the earliest addresses to a joint session, taking place on Feb. 9, 1989. Former President Donald Trump delivered one of the latest — his address was on Feb. 28, 2017.

Former President Barack Obama delivered his address on Feb. 24, 2009; former President George W. Bush delivered his on Feb. 27, 2001; and former President Bill Clinton delivered his on Feb. 17.


Presidents, during their first congressional address, tend to establish the tone of their new administration, with optimistic language to look ahead, and to set their legislative agenda as well as outline their positions on a range of policy issues.

Biden, since taking office, has signed dozens of executive orders, actions and directives, with Biden officials telling Fox News that the moves are “previews” of the agenda items the president will push in Congress. They have been focused on environmental regulations, the climate crisis, immigration policies, racial justice, health care and more.

FOX Business’ Megan Henney and Blake Burman contributed to this report. 

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Screaming ‘Karen’ attacks Native Americans staging a protest against Trump’s border wall – and then mocks them when they refuse to fight back and start praying to their ancestors

  • Group of Southern California Native Americans were attacked by irate woman
  • She is filmed shouting at the group and hurling xenophobic remarks at them  
  • The peaceful protesters respond in a non-violent manner and attempt to restrain the woman 

A screaming ‘Karen’ was filmed attacking a group of Native Americans opposing the Mexico border wall construction. 

The unnamed woman then mocks them when they refuse to fight back and start praying to their ancestors.  

Video footage shows the woman pushing and shoving the Southern California Native Americans, who are part of a group called Defend Kumeyaay Land. 

They had gathered at the site of the wall in San Diego County, California, to peacefully protest against the construction of the Mexico border wall.

The maskless woman shouts at the group, telling them to ‘get the f*** out of here’ and saying they are ‘disturbing the job

She hurls xenophobic remarks at them, telling them the land is hers and not theirs, but the protesters refuse to engage in a fight with her

‘You’re being recorded,’ one of the group members tells the irate woman in the video

The maskless woman shouts at the group, telling them to ‘get the f*** out of here’ and saying they are ‘disturbing the job’ of constructing Trump’s border wall.

She hurls xenophobic remarks at them, telling them the land is hers and not theirs, but the protesters refuse to engage in a fight with her. 

Kumeyaay land lies between San Diego and Baja California in Mexico. 

According to an Instagram post written by the group, the woman had also tried to tear down their tent. 

‘You’re being recorded,’ one of the group members tells the irate woman in the video. She replies ‘I don’t give a f***,’ as she lunges at the person recording the scene.  

The peaceful protesters respond in a non-violent manner and attempt to restrain the woman. 

Later in the footage, as the group begin praying to their ancestors and singing and chanting, the Trump supporter appears to mock them by hopping around and mimicking their Native American dance rituals. 

The peaceful protesters respond in a non-violent manner and attempt to restrain the woman

Later in the footage, as the group begin singing and chanting, the Trump supporter appears to mock them

The protest group describe themselves as a ‘small indigenous initiative that is rooted in prayer’ . 

They say they are protesting against the border wall construction on behalf of ‘the land and indigenous sovereignty’. 

The caption of the Instagram post reads: ‘Tonight we experienced a violent woman who tried to tear our tents down. We de-escalated and stayed non-violent. 

‘We used songs and prayers again just like how we non violently stop desecration to the land.’ 

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Officials identified Aminadab Galaxio Gonzalez as the man who allegedly opened fire at a Southern California office building, killing four people, including a child.

The shooting happened at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, and officers arrived as shots were being fired. An officer-involved shooting occurred and the suspect was wounded, although it’s unclear if it was self-inflicted or from an officer. He was transported to a hospital and in critical condition.

Gonzalez, 44, is from Fullerton, according to Lieutenant Jennifer Amat. Officials believe the shooting was motivated by personal and business relationships that existed between the suspect and the victims.

If convicted, Gonzalez would be eligible for the death penalty, according to Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, who said this was a special circumstance case.

Law enforcement officials said Gonzalez allegedly used a bike lock to hold the gates closed, requiring officers to bring bolt cutters to the scene to gain entry. The District Attorney’s office is looking into whether the locking of the gates constitutes a “lying in wait,” which also is punishable by the death penalty.

Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez, 44, was identified as the suspect of a Wednesday shooting in Orange, California.
Orange Police Department

When officers arrived on the scene, they found multiple victims. Along with the four people who lost their lives, a fifth victim was injured during the shooting and transported to a hospital in critical condition.

“It appears a little boy died in his mother’s arms as she was trying to save him during this horrific massacre,” Spitzer said.

Paul Tovar told KABC he was trying to find out about his well-being of his brother, who owns a business in the building and wasn’t answering his phone. Tovar was “pretty scared and worried” and said he was “just praying really hard.”

Another witness told KABC they heard five to seven gunshots, then heard more gunshots go off a few minutes after police arrived. Neighbors initially thought it was a car backfiring but when it became louder, they realized it was gunfire.

A firearm was located on the scene, according to Amat, and multiple agencies were on the scene on Wednesday to help with the investigation. Amat said it could take days or even weeks to obtain information on any relationship the suspect had with the victims.

Law enforcement identified the suspect in the Orange, California, shooting that left four people dead, including a child. A police officer keeps watch at an office building where four people, including a child, were killed in a shooting on Wednesday in Orange, California.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

“Orange is a very safe city and we don’t have stuff like this that happens very often,” Amat said. “It’s been many, many years before we’ve had an incident like this happen.”

It’s the deadliest shooting in Orange since 1997, according to police, when a 43-year-old former Caltrans worker shot and killed four of his former coworkers.

This latest incident comes on the heels of deadly shootings in Boulder, Colorado, and the Atlanta area, prompting calls for Congress and President Joe Biden to take action on gun control.

House Democrats sent a letter to Biden urging him to take executive action to regulate concealable firearms similar to the one that the Boulder suspect used to kill 10 people. The Ruger AR-556 pistol isn’t a rifle, but it resembles one and can fire rifle rounds.

The White House is considering taking executive action on gun control, with Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying on Tuesday the administration was “working on a couple of levers.” One is to work with Congress, and Psaki said they’ve seen an openness from Republicans to have a “debate and discussion.”

Biden told reporters he was “of course” prepared to make calls to Republicans to help move legislation forward. He defended his record on gun control, saying “the only gun control legislation ever passed was mine” and that “it’s going to happen again.”

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In announcing the Doral pick just days earlier, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney described the resort as “the best place”.
Wochit, Wochit

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that President Donald Trump was “honestly surprised at the level of pushback” on plans to host next year’s G-7 summit at his Doral resort in Miami. 

Democrats and some Republicans, as well as government watchdogs, decried the administration’s decision to award the event to one of the president’s properties. Critics rejected Mulvaney’s claim that Doral had been selected as the “perfect” location after an exhaustive search. Many, including former White House officials, said it had the appearance of impropriety and others said it was a violation of the Constitution. 

Trump backed down in the wake of the criticism and declared the event would not be held at his resort “based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility.” 

‘There’s a perception of impropriety’: Former White House officials say Doral G-7 breaks precedent

Opinion: G-7 at Trump’s Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest.

Mulvaney said on “Fox News Sunday” that “we are all surprised at the level of pushback” and that it was “the right decision to change.” 

“We’ll have to find someplace else. And my guess is we’ll find someplace else that the media won’t like either for another reason,” he said. 

Mulvaney said Trump “saw an opportunity to take the biggest leaders from around the world, and he wanted to put on the absolute best show.”

“At the end of the day, you know, he still considers himself to be in the hospitality business,” Mulvaney explained. 

“He’s the president of the United States,” host Chris Wallace replied. 

“Yes, but that’s his background. It’s like, I used to be in the real estate business,” Mulvaney said. He tried to get Wallace, the son of “60 Minutes” reporter Mike Wallace, to relate by asking him what he did “before you were in the media.” 

“Nothing. That’s all I’ve ever done,” Wallace said. 

“But he wanted to put on a show. He wanted to take care of folks,” Mulvaney said. “He’s in the hotel business, or at least he was before he was the president.” 

Wallace asked Mulvaney if Trump understood that at the very least, it was a bad choice in terms of appearance.

“Well, I think he knows. He thinks people think it looks lousy,” Mulvaney said. 

More: House Judiciary Committee to investigate Trump’s desire to use his Doral resort to host next G-7 summit

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“All around the country, Americans of every political stripe will rally behind an initiative to make sure that they, their children, their parents, their husbands, wives, sons, uncles, nephews, cousins can be the first to get a job when it opens up, to get her old job back when they rehire or to keep their job if they already have one,” he said.

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Prosecutors in California have decided not to charge two police officers who fatally shot an unarmed black man last year, saying the “shooting was lawful.”

Sacramento County District Attorney Marie Schubert announced on Saturday that Officers Terrance Mercadal and Jared Robinet would not face criminal charges in the March 18 death of Stephon Clark after an independent review of the case found that the pair used lethal force lawfully.

The 61-page review conducted by the prosecutor’s office stated that  Mercadal and Robinet “had honest and reasonable belief that they were in imminent danger of death or great bodily injury.”

Schubert said the decision “does not diminish in any way the tragedy, the anger and the frustration that we heard since the time of his death.”

She added: “We cannot ignore that there is rage within our community.”

Reaction to the decision came swiftly on Saturday. Among the first to weigh in was Clark’s mother, Sequette, who refused to accept prosecutors’ judgment. “They executed my son,” she said, according to The Associated Press. “It’s not right.”

Also on Saturday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and civil rights activists called for criminal justice reforms concerning use of deadly force. Newsom called it a hard truth that “our criminal justice system treats young black and Latino men and women differently than their white counterparts. That must change.”

How the community at large will react to prosecutors’ decision remained an open question early Saturday evening, though Sacramento has been bracing for protests; business owners were warned by a business association and state government workers told by legislative officials in recent days to stay away from downtown at least through the weekend.


Clark was shot and killed March 18;  the two officers were responding to a report of somebody breaking car windows. Police said they believed Clark was the suspect, and that he ran when a police helicopter responded and failed to obey officers’ orders.

Police said they thought Clark was holding a gun when he moved toward them with his arms extended and an object in his hands. He was later found to only have a cellphone on him.

Police video of the shooting does not clearly capture all that happened after Clark ran into his grandmother’s backyard.

It showed him initially moving toward the officers, who were peeking out from behind a corner of the house, but it’s not clear whether he was facing them or that he knew the officers were there when they opened fire after shouting “gun, gun, gun.” The video showed Clark staggering sideways and falling on his stomach as the officers continued shooting.


“We must recognize that they are often forced to make split-second decisions and we must recognize that they are under tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving circumstances,” Schubert said on Saturday.

A review of the district attorney’s findings stated that “the law recognizes an inherent right to use deadly force to protect oneself or others from death or great bodily harm.”

It continued: “This fundamental legal principle is known as the right of ‘self-defense.’ A police officer does not lose his fundamental right by virtue of becoming a police officer.”


Clark’s family, including his two sons, his parents and his grandparents, filed a wrongful-death lawsuit in January seeking more than $20 million from the city, Mercadal and Robinet. The suit alleges that the use of force was excessive, and that Clark was a victim of racial profiling.

One of the officers who shot Clark is black and the other is white, police said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Donald J. Trump y campaña política de Donald Trump

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Sr. Trump, nosotros, periodistas de Univision Noticias, estamos profundamente preocupados por su decisión de revocar las credenciales de prensa del Washington Post.

Su acción no tiene precedente y es peligrosa. En Estados Unidos de América, los principales medios de prensa siempre han tenido acceso a los eventos de campaña de los candidatos presidenciales. Nunca antes se les ha restringido o negado el acceso.

En Estados Unidos los candidatos a puestos públicos siempre han aceptado que parte de la cobertura que recibirán será crítica. Los candidatos usualmente responden a la cobertura desfavorable argumentando que la misma es errónea o injusta. Lo que no hacen – no en Estados Unidos de América – es intentar obstruir la cobertura negándole acceso a la prensa a sus eventos. Hay demasiados lugares en el mundo en los cuales las figuras políticas usan cualquier medio a su disposición para castigar y silenciar la cobertura desfavorable. Estados Unidos no es uno de esos lugares.

El Washington Post es una de las instituciones periodísticas más respetadas e icónicas en Estados Unidos y el mundo. Nosotros en Univision Noticias apoyamos al Washington Post y sus esfuerzos para cubrir estas elecciones de una forma consistente con su política editorial.

Lo exhortamos a que les dé al Washington Post y a sus lectores el respeto que merecen, sin importar lo que usted considere acerca de la cobertura noticiosa del Post. Sobre todas las cosas, lo incitamos a que actúe de acuerdo a los principios democráticos de Estados Unidos de América y a la robusta tradición de libertad de prensa que ellos merecen.

Respetuosamente lo urgimos a usted, señor Trump, a que restituya las credenciales de prensa del Washington Post.

Donald J. Trump and Donald Trump Campaign

Trump Tower

725 Fifth Avenue Manhattan

New York, NY

Mr. Trump, we, as journalists of Univision News, are deeply troubled by your decision to revoke The Washington Post’s press credentials.

Your action is unprecedented and dangerous. In the United States, mainstream press organizations are always granted access to presidential candidates events. Never before have so many of them been denied this access.

In the United States candidates for public office have always accepted that some of the news coverage they receive will be critical. Candidates often answer unfavorable coverage, arguing that it was inaccurate or unfair. What they don’t do – not in the United States – is attempt to choke off coverage by denying press organizations access to campaign events. There are all too many places on earth where political figures use whatever is at their disposal to punish and silence unfavorable news coverage. The U.S. is not one of those places.

The Washington Post is one of the United States’ (and the world’s) most respected and iconic journalistic institutions. We at Univision News stand foursquare with The Washington Post as it endeavors to cover this election in a manner consistent with its own editorial judgment.

We urge you to accord the Washington Post and its readers the respect they deserve, no matter how you regard the Post’s news coverage. Above all, we urge you to accord American democracy and the robust free press tradition that is its hallmark the respect that they deserve.

We respectfully urge you, Mr. Trump, to reinstate The Washington Post’s press credentials.

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Los allegados a López se reunieron tras conocer la condena.

Un silencio incómodo se sintió en la noche del jueves tras la intervención de los allegados al venezolano Leopoldo López en una plaza caraqueña después de que se conoció la condena por más de 13 años al político opositor.

De repente, una mujer gritó: “¿Y ahora qué hacemos?”.

Ni los activistas opositores ni la familia de López supieron o quisieron responder: el silencio se prolongó.

Lea también: Venezuela: condenan a Leopoldo López a más de 13 años de prisión

Después de que uno de sus símbolos más importantes sufre un revés judicial, la oposición venezolana se enfrenta a un dilema: ¿protestamos o votamos?

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López es uno de los símbolos de la oposición en Venezuela.

En ambos escenarios, el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro tiene ventajas: maneja las fuerzas de seguridad del Estado, controla la mayoría de los medios de comunicación y posee una eficiente maquinaria electoral.

El 6 de diciembre están pautadas unas elecciones parlamentarias que muchos en la oposición ven como el último recurso democrático para generar un cambio en el país, afectado por una profunda crisis económica y de inseguridad.

El oficialismo, a pesar de que se encuentra 20 puntos por debajo de la oposición en encuestas de intención de voto, dice que va a ganar la elecciones con el objetivo de continuar el para ellos “exitoso” legado social y político del fallecido Hugo Chávez.

Lea también: “Queremos imponerle la paz al gobierno”, dice oposición de Venezuela tras condena a Leopoldo López

Maduro está concentrado en una política para “liberar a Venezuela del paramilitarismo”, que según él entra al país por la frontera con Colombia y genera el caos de violencia y escasez que viven cada día los venezolanos.

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Después de numerosas protestas, para muchos las elecciones son el último recurso democrático.

Mientras tanto, la oposición tendrá que jugar ajedrez en un tablero que es, en principio, desigual.

Por qué lo condenan

López fue declarado culpable de todos los cargos: instigación pública, daños a la propiedad, incendio intencional y asociación para delinquir.

Por todo ello, fue condenado a 13 años y 9 meses en la cárcel militar de Ramo Verde, a las afueras de Caracas.

Lea también: Leopoldo López, el líder rebelde de la oposición venezolana

Según la justicia, López actuó como autor intelectual de las muertes y los daños ocurridos el 12 de febrero en Caracas, en la primera de varias marchas masivas a lo largo del país que pedían la renuncia de Maduro.

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Jesús Torrealba es el jefe de la coalición opositora Mesa de la Unidad Democrática.

Las protestas, que se prolongaron por tres meses, según el recuento del gobierno dejaron un saldo de 43 muertos, más de 1.000 heridos y casi 4.000 detenidos.

López dice que promovió una protesta pacífica en el marco de la Constitución y que lo condenan sin pruebas simplemente por ser un factor de disidencia.

La defensa informó que apelará en los 10 días que tiene de plazo y que, si eso no funciona, presentará un recurso legal ante el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.

López y la oposición

Exalcalde del municipio caraqueño de Chacao, López –que tiene 44 años– es una de las figuras más importantes de la oposición, no solo por su carisma, preparación y contundencia, sino porque desde que está arrestado se ha convertido en lo que algunos llaman “un mártir de la democracia”.

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Henrique Capriles, gobernador de Miranda, es otra figura importante de la oposición.

Al tiempo, López se ha caracterizado por ser un opositor radical para el que la única forma de resolver los problemas del país es, en sus palabras, “saliendo de este gobierno”.

Desde 2008, la oposición ha acudido a los procesos electorales en coalición con la llamada Mesa de la Unidad (MUD). En dos ocasiones, en 2012 y 2013, el candidato presidencial ha sido el gobernador de Miranda, Henrique Capriles.

Pero con la remontada de su popularidad en los últimos dos años, López se volvió un factor de división dentro de la oposición, porque hay otra corriente según la cual el cambio debe tener en cuenta al chavismo.

Esa divergencia de estrategias se mantiene en la oposición venezolana, que deberá llegar unida a las elecciones parlamentarias para ganar.

“Gran parte del futuro de la oposición va a depender de la posición del propio López para sostener o no la unidad”, le dice a BBC Mundo Luis Vicente León, encuestador y analista político venezolano.

Precisamente el viernes la esposa de López, Lilian Tintori, leyó una carta en la que el líder opositor pedía a sus partidarios no “dejarse derrumbar anímicamente” por la condena.

López en su carta convocó una marcha para el sábado 19 de septiembre e iniciar el camino hacia las elecciones.

“Ese día, con irreverencia, con revive democrático, salgamos con toda nuestra fuerza a votar”, escribió Lopez.

Esa parece ser la dirección de toda la MUD: “La única rebelión posible para nosotros es la rebelión electoral”, le dijo a BBC Mundo el jefe de la coalición opositora, Jesús Torrealba.

Los retos de la oposición

Varios analistas señalan que ésta y otras recientes medidas del gobierno –como el cierre de la frontera con Colombia y la inhabilitación de varios candidatos opositores– buscan, entre otras cosas, promover la desesperanza y la abstención entre los potenciales votantes opositores, que pueden llegar a sentir que los poderes del Estado están al servicio del Ejecutivo.

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Leopoldo López y su esposa, Lilian Tintori, en la marcha tras la que el líder opositor se entregó al gobierno, hace 19 meses.

Sobre esto, Torrealba dice: “Vamos a votar no porque confiamos en el ente electoral, sino a pesar del ente electoral, porque tenemos una mayoría tan amplia que el cambio es inevitable”.

La oposición también cuenta con ventajas más allá de la mayoría que proyectan las encuestas.

Por un lado, con la condena, López pasa a aparecer aún más como un mártir.

Luis Vicente León recuerda a Pedro de Braganza, rey de Portugal y Brasil, quien dijo: “Nunca martirices a tus enemigos porque siempre regresan, vivos o muertos y te destruirán”.

En ese sentido, dice el analista, “López puede más bien unificar a toda la oposición y canalizar su energía hacia el evento electoral”.

“No hay nada más motivante que una elección donde ese líder mártir llama a ser liberado a través del voto”, concluye León.

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¿Será la condena a López un golpe o un impulso para la oposición?

Con un limitado acceso a los medios de comunicación y sin tantos recursos para hacer campaña, el reto de la oposición venezolana es convencer a la mayoría de los venezolanos de que el gobierno no es invencible en las urnas.

La condena de López, más que un golpe a la oposición, puede llegar a ser su As bajo la manga.

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